February 2022 Cattaraugus County, NY -  Real Estate Sales Listings & Deed            
Muni Sale Date Grantor (Seller) Property Loc Map # PU / PC Tot AV Sale Price # Par
Rec Date Grantee (Buyer) Book/Page Front/Depth Acres Per Prop Split
OLE 1/28/2022 Phillips Robert A. 224 Fourth St N 94.065-1-54 210 / 210 90000 1 1
41200 2/24/2022 Robert A. Phillips and Nancy D. Phillips, T 20221 / 276 50 / 150 0 0 No
OLE 1/31/2022 BREGE JACOB 111 Seventeenth St N 94.063-4-15 210 / 210 50000 89900 1
41200 2/1/2022 DEMICK SARA L. 20221 / 1271 40 / 105 0 0 No
OLE 1/27/2022 STURDEVANT MARY K. 402 Second 94.050-2-50 210 / 210 46500 85000 1
41200 2/2/2022 CYZESKI PAUL J. 20221 / 1295 50.1 / 80 0 0 No
OLE 1/21/2022 Beattie Steven W. 1713 State St W 94.063-5-27 210 / 210 64500 100000 1
41200 2/2/2022 Alvarado Susan M. 20221 / 1328 35 / 135 0 0 No
OLE 2/1/2022 Truax Thomas M. 842 Union St S 94.081-1-11.3 210 / 210 74000 125000 1
41200 2/2/2022 Eaton Gregory S. 20221 / 1332 125 / 178 0.47 0 No
OLE 1/31/2022 LOCKWOOD DONALD G. 635 Union St S 94.081-2-23 411 / 411 85000 90000 1
41200 2/2/2022 JUMA 4 ASSETS, LLC  20221 / 1345 106 / 128 0 0 No
OLE 11/1/2021 Hixon Holdings, LLC 1208 State St W 94.064-6-68 400 / 450 221000 350000 3
41200 2/3/2022 JC Beach Realty, LLC  20221 / 1405 53 / 145 0.26 0 No
OLE 11/1/2021 Hixon Holdings, LLC 1210 State St W 94.064-6-69 400 / 330 14000 350000 3
41200 2/3/2022 JC Beach Realty, LLC  20221 / 1405 30 / 165 0 0 No
OLE 11/1/2021 Hixon Holdings, LLC 110 Twelfth St N 94.064-6-74 400 / 311 2400 350000 3
41200 2/3/2022 JC Beach Realty, LLC  20221 / 1405 30 / 91 0 0 No
OLE 9/1/2021 Parks Robert 825 Seneca 94.067-2-51 210 / 210 59000 0 1
41200 2/4/2022 Wilkins Nakiya 20221 / 1475 40 / 261.5 0 0 No
OLE 2/7/2022 DWAILEEBE DAVID 501 State St W 94.064-14-4 500 / 422 130000 130000 1
41200 2/7/2022 DWAILEEBE DAVID 20221 / 1513 86 / 62.71 0 0 No
OLE 2/7/2022 Chase Matthew A. 212 Davis 94.066-2-29 210 / 210 51000 95000 1
41200 2/8/2022 Crowley Kyle Andrew 20221 / 1581 100 / 144 0 0 No
OLE 12/9/2021 Koch Mary E. 304 Oak St E 94.041-2-14 210 / 210 40500 1 2
41200 2/9/2022 Mary E. Koch, Trustee of MEK Trust dated 20221 / 1604 33 / 132 0 0 No
OLE 12/9/2021 Koch Mary E. 306 Oak St E 94.041-2-15 210 / 210 41000 1 2
41200 2/9/2022 Mary E. Koch, Trustee of MEK Trust dated 20221 / 1604 33 / 132 0 0 No
OLE 2/7/2022 Gregory Craig S., III 316 Eighth St N 94.056-6-27 210 / 210 62000 80000 2
41200 2/9/2022 Burden Jonathan L. 20221 / 1699 45 / 116 0 0 No
OLE 2/7/2022 Gregory Craig S., III 318 Eighth St N 94.056-6-28 210 / 311 2900 80000 2
41200 2/9/2022 Burden Jonathan L. 20221 / 1699 45 / 68 0 0 No
OLE 1/31/2022 Preston Jessica A. 119 Twentieth St N 94.063-2-31 210 / 210 65000 1 1
41200 2/9/2022 Shutt Joshua 20221 / 1703 51 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 2/4/2022 Estate of Robert M Jordan 705 Queen 94.059-6-10 210 / 280 89000 101700 1
41200 2/10/2022 Singh Tracy 20221 / 1742 100 / 150 0 0 No
OLE 2/10/2022 Minor David J. 1324-26 Union St N 94.041-1-1 411 / 411 142500 288000 1
41200 2/11/2022 Dahlgren John L. 20221 / 1809 112 / 104 0 0 No
OLE 2/14/2022 OUR MMC LLC 1119 Spruce 94.040-3-31 210 / 230 51000 0 1
41200 2/15/2022 Reiss Scott A. 20221 / 1900 88 / 132 0 0 No
OLE 2/15/2022 CNERD, INC. 2216 State St W 94.063-1-26.2 400 / 464 200000 399000 2
41200 2/15/2022 VOLPE Foundation  20221 / 1981 54.12 / 404.5 0 0 No
OLE 2/15/2022 CNERD, INC. 2218 State St W 94.063-1-27.3 400 / 330 6400 399000 2
41200 2/15/2022 VOLPE Foundation  20221 / 1981 13.8 / 363.3 0 0 No
OLE 2/13/2022 Richardson Ronald 703 Main 94.041-5-25 210 / 210 96700 0 1
41200 2/17/2022 Richardson Ronald 20221 / 2026 48 / 218 0 0 No
OLE 2/16/2022 DOUGHERTY KEVIN 311 Tompkins 94.065-4-49 311 / 311 3300 1 1
41200 2/17/2022 LOCHL AN KEY, LLC  20221 / 2037 50 / 85 0 0 No
OLE 2/17/2022 Marble Jacob W. 1506 Washington 94.055-4-19 210 / 210 82000 115900 1
41200 2/18/2022 Renna Sarah T. 20221 / 2124 54 / 99 0 0 No
OLE 2/17/2022 HUSELSTEIN MARK J. 839 Crown 94.059-5-71 210 / 210 86000 136000 1
41200 2/18/2022 GLEASON JAY S. 20221 / 2130 105.2 / 227.5 0 0 No
OLE 2/17/2022 DEROSE DANIEL A. 1315 Seneca 94.067-5-18 210 / 210 94000 134620 2
41200 2/22/2022 MANNING BRANDON 20221 / 2174 96.5 / 109 0 0 No
OLE 2/17/2022 DEROSE DANIEL A. 1317 Seneca 94.067-5-17.3 210 / 311 5700 134620 2
41200 2/22/2022 MANNING BRANDON 20221 / 2174 40 / 177 0 0 No
OLE 2/17/2022 Chapman Christopher J 119 Ninth St N 94.064-7-54 210 / 210 65900 95000 1
41200 2/22/2022 Maynard Jonathan 20221 / 2220 45 / 131 0 0 No
OLE 2/1/2022 Kelley Michael T. 1700 Stardust 94.034-7-36 210 / 210 190000 1 1
41200 2/23/2022 Michael T. Kelley and Mary E. Freeman, Tru 20221 / 2247 168 / 171 0.56 0 No
OLE 10/23/2019 PADLO, ESTATE RAYMOND J. 10 Edwards Court 94.073-6-7 311 / 311 1900 5000 1
41200 2/24/2022 heartstone Unlimited LLC 20221 / 2281 28 / 70 0 0 No
OLE 8/31/2021 Dougherty Kevin 128 Twelfth St S 94.064-10-48 210 / 220 24000 28000 1
41200 2/24/2022 HEARTSTONE UNLIMITED LLC  20221 / 2283 40 / 102 0 0 No
OLE 8/31/2021 PANTHER DEVELOPMENT LLC 318 Wayne 94.057-1-36 210 / 482 50000 427000 5
41200 2/24/2022 HEARTSTONE UNLIMITED LLC  20221 / 2284 22 / 87 0.03 0 No
OLE 8/31/2021 PANTHER DEVELOPMENT LLC 1010 Washington 94.064-2-24 210 / 411 60000 427000 5
41200 2/24/2022 HEARTSTONE UNLIMITED LLC  20221 / 2284 58 / 152 0 0 No
OLE 8/31/2021 PANTHER DEVELOPMENT LLC 310 Laurens 94.065-1-19 210 / 411 80000 427000 5
41200 2/24/2022 HEARTSTONE UNLIMITED LLC  20221 / 2284 35 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 8/31/2021 PANTHER DEVELOPMENT LLC 312 Laurens 94.065-1-20 210 / 411 100000 427000 5
41200 2/24/2022 HEARTSTONE UNLIMITED LLC  20221 / 2284 55 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 8/31/2021 PANTHER DEVELOPMENT LLC 4 Edwards Crt 94.073-6-17 210 / 210 22500 427000 5
41200 2/24/2022 HEARTSTONE UNLIMITED LLC  20221 / 2284 39 / 20 0 0 No
OLE 2/3/2022 Panther Development, LLC 217 Winters 94.064-2-21 200 / 220 67000 70000 1
41200 2/24/2022 Ours lance 20221 / 2287 50 / 160 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 107 Fourth St N 94.064-9-9 200 / 220 57500 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 47 / 128 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 405 Henley St W 94.073-1-3 200 / 220 68700 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 60 / 162 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 602 Sullivan St W 94.056-8-38 200 / 411 90000 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 50 / 120 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 142 Eleventh St N 94.064-6-49 200 / 220 52500 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 45 / 138 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 412-14 Laurens 94.065-1-44 200 / 230 92000 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 75 / 111 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 135 Second St N 94.065-10-4 200 / 483 65000 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 79 / 76 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 217 Union St S 94.073-4-47 200 / 411 160000 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 50 / 210 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 215 Union St S 94.073-4-48 200 / 280 84000 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 50 / 210 0 0 No
OLE 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 120 Green St E 94.073-6-19 200 / 220 36000 1 10
41200 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 20 / 75.7 0 0 No
OLE 12/31/2021 Panther Development, LLC 706 Keating 94.049-4-72 210 / 220 44000 1 6
41200 2/24/2022 RMJB Property, LLC  20221 / 2290 50 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 12/31/2021 Panther Development, LLC 526-28 First 94.050-1-45 210 / 280 88000 1 6
41200 2/24/2022 RMJB Property, LLC  20221 / 2290 50 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 12/31/2021 Panther Development, LLC 824 Bell 94.059-5-59 210 / 230 93500 1 6
41200 2/24/2022 RMJB Property, LLC  20221 / 2290 73.2 / 227.5 0 0 No
OLE 12/31/2021 Panther Development, LLC 619 King 94.059-5-61 210 / 220 70000 1 6
41200 2/24/2022 RMJB Property, LLC  20221 / 2290 97.5 / 75 0 0 No
OLE 12/31/2021 Panther Development, LLC 821 Crown 94.059-5-74 210 / 220 55500 1 6
41200 2/24/2022 RMJB Property, LLC  20221 / 2290 76 / 227.5 0 0 No
OLE 12/31/2021 Panther Development, LLC 408-30 Fourth St S 94.072-5-60 210 / 230 73000 1 6
41200 2/24/2022 RMJB Property, LLC  20221 / 2290 0 / 0 1.38 0 No
OLE 2/24/2022 McGinnis James S 709 Maple 94.049-4-68 210 / 210 68500 47500 1
41200 2/25/2022 Kent Colleen M 20221 / 2382 50 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 2/25/2022 Dwaileebe David J. 501 State St W 94.064-14-4 400 / 422 130000 130000 1
41200 2/25/2022 Rafi Huma 20221 / 2385 86 / 62.71 0 0 No
OLE 2/28/2022 HOLLAND GREGORY P. 109 Bradley 94.082-4-10 210 / 210 109000 90000 1
41200 2/28/2022 109 Bradley Drive LLC  20221 / 2483 85 / 147 0 0 No
SAL 2/9/2022 Hoag Lance R. 850 State 73.061-1-35 400 / 433 5935 120000 1
41600 2/10/2022 Snyder Michael L. 20221 / 1707 98.5 / 170 0 0 No
SAL 2/11/2022 Mendell James A. 230 Frank 73.077-2-8.1 210 / 210 16895 82500 1
41600 2/14/2022 Woodworth Debra L & Charles L 20221 / 1844 112 / 381 0 0 No
SAL 2/14/2022 D&K Family Trust 154 Center 73.069-1-35 210 / 210 7100 25000 2
41600 2/17/2022 Murphy Brian 20221 / 2055 50 / 167.5 0 0 No
SAL 2/14/2022 D&K Family Trust Center 73.069-1-36 210 / 311 160 25000 2
41600 2/17/2022 Murphy Brian 20221 / 2055 33 / 167.5 0 0 No
ALL 1/31/2022 STEPHEN FRANCIS E. 3793 Branch 102.002-1-47 210 / 210 90000 141000 1
42089 2/1/2022 HART R. JOHN 20221 / 1262 0 / 0 2.04 0 Yes
ALL 1/28/2022 Granger Robert L., Jr. 3675 Five Mile 75.004-1-54 210 / 210 65000 289900 1
42089 2/1/2022 Burris Mary B. 20221 / 1264 147.3 / 167 0 0 No
ALL 2/3/2022 Eaton Patrick H. & Polly A 3496 Five Mile 84.002-1-5.1 400 / 449 80000 1 1
42089 2/3/2022 Eaton Zachary P. 20221 / 1380 0 / 0 7.1 0 No
ALL 12/21/2021 Sobey Trust 8-17-1999 2306 Sheldon 93.035-4-32 210 / 210 105000 1 1
42089 2/7/2022 Miller Sandra Jean 20221 / 1503 80 / 265 0 0 No
ALL 2/4/2022 J&P Trust 1000 Four Mile 102.004-1-5.2 210 / 210 280000 377400 1
42089 2/9/2022 Coleman Tony 20221 / 1642 0 / 0 2.9 0 No
ALL 1/24/2022 Aiello Cynthia C. 3045 Smith Hollow 85.003-1-7.2 210 / 210 118000 1 1
42089 2/16/2022 Cynthia C. Aiello, Truste of the Cindy Aiello 20221 / 1999 0 / 0 5.35 0 No
ALL 1/6/2022 Burgess Anthony R. 107 Woodland 93.043-7-2.7 210 / 210 160000 1 1
42001 2/16/2022 Anthony R. Burgess and Ann Z. Burgess, Trus 20221 / 2008 77.35 / 232.3 0 0 No
ALL 1/28/2022 Gustafson Jeffrey 3402 Five Mile 84.002-1-42 210 / 210 200000 1 1
42089 2/17/2022 Gustafson Jeffrey 20221 / 2050 0 / 0 3.14 0 No
ALL 2/16/2022 Kyser Janet 2278 Valley View 94.001-1-30 210 / 210 140000 165000 1
42089 2/22/2022 Emley Collan James 20221 / 2205 0 / 0 1.4 0 No
ALL 2/24/2022 Benson Lucy Wing Hollow Rd (Off) 84.001-1-15 900 / 322 37200 124175 3
42089 2/24/2022 Walsh John 20221 / 2273 0 / 0 87.96 0 No
ALL 2/24/2022 Benson Lucy Five Mile 84.002-1-20 900 / 910 10000 124175 3
42089 2/24/2022 Walsh John 20221 / 2273 0 / 0 20 0 No
ALL 2/24/2022 Benson Lucy Five Mile 84.002-1-21.1 900 / 322 72215 124175 3
42089 2/24/2022 Walsh John 20221 / 2273 0 / 0 144.43 0 No
ALL 2/1/2022 Glover Julie 87 Fourth 93.043-5-22 210 / 210 75000 1 1
42001 2/24/2022 Salmonson Barbara R. 20221 / 2278 63 / 137.2 0 0 No
ALL 12/30/2021 Panther Development, LLC 33 Third 93.043-4-7 200 / 411 185000 1 10
42001 2/24/2022 Firkel, Ltd.  20221 / 2289 69 / 155.52 0 0 No
ALL 2/16/2022 Peck Judith L. 2320 Sheldon 93.035-4-35 210 / 210 95000 1 3
42089 2/25/2022 Peck Judith L. 20221 / 2361 80 / 115 0 1 No
ALL 2/16/2022 Peck Judith L. Sheldon 93.035-4-34.2 210 / 314 800 1 3
42089 2/25/2022 Peck Judith L. 20221 / 2361 64 / 64 0.05 1 No
ALL 2/16/2022 Peck Judith L. 2316 Sheldon 93.035-4-34.3 210 / 314 400 1 3
42089 2/25/2022 Peck Judith L. 20221 / 2361 85 / 93 0.18 1 No
ALL 2/25/2022 Rado Stephen 17 Union 93.051-3-46 210 / 210 78000 160000 1
42001 2/28/2022 Riley Matthew 20221 / 2437 75.24 / 288 0 0 No
ALL 2/1/2022 Paisley Door Properties,LLC 4034 NYS Route 417 93.002-1-28 210 / 270 28000 19000 1
42089 2/2/2022 Mason Vanessa 20221 / 13446 210 / 190 0 0 No
ALL 1/1/2022 Beth A. Bird & Matthew G. Peck, as Co-Trustees Carey Hollow Rd (Off) 93.004-2-1 210 / 910 95755 1 2
42089 2/3/2022 Bird Beth A. 22021 / 1379 0 / 0 211.95 0 No
ALL 1/1/2022 Beth A. Bird & Matthew G. Peck, as Co-Trustees 3527 Carey Hollow 93.004-2-18 210 / 210 65000 1 2
42089 2/3/2022 Bird Beth A. 22021 / 1379 0 / 0 1.35 0 No
ASH 1/21/2022 Feldman Clifford 5440 Pinecliff 29.001-1-12.1 210 / 240 114400 292000 1
42200 2/2/2022 Hankey Felicia 20221 / 1309 0 / 0 10.17 0 No
ASH 1/26/2022 Ambrose Jeffrey J. 10400 Beech Tree 20.002-3-10.6 210 / 210 74900 1 1
42200 2/3/2022 Ambrose Jeffrey J 20221 / 1357 0 / 0 5.2 0 No
ASH 10/27/2021 County of Cattaraugus, NY Nys Rte 240 29.011-2-33 311 / 314 1100 440 1
42200 2/10/2022 Renford Darren 20221 / 1749 37.95 / 48 0.04 0 No
ASH 1/20/2022 Closs John J. Riceville 20.002-2-12.1 300 / 322 64000 355000 2
42200 2/11/2022 Marrano Mark 20221 / 1808 0 / 0 206.75 0 No
ASH 1/20/2022 Closs John J. 5049 Riceville 20.002-2-12.5 300 / 210 170900 355000 2
42200 2/11/2022 Marrano Mark 20221 / 1808 0 / 0 7.15 0 No
ASH 2/8/2022 Warnes Ross M. 6543 Boberg 10.004-1-21.2 210 / 210 66600 169900 1
42200 2/15/2022 Dorian Margaret J. 20221 / 1968 0 / 0 1.35 0 No
ASH 1/20/2022 Green Emmett B., Jr. 5943 Cole 11.003-1-14 210 / 210 27400 35000 1
42200 2/28/2022 Kosha Matthew 20221 / 2408 100 / 175 0 1 No
CAR 8/15/2016 Taylor Timothy N 5675 Windfall 83.003-1-10.2 311 / 210 75500 10000 1
42400 2/8/2022 Kosinski Robert J 20221 / 1545 0 / 0 1.33 0 Yes
CAR 2/9/2022 Montgomery Robert 1650 Sunny Side 92.003-1-14.2 210 / 210 56000 0 1
42400 2/17/2022 Montgomery Jesse 20221 / 2046 0 / 0 6.98 0 No
CAR 12/31/2021 Blicharz Thomas E. 1500 N Main 92.003-1-14.3 400 / 433 44000 50000 1
42400 2/17/2022 Goho Joseph 20221 / 2058 0 / 0 15.85 0 No
COL 2/1/2022 Osborne Gentry S. 3180 Nys 394 80.001-1-9.4 210 / 210 95000 90000 1
42600 2/4/2022 Adams David 20221 / 1409 0 / 0 7.4 0 No
COL 7/12/2021 Lindell Albert V. 2765 Lebanon 80.003-1-15 210 / 210 54800 0 1
42600 2/22/2022 Lindell Justin 20221 / 2222 0 / 0 2.37 0 No
CON 1/21/2022 Hettenbaugh Haley Lower Bush Rd (OFf) 69.002-1-35 900 / 910 6500 0 1
42800 2/3/2022 Hettenbaugh Daniel 20221 / 1381 0 / 0 23.46 0 No
CON 2/8/2022 Miller Sam D 12654 Youngs 51.004-2-1.1 100 / 105 24550 0 2
42800 2/9/2022 Miller Daniel 20221 / 1645 0 / 0 82.35 0 No
CON 2/16/2022 Moore James R. 12743 Cowens Corners 60.002-1-7.6 210 / 270 30600 1 1
42800 2/18/2022 Moore James R. 20221 / 2103 0 / 0 1 0 No
DAY 2/2/2022 ABBEY Edwin P. 44 Main 33.033-2-3 210 / 311 1400 60000 2
43001 2/3/2022 COX Brandon 20221 / 1367 49.5 / 304 0 0 No
DAY 2/2/2022 ABBEY Edwin P. 46 Main 33.033-2-7.2 210 / 210 64500 60000 2
43001 2/3/2022 COX Brandon 20221 / 1367 0 / 0 23.04 0 No
DAY 2/2/2022 FEGER PAUL J. 11481 First 16.018-3-1 200 / 230 97200 15000 1
43089 2/8/2022 RICHTER ANTHONY M. 20221 / 1573 200 / 140 0 0 No
DAY 11/29/2021 Country Side Sand & Gravel Inc Leon 34.001-1-20.1 311 / 105 88900 150800 1
43089 2/10/2022 Nobles Nelson, B.S. 20221 / 1705 0 / 0 84.85 0 No
DAY 2/15/2022 Friedman Anna 9184 Rte 353 25.002-1-14 210 / 240 72800 72000 1
43089 2/18/2022 Friedman William H 20221 / 2078 0 / 0 33.12 0 No
DAY 2/22/2022 COIA, JR. DAVID N. 8907 Cottage-South Dayton 24.004-1-7 210 / 210 95300 85000 1
43089 2/23/2022 FARNER HERBERT J. 20221 / 2252 240 / 160 0 0 No
DAY 2/22/2022 SMITH NATHAN D. 9970 Cottage Nashville 15.004-1-5.2 210 / 210 74400 146800 1
43089 2/23/2022 VOSBURGH RICHARD W. 20221 / 2266 0 / 0 1.2 0 No
EAS 2/3/2022 Rivera Buenaventura Swamp 27.002-1-34.2 311 / 322 45600 84900 1
43200 2/4/2022 Geary Andrew Bates Revocable Trust 20221 / 1471 3160 / 0 29.4 0 No
EAS 1/24/2022 DeLio William M. 8191 Otto-E Otto 27.004-1-19.1 311 / 322 48000 0 1
43200 2/7/2022 DeLio William M. 20221 / 1495 0 / 0 52.8 0 Yes
EAS 2/11/2022 Ciepiela Eileen T. Deer 18.002-2-37 311 / 314 5800 4500 1
43200 2/17/2022 Winslow David R. 20221 / 2028 60 / 0 2.89 0 No
ELL 1/21/2022 Scharf Robert L. 6005 Sommerville Valley 56.001-2-9.8 210 / 210 168000 1 1
43689 2/1/2022 Scharf Robert L. 20221 / 1259 0 / 0 7.9 0 No
ELL 1/31/2022 Cowney Kimberly 17 Elizabeth 55.027-2-14 210 / 210 254400 0 1
43601 2/3/2022 Glenjo LLC  20221 / 1377 66 / 189.75 0 0 No
ELL 2/2/2022 Fillmore Creek Townhouses LLC 17-29 Fillmore 55.027-2-6.2 210 / 280 481555 437521 1
43601 2/4/2022 Dresing Robert 20221 / 1448 0 / 0 0.71 0 Yes
ELL 11/27/2019 DiMarco David B. 6638 Thistle Road 55.051-3-50 210 / 210 656600 1 1
43689 2/7/2022 David B. DiMarco Irrevocable Trust 20221 / 1514 124.91 / 199.56 0 0 No
ELL 2/4/2022 Vaughan Roberta L 19 Slopeside Rd-The Woods 55.041-1-18 210 / 210 285000 426000 1
43689 2/7/2022 Gorski Scott Joseph 20221 / 1530 18.92 / 46 0 0 No
ELL 2/3/2022 Koonce Andrew 11 Creekside 55.033-1-9 210 / 210 252000 315000 1
43689 2/8/2022 Ferraro Ryan R. 20221 / 1563 37.7 / 101.17 0 0 No
ELL 1/24/2022 McRae Andree P. 41 Elizabeth 55.035-1-43 210 / 210 196800 380000 1
43601 2/8/2022 Caldiero John J. 20221 / 1575 62 / 266 0 0 No
ELL 1/28/2022 Patrica M. Enger 2020 Family Trust 19 Elk 55.035-1-27 210 / 210 186000 248000 1
43601 2/10/2022 Rotolo Chelsea A. 20221 / 1726 64.92 / 67.29 0 0 No
ELL 2/10/2022 Grillo Stephen P. 5 Van Buren 55.027-2-1.12 210 / 210 314500 475000 1
43601 2/10/2022 Arthur Merrill W. 20221 / 1730 75 / 135 0 0 No
ELL 2/7/2022 Flynn Michael P. 18 Fillmore 55.027-2-6.21 210 / 215 187750 649000 1
43601 2/10/2022 DJ92 HOLDINGS LLC  20221 / 1740 80 / 175 0 0 No
ELL 2/9/2022 Trail Heights Subdivision LLC Poverty Hill 46.002-1-34.1 311 / 323 106000 84000 1
43689 2/10/2022 Baryza Justin P. 20221 / 1751 0 / 0 5.12 0 Yes
ELL 1/3/2022 Farrugis, Thomas & Jamie 418-1 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/4181 210 / 210 27072 0 1
43689 2/11/2022 GLENJO, LLC  20221 / 1764 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 2/10/2022 Fillmore Creek Townhouses LLC 17-29 Fillmore 55.027-2-6.2 210 / 280 481555 416111 1
43601 2/11/2022 Marsh Genelle 20221 / 1777 0 / 0 0.71 0 Yes
ELL 2/10/2022 Gilmour Barry 27 Valley Village 55.051-1-29 210 / 210 310000 454500 1
43689 2/11/2022 Schutt Evan 20221 / 1801 21.37 / 111.3 0 0 No
ELL 2/14/2022 Alignment Investments,LLC Irish Hill 47.001-1-3.3 311 / 314 27000 9995 1
43689 2/14/2022 Czubaj Dale J. 20221 / 1874 0 / 0 1.3 1 No
ELL 2/14/2022 Mathew International Trading LLC 402 Deer Crossing- Fox Ridge 55.051-2-28 210 / 210 225000 355000 1
43689 2/15/2022 402 Deer Crossing LLC  20221 / 1977 23 / 47 0 0 No
ELL 2/11/2022 Scharf Sandra K. 6521 Sommerville Valley 47.003-1-27.6 210 / 210 124000 128625 1
43689 2/16/2022 Scharf Bryan N. 20221 / 2005 0 / 0 2 0 No
ELL 2/16/2022 Hadley Richard 6859 Lindberg 37.004-1-36 210 / 312 32800 1 2
43689 2/16/2022 Hadley Doris 20221 / 2021 0 / 0 1.92 0 No
ELL 2/16/2022 Hadley Richard 6840 Lindberg 37.004-1-45 210 / 210 120800 1 2
43689 2/16/2022 Hadley Doris 20221 / 2021 0 / 0 1.01 0 No
ELL 2/17/2022 Northrup John D. Maples 46.082-3-40.4 311 / 311 30000 25000 1
43689 2/17/2022 Nelson John C. 20221 / 2042 77.5 / 151.5 0 0 No
ELL 2/16/2022 Linderman Jackie D. 7957 Route 240 38.002-1-18.3 210 / 270 53500 1 1
43689 2/18/2022 Linderman Jackie D. 20221 / 2134 0 / 0 4.4 0 No
ELL 2/22/2022 Schlehr Kimberly J. 10 Greer Hill 55.043-1-2.36 311 / 311 189500 289000 1
43601 2/22/2022 DeRose Daniel J. 20221 / 2169 334.8 / 125.8 0 0 No
ELL 2/15/2022 Buscaglia Anthony J 439-5 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/4395 210 / 210 81024 159900 1
43689 2/22/2022 Haggerty, Madeline, Lucy, John & Jennifer 20221 / 2223 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 2/18/2022 Gore Joseph 401/403-3 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/4013 210 / 210 53664 75000 1
43689 2/28/2022 Wagner Christopher 20221 / 2404 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
FAR 1/28/2022 WILSON NOHE CATHY Hardys Corners 40.002-1-13 311 / 322 23400 22500 1
43800 2/3/2022 LORICH RONALD 20221 / 1374 0 / 0 13.57 0 No
FAR 2/4/2022 THEODORA M. SANDERS, ind & as surviving spous 922 Elton 23.014-1-12 210 / 210 84400 106000 1
43800 2/7/2022 BEYER HALIE P. 20221 / 1516 0 / 0 4.71 0 No
FAR 2/10/2022 Haentges Mark 173 Hardy Crn. 41.002-1-12 210 / 210 56600 0 2
43800 2/11/2022 Haentges Douglas 20221 / 1785 0 / 0 4.95 0 No
FAR 2/10/2022 Haentges Mark Hardy Corners 41.002-1-11.4 210 / 314 14400 0 2
43800 2/11/2022 Haentges Douglas 20221 / 1785 0 / 0 5.25 0 No
FAR 2/22/2022 Stachowicz Mary 8955 Reynolds 31.003-2-15.5 210 / 270 35000 45000 1
43800 2/22/2022 Ainsworth Brandt 20221 / 2213 0 / 0 5.1 0 No
FRA 1/29/2022 Buffum Herbert 7642 Weller 39.003-1-24 210 / 210 61200 0 2
44089 2/1/2022 Buffum Herbert J 20221 / 1256 0 / 0 0 0 Yes
FRA 1/29/2022 Buffum Herbert NYS Route 242 39.003-1-19.3 210 / 322 29800 0 2
44089 2/1/2022 Buffum Herbert J 20221 / 1256 0 / 0 0 0 Yes
FRA 1/28/2022 MAPLE MAINSTAY, LLC 3 Maple 40.071-1-20 200 / 230 64700 85000 1
44001 2/2/2022 N24 PROPERTIES LLC  20221 / 1341 86.63 / 239 0 0 No
FRA 2/2/2022 Filippone Randall M. 3315 Laidlaw 57.002-1-14 210 / 260 18900 20000 1
44089 2/4/2022 Yotter Chad 20221 / 1470 0 / 0 4.51 0 No
FRA 1/26/2022 Wilson-Nohe Cathy 2439 Lyndon 40.003-2-42 210 / 210 48000 79000 1
44089 2/11/2022 Mao Xinwu 20221 / 1771 0 / 0 1.56 0 No
FRA 12/9/2020 Heaslip Thomas C. 3474 Bakerstand 39.004-2-3.6 210 / 260 23200 50000 1
44089 2/11/2022 Group, LLC ACE Mechanical Servi 20221 / 1784 0 / 0 11.8 0 No
FRA 2/14/2022 Wright Daniel L. 27 Howard 40.063-6-36 210 / 210 55100 144900 1
44001 2/14/2022 Bielecki Zachary 20221 / 1817 55 / 285 0 0 No
FRA 2/11/2022 Smith Nathaniel D. S Main 40.078-2-12 311 / 311 7700 35000 1
44001 2/11/2022 Zuech Frederick J. 20221 / 1824 139.5 / 260 0.83 0 No
FRA 2/11/2022 Smith Nathaniel D. Main 40.078-2-11.2 400 / 449 130000 140000 1
44001 2/11/2022 Zuech Frederick J. 20221 / 1825 134.6 / 260 0 0 No
FRA 2/11/2022 Fuller Christopher 6033 Co Rd 19 58.001-2-9.14 210 / 240 52500 1 1
44089 2/14/2022 Fuller Christopher 20221 / 1841 0 / 0 12.35 0 No
FRA 2/11/2022 Brown James L. 6866 NYS Route 16 49.003-1-3.1 100 / 120 192900 182000 1
44089 2/14/2022 Schwab Land Holdings,LLC  20221 / 1883 0 / 0 82.94 1 Yes
FRA 2/18/2022 Reuther Joseph J. Hilltop 57.002-1-63 210 / 314 6200 164000 2
44089 2/28/2022 Boudreau Mark 20221 / 2453 0 / 0 5.05 0 No
FRA 2/18/2022 Reuther Joseph J. 3539 Hilltop 57.002-1-64 210 / 260 29500 164000 2
44089 2/28/2022 Boudreau Mark 20221 / 2453 0 / 0 5.05 0 No
FRE 1/27/2022 Gerald M. Kirkby Revocable Trust 10064 Pigeon Hill 22.002-2-11 400 / 331 10300 50000 1
44200 2/1/2022 Schwab Land Holdings, LLC  20221 / 1286 145 / 195 0 0 Yes
FRE 11/26/2021 Barnett Michael 11712 Sparks 6.003-3-12.1 210 / 210 100900 1 2
44200 2/9/2022 Barnett Roberta 20221 / 1596 0 / 0 1 0 No
FRE 11/26/2021 Barnett Michael Sparks 6.003-3-12.2 210 / 312 12300 1 2
44200 2/9/2022 Barnett Roberta 20221 / 1596 0 / 0 2.45 0 No
FRE 2/16/2022 Hyjek Thomas Sr. 10906 Brown School House 13.004-1-4.15 210 / 210 155000 160742 1
44200 2/16/2022 Kellner Jarrett D. 20221 / 2016 0 / 0 4.95 0 No
FRE 11/22/2021 Tingue Gene 58 Freedom 14.002-2-7.5 210 / 270 33500 48000 1
44200 2/24/2022 Smith Russell L. 20221 / 2325 0 / 0 17.1 0 No
GRE 1/26/2022 Perry, Deborah; Brennan, Constance 4954 Us Rte 219 65.013-3-28 210 / 210 139400 150000 1
44400 2/1/2022 Canney Ryan M. 20221 / 1268 0 / 0 1.15 0 No
GRE 1/31/2022 Mary Ellen Collins, Trustee of the MEC T 4558 Whalen 64.004-1-31.1 210 / 210 178000 5000 2
44400 2/2/2022 Hedlund Timothy J. 20221 / 1301 0 / 0 1.09 0 Yes
GRE 1/31/2022 Mary Ellen Collins, Trustee of the MEC T Cross 64.004-1-31.4 210 / 314 25900 5000 2
44400 2/2/2022 Hedlund Timothy J. 20221 / 1301 0 / 0 1.09 0 Yes
GRE 1/13/2022 Rahill James 5785 Bonn Way East 56.004-2-22 210 / 210 255800 1 1
44400 2/3/2022 Rahill 2022 Family Trust  20221 / 1365 110 / 199.1 0.5 0 No
GRE 12/29/2021 Goldberg Neil A. 6497 Mutton Hollow 64.002-1-5.18 210 / 210 246500 0 1
44400 2/4/2022 Goldberg-Brenner Irrevo. Family Trust 20221 / 1476 0 / 0 5.18 0 No
GRE 2/1/2022 DICHRISTINA-LONGO CARLA M. 5566 Howe Hill 65.002-1-22.1 210 / 210 198100 389000 1
44400 2/8/2022 JOHNSON JR. JAMES A. 20221 / 1586 0 / 0 2.2 0 No
GRE 2/4/2022 Magavern Jeffrey C Plum Brook 56.004-1-1.14 210 / 210 181700 370000 1
44400 2/10/2022 Brennan Matthew P 20221 / 1714 0 / 0 1.43 0 No
GRE 2/4/2022 Magavern Jeffrey C 5942 Plum Brook 56.004-1-1.10 210 / 910 43400 60000 1
44400 2/10/2022 Brennan Matthew P 20221 / 1715 0 / 0 23.36 0 No
GRE 12/30/2021 T& N Baker Family Trust I 6091 Peth 74.001-1-12 210 / 210 138400 178000 1
44400 2/15/2022 O'Neil Jessica M. 20221 / 1974 130 / 254 0 0 No
GRE 1/5/2022 Wolfinger Connie Bear Hollow 74.004-1-4.4 311 / 311 25700 0 1
44400 2/18/2022 Connie Wiley Wolfinger, LLC 20221 / 2105 0 / 0 4.5 0 No
GRE 2/22/2022 Deck Michael E 5942 Plum Brook 56.004-1-1.10 311 / 910 43400 10000 2
44400 2/23/2022 Glenn Patrick 20221 / 2264 0 / 0 23.36 0 No
GRE 2/22/2022 Deck Michael E Plum Brook 56.004-1-1.12 311 / 311 18900 10000 2
44400 2/23/2022 Glenn Patrick 20221 / 2264 0 / 0 1.43 0 No
GRE 2/24/2022 Lindell Family Trust V u/a dated 10-7-09 4740 Us Rte 219 65.003-1-37 210 / 210 83700 68000 1
44400 2/24/2022 Martens Skylar 20221 / 2269 360 / 0 2 0 No
GRE 2/15/2022 Harrington, Michael D. Button, Lynda L. Bear Hollow 74.002-1-3 311 / 320 29700 1 3
44400 2/24/2022 Macomb Fletcher J. 20221 / 2274 0 / 0 105.23 0 Yes
GRE 2/15/2022 Harrington, Michael D. Button, Lynda L. 4468 Bear Hollow 74.002-1-5 311 / 240 158100 1 3
44400 2/24/2022 Macomb Fletcher J. 20221 / 2274 0 / 0 105.23 0 Yes
GRE 2/15/2022 Harrington, Michael D. Button, Lynda L. Barker Run Rd (Off) 74.001-1-25 311 / 910 37000 1 3
44400 2/24/2022 Macomb Fletcher J. 20221 / 2274 0 / 0 105.23 0 Yes
GRE 2/10/2022 Weir Estate of John D. Jr 6791 Cross 73.002-1-8 210 / 210 110600 1 1
44400 2/28/2022 Weir Joette 20221 / 2417 0 / 0 2.7 0 No
HIN 2/1/2022 Tuttle Tim 3331 Union Valley 85.002-2-1.2 311 / 210 110000 1 1
44600 2/4/2022 Tuttle Kiley D 20221 / 1463 0 / 0 1.55 0 Yes
HIN 9/13/2021 Dawn Timber Company LLC Nys Rte 16 77.001-1-5 300 / 311 25200 51000 3
44600 2/4/2022 Szyper Robert R., Jr. 20221 / 1480 800 / 0 28 0 No
HIN 11/9/2021 Burlingame Richard A 4323 Nys Rte 16 77.001-1-46 210 / 210 63000 1 1
44600 2/7/2022 Hitchcock Debra 20221 / 1519 185 / 0 22.8 0 No
HIN 2/7/2022 Crew Matthew Layton 3819 Main 77.013-3-37 210 / 210 59500 62000 1
44600 2/9/2022 Wenke Kaitlyn 20221 / 1646 95 / 105 0 0 No
HIN 2/9/2022 DAWN A. GREEN ESTATE OF 3286 Haskell 86.002-2-12.1 210 / 270 25500 45000 1
44600 2/9/2022 LOCKWOOD ERICA 20221 / 1702 73.7 / 365 0 0 No
HIN 2/10/2022 KMH Properties, LLC 3035 Creek 86.001-1-24.2 210 / 112 140000 105894 1
44600 2/11/2022 Miller Kathleen 20221 / 1804 0 / 0 1.94 0 Yes
HIN 2/11/2022 Stilwell David 3438 Union Valley 85.002-1-14.1 311 / 314 10000 5000 1
44600 2/14/2022 Witt Bruce A. 20221 / 1872 217 / 0 3.35 0 No
HIN 2/11/2022 Lelito Daniel 1156 Flanigan Hill 77.003-2-8 311 / 260 43000 0 1
44600 2/15/2022 Lelito Katelyn 20221 / 1983 860 / 0 4.25 0 No
HIN 2/17/2022 McAnallen Shawn 3600 Nys Rte 16 76.020-1-9.1 210 / 210 48300 55000 1
44600 2/18/2022 George Freddie 20221 / 2114 230 / 0 1.1 0 No
HIN 2/17/2022 Reiss Dona Hedden Hollow Rd (Off) 77.004-3-24.6 500 / 314 6600 0 1
44600 2/25/2022 Shaffer Kenneth Noel 20221 / 2368 0 / 0 1.1 0 No
HUM 2/22/2022 Mikolajczyk, Stephen, Gretchen Christopher Howe Hill 66.003-1-16 311 / 322 91200 0 1
44800 2/22/2022 Lamberson Doran John 20221 / 2178 0 / 0 99.74 0 No
HUM 2/15/2022 Pustulka Thomas 4932 Snow Brook 75.001-1-30.4 210 / 260 39000 1 1
44800 2/24/2022 Pustulka-Eckert Brenda 20221 / 2341 0 / 0 5.53 0 No
HUM 2/15/2022 PUSTULKA THOMAS P. Snow Brook Rd (Off) 75.001-1-30.8 311 / 311 12500 1 1
44800 2/24/2022 Pustulka-Eckert Brenda 20221 / 2342 0 / 0 10.5 0 No
ISC 9/13/2021 Dawn Timber Company LLC Nys Rte 16 (Off) 68.003-1-20.1 300 / 323 17900 51000 3
45000 2/4/2022 Szyper Robert R., Jr. 20221 / 1480 0 / 0 18.07 0 No
ISC 9/13/2021 Dawn Timber Company LLC Nys Rte 16 (Off) 68.003-1-20.2 300 / 314 10400 51000 3
45000 2/4/2022 Szyper Robert R., Jr. 20221 / 1480 0 / 0 7.9 0 No
ISC 2/18/2022 Van Schaick Kathryn 5340 Miller Hill 68.002-1-6.3 210 / 270 13000 0 1
45000 2/18/2022 Dembski Jr. Michelle and Michael 20221 / 2070 275 / 0 5.6 0 No
LEO 12/29/2021 Nationstar Mortgage LLC D/B/A Mr. Cooper 11028 Scott Hollow 34.004-1-12 210 / 210 105400 55000 1
45200 2/4/2022 Hai Pervez 20221 / 1417 270 / 0 1.18 0 No
LEO 2/8/2022 Miller Sam D 12654 Youngs 51.002-1-12.1 100 / 112 159800 0 2
45200 2/9/2022 Miller Daniel 20221 / 1645 0 / 0 56.6 0 No
LEO 2/4/2022 Cullen, Executor Mary 12166 Leon-New Albion 42.020-1-20.2 311 / 314 2300 2500 1
45200 2/11/2022 Filock Frederick S. 20221 / 1821 106.9 / 409.3 0 0 No
LEO 2/14/2022 Raber Andy A. 11490 Eldredge 52.001-1-14.7 210 / 112 220000 1 1
45200 2/14/2022 Miller David 20221 / 1829 0 / 0 109.8 0 Yes
LEO 2/25/2022 3G Charitable Foundation 12451 Eldredge 51.002-2-8.2 100 / 114 213000 249000 1
45200 2/25/2022 Raber Andy 20221 / 2384 0 / 0 36.85 0 No
LEO 2/25/2022 Lange Kevin 6747 Rte 62 42.020-1-46 200 / 220 40000 38000 1
45200 2/28/2022 Vankoughnett Matthew 20221 / 2444 73.2 / 122.7 0 0 No
LIT 1/28/2022 Waasdorp Daniel 410 Court 54.063-2-27 210 / 210 25000 95000 1
45401 2/1/2022 Pinney Ryan 20221 / 1281 112.5 / 132 0 0 Yes
LIT 2/1/2022 Goggin Peter Kevin 210 Sixth 54.064-1-19 210 / 210 33200 75000 1
45401 2/2/2022 Britt David-Ray M. 20221 / 1304 71 / 99 0 0 No
LIT 2/9/2022 Brewer Family Trust I 710 Erie 54.063-1-25 210 / 311 600 179000 2
45401 2/10/2022 Ruper James 20221 / 1712 20 / 62 0 0 No
LIT 2/9/2022 Brewer Family Trust I 5861 NYS Route 353 54.003-1-11 210 / 240 62900 179000 2
45489 2/10/2022 Ruper James 20221 / 1712 0 / 0 11.27 0 No
LIT 12/20/2021 Kubiak Andrew J. 7238 Hungry Hollow 64.001-2-6.2 300 / 323 14000 1 1
45489 2/10/2022 Kubiak, Daniel l. Kubiak, Michael T. 20221 / 1728 0 / 0 11.85 0 No
LIT 2/24/2022 7439 Properties, LLC 5149 Baker 63.002-1-9.3 210 / 210 61000 182000 1
45489 2/28/2022 Dudzik Robert A. 20221 / 2471 0 / 0 3.25 0 No
LYN 1/31/2022 W. M. Farm South Center 59.001-1-17.12 311 / 322 132900 13800 1
45600 2/1/2022 Ward Russell 20221 / 1274 0 / 0 6.87 0 Yes
LYN 1/31/2022 W.M. Farm South Center 59.001-1-17.12 300 / 322 132900 13931 1
45600 2/1/2022 Kottwitz David D. 20221 / 1275 0 / 0 7.63 0 Yes
LYN 1/31/2022 W.M. Farm South Center 59.001-1-17.12 300 / 322 132900 67685 1
45600 2/1/2022 Baker Shawn 20221 / 1287 0 / 0 39.76 0 Yes
LYN 7/1/2021 Becker Raymond 6089 Ingalls 59.002-1-23.1 311 / 240 135000 90000 1
45600 2/9/2022 Schmidt Corey 20221 / 1701 0 / 0 104.7 0 Yes
LYN 2/14/2022 Karaszewski James P. Slab City 50.003-1-24 311 / 314 7500 14000 1
45600 2/14/2022 Laspro Richard J. 20221 / 1876 0 / 0 5 1 No
LYN 2/22/2022 Lambert Barbara E. 1463 Lyndon 50.001-1-52.1 210 / 210 95000 1 1
45600 2/28/2022 Lambert Barbara E. 20221 / 2443 0 / 0 2.45 1 No
MAC 2/1/2022 Powers Marcia D. 342 Lakeview 21.068-1-34 210 / 260 95900 1 1
45800 2/7/2022 Marcia D. Powers Irrevocable Trust 20221 / 1508 41 / 185 0 0 No
MAC 7/9/2021 PONTON ROBERT J. 632 Yacht Club 21.076-1-27 311 / 312 12700 20000 1
45800 2/8/2022 OCONNELL BRYAN 20221 / 1567 50 / 100 0 0 No
MAC 12/7/2021 Maul Jeremy 634 Yacht Club 21.076-1-29 210 / 270 42900 48500 1
45800 2/8/2022 OConnell Bryan 20221 / 1568 100 / 100 0 0 No
MAC 1/31/2022 Kopacz Roberta E. 76 Potter 22.069-1-38 210 / 260 115800 1 1
45800 2/9/2022 Kopacz / Kopacz Theodore J. / Timoth 20221 / 1637 55 / 94 0 0 No
MAC 2/2/2022 Popson Adam L. JR. 3522 Gulf Hill 30.002-3-39 210 / 240 171500 0 2
45800 2/11/2022 Popson Vickie E. 20221 / 1759 0 / 0 29.65 0 No
MAC 2/11/2022 Northway Kathryn 160 Long Point 21.076-2-79 210 / 210 212100 190000 1
45800 2/11/2022 Weber Lauren 20221 / 1783 84 / 100 0 0 No
MAC 2/15/2022 SMITH MARK, J. Very 30.003-1-11.3 311 / 312 41400 1 1
45800 2/17/2022 SMITH COREY, S. 20221 / 2043 0 / 0 20 0 Yes
MAC 2/24/2022 Morella John J 3598 Upper Fox 30.004-1-9.2 210 / 210 99400 85000 1
45800 2/24/2022 Morella Amanda S 20221 / 2309 0 / 0 9.15 0 No
MAN 1/21/2022 Pettit Frederick Marshall 6967 Maples 46.003-1-14.3 210 / 260 107800 1 2
46000 2/3/2022 Pettit Frederick Marshall 20221 / 1407 0 / 0 4.55 0 No
MAN 1/21/2022 Pettit Frederick Marshall Maples 46.003-1-14.4 210 / 314 30000 1 2
46000 2/3/2022 Pettit Frederick Marshall 20221 / 1407 0 / 0 3 0 No
MAN 1/21/2022 Pettit Frederick Marshall Maples 46.003-1-14.4 311 / 314 30000 1 1
46000 2/4/2022 Pettit Frederick Marshall 20221 / 1421 0 / 0 3 0 No
MAN 2/3/2022 Lochhead Scott Lot 4 Corduroy Run 55.001-2-32.22 210 / 311 0 680000 1
46000 2/4/2022 MB Corduroy LLC  20221 / 1451 0 / 0 0.34 0 No
NAP 2/1/2022 Brinegar Christian K. 5719 Allegany 53.003-1-14 210 / 210 110000 183000 1
46200 2/1/2022 Hutchison Nicholas 20221 / 1283 0 / 0 3.94 0 No
NAP 1/27/2022 Parker Todd Hoxie Hill 71.001-1-7.1 300 / 105 3500 30000 2
46200 2/11/2022 Smith Randy M. and Susan M 20221 / 1826 0 / 0 0.36 0 No
NAP 1/27/2022 Parker Todd Hoxie Hill 71.001-1-8.1 300 / 105 7700 30000 2
46200 2/11/2022 Smith Randy M. and Susan M 20221 / 1826 0 / 0 9.65 0 No
NAP 2/15/2022 Fuller Jack A 10678 Nys Rte 242 71.001-3-4.2 210 / 210 20000 5000 1
46200 2/15/2022 Evans Richard 20221 / 1948 0 / 0 1.1 0 No
NAP 8/22/2018 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS Enchanted Lake 62.070-5-23 311 / 314 200 5 1
46200 2/15/2022 Clinger Michelle R. 20221 / 1971 37.43 / 69.29 0 0 No
NAP 6/3/2021 MILKS CHARLES F. 5036 Allegany 62.001-1-12.1 210 / 113 249200 1 1
46200 2/16/2022 WILLIAMS Tammy A. 20221 / 2015 0 / 0 66.49 0 No
NAP 2/23/2022 Stobie Timothy 4092 Allegany 71.001-3-28.11 210 / 260 78000 0 1
46200 2/23/2022 Stobie Timothy 20221 / 2238 0 / 0 3.09 0 No
NAP 10/20/2021 Cassata Thomas 9271 Dutch Hill 62.002-2-6.1 300 / 314 6700 7000 1
46200 2/28/2022 O'Donnell Neil 20221 / 2446 0 / 0 1.4 0 No
NEW 1/28/2022 Ackley Edward 49 Gail 44.034-1-8 210 / 210 59600 0 1
46401 2/1/2022 Westfall Nancy M 20221 / 1260 100 / 230 0 0 No
NEW 1/12/2022 Barker Annemarie 10034 Leon 44.003-1-15 210 / 210 58000 175000 1
46489 2/4/2022 Ludwig Matthew 20221 / 1449 0 / 0 8.3 0 No
NEW 2/11/2022 Sheridan Carl W. 9428 New Albion 53.002-2-8 210 / 270 45000 179000 2
46489 2/14/2022 Zoyhofski Joseph 20221 / 1879 131 / 250 1.3 0 Yes
NEW 2/11/2022 Sheridan Carl W. 9430 New Albion 53.002-2-9.3 210 / 312 13000 179000 2
46489 2/14/2022 Zoyhofski Joseph 20221 / 1879 131 / 250 1.3 0 Yes
NEW 2/17/2022 Durni Devin 9777 Ritter 44.002-1-12.4 311 / 312 54600 75000 1
46489 2/17/2022 Denardo Joseph L. 20221 / 2053 0 / 0 5.68 0 Yes
NEW 2/23/2022 FLEXMUCH LLC. 75 Washington 35.082-4-1 210 / 210 28000 50000 1
46401 2/24/2022 Mazur Mark 20221 / 2313 59.5 / 63 0 0 No
NEW 2/22/2022 Tritt James C. 91 Washington 35.082-4-4 210 / 210 90000 127500 1
46401 2/24/2022 Perkins Tara B. 20221 / 2336 171.6 / 158.4 0 0 No
NEW 2/25/2022 Estate of Mark E. Herman 15 Franklin 35.074-2-25 200 / 220 45800 68000 1
46401 2/25/2022 Ruperti Frank J. Jr. 20221 / 2387 78.43 / 212 0 0 No
OLE 1/31/2022 Birtcil Michael A. Estate 617 Barnum 112.002-1-33 210 / 210 29700 38000 1
46600 2/1/2022 Birtcil Beth Ann 20221 / 1279 0 / 0 7.3 0 No
OLE 2/9/2022 R&R Trust 1664 Nys Rte 417 94.076-1-51.2 210 / 210 112900 1 1
46600 2/9/2022 Torrey David 20221 / 1674 0 / 0 2.17 0 No
OLE 12/24/2020 Reisner Todd W. 1658 Nys Rte 417 94.076-1-51.1 210 / 210 75900 1 1
46600 2/9/2022 Reisner Todd W. 20221 / 1675 120.6 / 57 0 0 Yes
OLE 2/9/2022 R&R Trust 1664 Nys Rte 417 94.076-1-51.2 210 / 210 112900 1 1
46600 2/9/2022 Torrey David 20221 / 1677 0 / 0 2.17 0 No
OLE 12/4/2020 Reisner, et al Todd 1658 Nys Rte 417 94.076-1-51.1 210 / 210 75900 1 1
46600 2/9/2022 Askey Brieanne 20221 / 1678 141.6 / 190 0 0 Yes
OLE 4/19/2021 Reisner Ruth 1658 Nys Rte 417 94.076-1-51.1 210 / 210 75900 1 1
46600 2/9/2022 Askey Brieanne 20221 / 1679 141.6 / 190 0 0 Yes
OLE 12/12/2021 KELLNER CHRISTIAN F. 2802 Mcduffy 103.003-2-64 210 / 210 82300 1 1
46600 2/15/2022 CHRISTIAN F. KELLNER TRUS trust I 20221 / 1939 0 / 0 4.6 0 No
OLE 2/18/2022 Cross Gail M., Trustee of 2647 W River 94.003-4-26 210 / 210 79000 5000 1
46600 2/22/2022 Lyons Brock K. 20221 / 2172 0 / 0 0 0 Yes
OLE 2/17/2022 STEVENS LORRAINE MARIE 1560 Happy Hollow 94.016-1-25 210 / 210 59800 95000 1
46600 2/22/2022 McHENRY JAMES C. 20221 / 2216 99 / 302.6 0 0 No
OLE 12/10/2021 Shaffer Kenda Lockwood Rd (Off) 85.004-1-2.32 500 / 314 3600 0 1
46600 2/25/2022 Shaffer Kenneth Noel 20221 / 2369 0 / 0 2.24 0 No
OLE 2/23/2022 Button Harry 1678 Park 94.016-1-6.2 210 / 270 36600 12000 1
46600 2/28/2022 Shaw Theodore 20221 / 2441 115 / 190 0 0 No
OTT 2/2/2022 CALABRESE DONALD M. N Otto 18.003-1-3.5 311 / 314 18200 1 1
46800 2/9/2022 CALABRESE MICHAEL T. 20221 / 1671 0 / 0 5.75 0 No
OTT 2/8/2022 Miller Eli E.J. 8482 N Otto 27.003-1-27 210 / 120 200000 275000 1
46800 2/14/2022 Al Falah Farming, Inc.  20221 / 1845 0 / 0 88.45 0 No
OTT 12/16/2021 Fite, Thomas S. by Emily A. Vella,Re 9605 Marek 26.002-1-4.7 210 / 210 96700 115513 1
46800 2/23/2022 21st Mortgage Corporation  20221 / 2254 0 / 0 8.2 0 No
PER 2/2/2022 TNT Houses 2 Homes, LLC 11850 Perrysburg 1.004-1-10.2 210 / 210 48600 1 1
47000 2/2/2022 TAYLOR BRADLEY B. 20221 / 1327 0 / 0 1 0 No
PER 2/24/2022 BURGESS, MARISHA LEANNE 11016 Main 8.082-1-21 210 / 210 42600 65000 1
47000 2/24/2022 COOK KEVIN D. 20221 / 2296 60 / 148 0 0 No
PER 2/23/2022 Winship William Jolls 16.002-2-29 311 / 311 6400 85000 1
47000 2/24/2022 Bettker Jason 20221 / 2340 0 / 0 1.94 0 No
PER 2/16/2022 LUCE VINCENT E. 8641 Broadway 25.004-2-4.2 210 / 270 24500 53500 1
47289 2/17/2022 O'SULLIVAN JAMES 20221 / 2049 0 / 0 1.12 0 No
PER 2/1/2022 ALLEN, SR MICHAEL L. 9167 Point Peter 26.001-1-8.1 210 / 240 48200 175000 1
47289 2/17/2022 DUBOIS JACOB A. 20221 / 2065 0 / 0 9.72 0 Yes
PER 2/17/2022 MOYER BETTY A. 60 Aldrich 8.075-1-29 210 / 210 49600 108000 1
47201 2/18/2022 ESTRADA EDMUNDO A. 20221 / 2128 47.2 / 178 0 0 No
PER 2/14/2022 Estate of Norman W. Myers a/k/a Norman W. Myer 33 Maple 8.083-4-35 210 / 210 56500 146200 1
47201 2/18/2022 Rafanowicz Andrew 20221 / 2138 66 / 162 0 0 No
PER 2/22/2022 BRIGHAM ELIZABETH M.AKA ELIZ 17 Palmer 16.028-2-1 210 / 210 40000 80000 1
47201 2/23/2022 KLEEVER DAKOTA L. 20221 / 2259 64 / 142 0 0 No
PER 2/24/2022 Enser Ronald J. 47 Aldrich 8.083-1-24 210 / 210 48000 110000 1
47201 2/25/2022 Valiquette Clinton 20221 / 2381 48 / 178 0 0 No
POR 11/3/2021 Deschler Duncan E. 1039 Mayville 104.002-1-31.4 210 / 210 94000 1 1
47489 2/10/2022 Deschler Family Trust I  20221 / 1706 0 / 0 58.7 0 No
POR 2/8/2022 Woodhead Emily 17 Brooklyn 104.057-3-32 210 / 210 68000 133000 1
47401 2/10/2022 Chase Matthew 20221 / 1746 50 / 112 0 0 No
POR 1/6/2022 Karnuth Shane 375 Butternut Brook 113.002-2-30 210 / 210 75000 1 1
47489 2/11/2022 Karnuth Sarah 20221 / 1767 100 / 175 0 0 No
POR 1/24/2022 Farris Philip J. Jr. 2719 Haskell 86.004-1-22 210 / 210 131000 1000 1
47489 2/15/2022 Goodfellow Virginia A. 20221 / 1985 27 / 192.5 0.07 0 Yes
POR 2/14/2022 Goodfellow Virginia A. 2731 Haskell 86.004-1-21 210 / 210 140100 170000 2
47489 2/15/2022 Wardhaugh Aron P. 20221 / 1987 165 / 190.4 0.73 0 Yes
POR 2/14/2022 Goodfellow Virginia A. 2719 Haskell 86.004-1-22 210 / 210 131000 170000 2
47489 2/15/2022 Wardhaugh Aron P. 20221 / 1987 165 / 190.4 0.73 0 Yes
POR 2/16/2022 Derx Tracie D. 491 Linwood 86.004-1-18.7 210 / 210 82400 128491 1
47489 2/18/2022 Dahill Joseph 20221 / 2132 0 / 0 1.72 0 No
POR 2/21/2022 Bliven Barbara J. 33 Brooklyn 104.057-3-26 210 / 210 40000 45000 1
47401 2/22/2022 Bliven Jean M. 20221 / 2218 66 / 208 0 0 No
POR 2/16/2022 Martdale Farms, LLC 1212 Steam Valley 104.001-1-8.3 100 / 112 150900 0 4
47489 2/23/2022 Martin Bryan L. and Rita A. 20221 / 2249 0 / 0 182.4 0 No
POR 2/16/2022 Martdale Farms, LLC Lillibridge 104.002-1-56.1 100 / 105 5300 0 4
47489 2/23/2022 Martin Bryan L. and Rita A. 20221 / 2249 0 / 0 9.68 0 No
POR 2/16/2022 Martdale Farms, LLC 1000 Portville Olean 104.010-1-28.1 100 / 210 109300 0 4
47489 2/23/2022 Martin Bryan L. and Rita A. 20221 / 2249 0 / 0 75.7 0 No
POR 2/16/2022 Martdale Farms, LLC Portville Olean 104.010-1-28.4 100 / 321 18000 0 4
47489 2/23/2022 Martin Bryan L. and Rita A. 20221 / 2249 0 / 0 30.55 0 No
POR 2/28/2022 KINCAID CHRISTOPHER G. 793 Sherry Hollow 104.004-1-8 210 / 240 97600 0 1
47489 2/28/2022 CHILDS JOHN C. 20221 / 2502 0 / 0 108.57 0 No
POR 2/24/2022 Reigel Christina S. 1430 Happy Hollow 95.013-1-15 210 / 210 110800 137500 1
47489 2/28/2022 Ryan Michaela Jane 20221 / 2506 113.25 / 375 0.45 0 No
POR 2/25/2022 Chase Howard D. Jr. Biehler 113.001-1-5 210 / 260 31400 49900 1
47489 2/28/2022 Parks James 20221 / 2510 0 / 0 35.68 0 No
RAN 10/29/2021 Bald Ellen 58 Main 70.064-1-26 210 / 210 59000 1 1
47600 2/3/2022 Bald, Richard J.,TTEE of Bald Fmly Irrev. TST 20221 / 1393 88.44 / 231 0 0 No
RAN 2/11/2022 Turner Scott M. 43 Center 70.071-1-4 210 / 210 32400 45500 1
47600 2/11/2022 Shields Monty R. 20221 / 1819 45.73 / 212.52 0 0 No
SOU 2/16/2022 ARMSTRONG JASON Bone Run Rd (Off) 97.001-1-36 300 / 314 5800 6500 1
48200 2/16/2022 FINCH LARRY E. 20221 / 2022 0 / 0 3.24 0 No
YOR 2/2/2022 Hanes Heath 3286 W Yorkshire 4.044-1-10 210 / 210 7900 1 1
48489 2/2/2022 Hanes Lance 20221 / 1310 75 / 175 0 0 No
YOR 2/4/2022 Sprague Family Holdings LLC French 5.001-1-4.1 311 / 314 4000 16500 1
48489 2/4/2022 Place James M 20221 / 1483 140 / 242.7 0.7 0 Yes
YOR 1/31/2022 Pataye Calvin James 11305 Worden 12.002-1-9.9 210 / 210 19937 0 1
48489 2/8/2022 Pataye, Christopher Bradfield, Sara 20221 / 1571 0 / 0 2 0 No
YOR 2/10/2022 Nason Rosemary 4871 Creek 3.004-1-4.1 100 / 270 4750 1 1
48489 2/14/2022 Nason Steve 20221 / 1842 0 / 0 10 0 No
YOR 2/11/2022 Maciejewski Brenda 12252 Old Olean 5.009-2-29 210 / 210 14950 24000 1
48489 2/18/2022 Fronckowiak James 20221 / 2086 70 / 310 0 0 No
YOR 2/18/2022 Gagnon Charles C. 11056 NYS Rte 16 13.001-2-16 210 / 210 21570 160000 1
48489 2/18/2022 Lounsbury Charles D. 20221 / 2135 0 / 0 1.1 0 Yes
YOR 2/21/2022 Estate Of WIlliam K Tidd 3333 W Yorkshire 4.002-1-5 300 / 210 25060 10000 2
48489 2/22/2022 Tidd Kenneth 20221 / 2140 0 / 0 3.66 0 No
YOR 2/21/2022 Estate Of WIlliam K Tidd W Yorkshire 4.002-1-6 300 / 475 1000 10000 2
48489 2/22/2022 Tidd Kenneth 20221 / 2140 0 / 0 1.39 0 No
YOR 2/24/2022 McCaffrey John 3286 W Yorkshire 4.044-1-10 210 / 210 7900 22000 1
48489 2/24/2022 Hanes Heath 20221 / 2306 75 / 175 0 0 No
YOR 2/24/2022 Joseph Colling, as surviving spouse, by 4 George 12.036-2-7 210 / 210 18160 128900 1
48401 2/24/2022 Chaney Daniel  20221 / 2347 100 / 153 0 0 No
Information on this website is provided as an informal convenience and is not meant to be relied upon without verification. Please be sure to verify the information with appropriate agencies before acting upon it.  It is possible that in the process of transferring the information to the website errors may occur.