March 2023 Cattaraugus County, NY -  Real Estate Sales Listings & Deed           
Muni Sale Date Grantor (Seller) Property Loc Map # PU / PC Tot AV Sales Price # Par
Rec Date Grantee (Buyer) Book/Page Front/Depth Acres Per Prop Split
OLE 3/1/2023 Firkel, Ltd. 142 Eleventh St N 94.064-6-49 210 / 220 52500 72500 1
41200 3/1/2023 Meggo Joseph 20230 / 3665 45 / 138 0 0 No
OLE 3/1/2023 Gerringer Richard 632 Garden 94.066-4-8 210 / 411 72000 1 2
41200 3/1/2023 Top Notch Concepts LLC  20230 / 3671 34 / 125 0.01 0 No
OLE 3/2/2023 Brunner Ludwig 477 Vermont 94.082-4-21.1 210 / 210 124000 100000 1
41200 3/2/2023 Alfonso Patrick B. 20230 / 3708 75 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 11/18/2022 Pletl Ron 123 Twelfth St S 94.064-10-33 210 / 210 52000 0 1
41200 3/2/2023 Pletl Ronda L. 20230 / 3712 40 / 102 0 0 No
OLE 3/1/2023 Hettrick David 209 Clinton St S 94.073-7-40 210 / 210 48000 54500 1
41200 3/2/2023 Creekside Properties LLC  20230 / 3724 49 / 100 0 0 No
OLE 2/17/2023 OConnor Estate James 207 Eighth St S 94.072-2-36 210 / 210 47000 1 1
41200 3/3/2023 Walsh Huskies, LLC  20230 / 3772 40 / 115 0 0 No
OLE 2/23/2023 Livoto Joseph 416 Third 94.050-2-30 210 / 210 49000 0 1
41200 3/3/2023 Livoto Brian & Brittany 20230 / 3960 40 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 3/3/2023 Muniga Michael 413 Connell St E 94.033-1-29 210 / 210 47700 35000 1
41200 3/6/2023 Gables Olean LLC  20230 / 3983 100 / 242 0 0 No
OLE 2/27/2023 Conner Donna 304 Barry St S 94.073-6-23 210 / 210 34000 1 1
41200 3/8/2023 Conner Jeffrey P. 20230 / 4086 35 / 84 0 0 No
OLE 3/6/2023 Heartstone Unlimited, LLC 318 Wayne 94.057-1-36 400 / 482 50000 65000 1
41200 3/9/2023 Atomic Consulting, LLC  20230 / 4169 28 / 87 0 0 No
OLE 3/10/2023 Szymkowiak Chad 529 Spring 94.058-6-15 210 / 210 70000 90000 1
41200 3/13/2023 Blumenthal Marcia S. 20230 / 4303 54 / 143 0 0 No
OLE 9/6/2022 Shay Jane 213 Fourteenth St N 94.055-4-12 210 / 210 52000 1 1
41200 3/13/2023 Shay, Jane A. Shay, Kevin J. 20230 / 4425 40 / 128 0 0 No
OLE 3/2/2023 Hamilton John 1212 State St E 94.075-5-3 210 / 210 42000 58000 1
41200 3/14/2023 Blanchard Dean 20230 / 4471 40 / 150 0 0 No
OLE 3/14/2023 Miller Troy 1604 Walnut 94.032-2-20 210 / 210 73500 129000 1
41200 3/15/2023 Carey Rebecca M. 20230 / 4567 68 / 132 0 0 No
OLE 3/14/2023 Springer Meghan 1007 Griffin 94.067-6-26 210 / 210 67500 80000 1
41200 3/16/2023 Andhor John 20230 / 4664 109 / 165 0 0 No
OLE 3/16/2023 JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA 205 Eighth St S 94.072-2-19 210 / 210 42000 70000 1
41200 3/20/2023 Oh Daekyun 20230 / 4839 40 / 75 0 0 No
OLE 3/17/2023 Szadlowski Gertrude 215 Root 94.049-4-52 210 / 210 63000 81000 1
41200 3/20/2023 Nine Rachael L. 20230 / 4843 50 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 3/17/2023 Bhe Lisa 1505 Washington 94.063-6-2 210 / 210 59000 115000 1
41200 3/20/2023 Scanlon James 20230 / 4893 53 / 96 0 0 No
OLE 3/17/2023 Anastasia Ralph 1214 Maple 94.040-2-37 210 / 210 45000 75000 1
41200 3/20/2023 Barr Kyle T. 20230 / 4903 64 / 50 0 0 No
OLE 3/2/2023 Sage Bruce 111 Taggerty 94.075-2-34.6 210 / 210 120000 0 1
41200 3/23/2023 Sage Bradley W. 20230 / 5049 119 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 3/21/2023 Walsh Rentals, LLC 717 Front 94.050-4-7 210 / 280 68000 120000 1
41200 3/24/2023 Fisher David 20230 / 5108 43 / 158.5 0 0 No
OLE 3/28/2023 Vasquez Melody Ann 116 Seventeenth St N 94.063-5-71 210 / 210 62000 109900 1
41200 3/29/2023 Shulman Joshua 20230 / 5258 40 / 105 0 0 No
OLE 3/29/2023 Meyers Bruce 31 Hamilton 94.042-3-33 210 / 210 145000 1 1
41200 3/29/2023 Meyers Bruce E. 20230 / 5276 112 / 196 0 0 No
OLE 3/28/2023 Furnari Antonia 712 Garden 94.066-4-29 210 / 210 38500 45000 1
41200 3/29/2023 Gilcrease Marshall L. 20230 / 5321 40 / 116 0 0 No
OLE 3/29/2023 Golden Thomas 943 Kingston 94.059-1-8 210 / 210 103000 150000 2
41200 3/30/2023 Andrews Irving 20230 / 5360 0 / 0 1.01 0 No
OLE 3/29/2023 Golden Thomas 918 Hubbard 94.059-1-9 210 / 311 500 150000 2
41200 3/30/2023 Andrews Irving 20230 / 5360 50 / 144 0 0 No
OLE 3/20/2023 Kyler Bradley 1005 Billington 94.075-2-44.2 311 / 311 27000 14000 1
41200 3/21/2023 Singh Samranjeet 20230 / 49199 0 / 0 3.65 0 No
SAL 1/27/2023 Milanowski Thomas 92 Lincoln 73.073-3-40 210 / 210 6400 0 1
41600 3/6/2023 Milanowski Thomas Jordan 20230 / 3975 50 / 164 0 0 No
SAL 3/2/2023 Carpenter Lisa 125 West 73.078-1-41 210 / 210 16900 0 3
41600 3/10/2023 Carpenter Robert 20230 / 4208 105 / 169.8 0 0 No
SAL 3/2/2023 Carpenter Lisa West 73.078-1-42.1 210 / 311 400 0 3
41600 3/10/2023 Carpenter Robert 20230 / 4208 50 / 85.8 0 0 No
SAL 3/2/2023 Carpenter Lisa West 73.078-2-33.2 210 / 311 650 0 3
41600 3/10/2023 Carpenter Robert 20230 / 4208 97 / 186 0 0 No
SAL 3/3/2023 Jusko Donna 120 Wilson 82.023-2-15 210 / 210 6300 0 1
41600 3/10/2023 Jusko Diane L. 20230 / 4210 50 / 138 0 0 No
SAL 3/3/2023 Kennedy Tina 299 Parkway 82.032-1-3 210 / 210 33300 0 1
41600 3/10/2023 Kennedy Tina 20230 / 4213 0 / 0 2.2 0 No
SAL 1/13/2023 Diaz Jose L 46 Wilson 73.079-5-14 210 / 210 5980 0 1
41600 3/16/2023 Diaz, Wanda Diaz, Evelyn 20230 / 4686 47 / 130 0 0 No
SAL 1/12/2023 Frank Mary 56 Ward 72.068-2-34 210 / 210 9250 15000 1
41600 3/16/2023 Richard E & Nancy J. Ingles Family Trust I 20230 / 4691 160 / 150 0 0 No
SAL 3/17/2023 Mohr Jesse 418 Center 73.061-1-46 210 / 210 6500 40000 1
41600 3/20/2023 Bennett Scott M. 20230 / 4888 48 / 111 0 0 No
SAL 3/17/2023 Huff James 84 East 73.079-4-13 210 / 210 8200 33000 1
41600 3/22/2023 Smith Jeanna 20230 / 4976 38 / 125 0 0 No
SAL 3/21/2023 Blocher Donald 184 State Park 73.078-1-53 210 / 210 8150 50000 1
41600 3/23/2023 Thompson Susie N. 20230 / 4997 60 / 135 0 0 No
SAL 3/22/2023 Horning Debra 65 Waite 73.079-7-41 210 / 210 10070 90000 1
41600 3/23/2023 Forness Stephanie J. 20230 / 5001 65 / 139 0 0 No
SAL 7/19/2022 Seneca Nation of Indians 827 Front 72.076-1-11 210 / 210 29405 1 1
41600 3/27/2023 Kindt Annette 20230 / 5134 105 / 233 0 0 No
SAL 3/23/2023 John Mortimer 154 Lincoln 73.073-3-53 210 / 210 11925 35000 1
41600 3/28/2023 McLeod Scott 20230 / 5208 80 / 150 0 0 No
SAL 3/16/2023 Prebis Barbara 186 Elm 73.072-3-18 210 / 210 4530 0 1
41600 3/29/2023 Prebis Jr John J. 20230 / 5254 100 / 83 0 0 No
SAL 3/27/2023 McKee Carol 42 Henry 73.073-5-41 210 / 210 9400 0 1
41600 3/29/2023 Grant Cheryl 20230 / 5270 79 / 200 0 0 No
SAL 3/24/2023 United Cong Meth Chur of Sala 125 Broad 73.079-8-1 210 / 620 18463 78500 1
41600 3/29/2023 Mongillo Allison Carol 20230 / 5291 62 / 148 0 0 No
SAL 3/24/2023 United Cong Meth Chur of Sala 125 Broad 73.079-8-1 210 / 620 18463 0 1
41600 3/29/2023 Seneca Nation of Indians  20230 / 5293 62 / 148 0 0 No
SAL 3/3/2023 City Of Salamanca State 73.062-1-32 311 / 311 345 2000 2
41600 3/30/2023 Miller Natasha 20230 / 5340 53 / 320 0 0 No
SAL 3/3/2023 City Of Salamanca State 73.062-1-33 311 / 311 345 2000 2
41600 3/30/2023 Miller Natasha 20230 / 5340 53 / 315 0 0 No
ALL 3/10/2023 Yehl Stephen Seventh 94.037-1-24.1 300 / 314 20400 200000 1
42089 3/10/2023 Olean Manor Inc.  20230 / 4221 0 / 0 8.93 0 No
ALL 3/13/2023 Owen Merrick 224 Main 93.060-1-10 210 / 210 32000 0 1
42001 3/13/2023 Strade Construction  20230 / 4394 33 / 160 0 0 No
ALL 3/10/2023 Zimmer Joseph 3412 Maple 93.044-4-41 210 / 210 65000 80000 1
42089 3/14/2023 Giardini Jacob 20230 / 4467 132 / 305 0 0 No
ALL 3/8/2023 The Pumpkin Hollow Restort Tr 3945 Pumpkin Hollow 75.004-1-3 300 / 210 115000 1 2
42089 3/14/2023 Alleman Kristi D. 20230 / 4555 100 / 325 0 0 No
ALL 3/8/2023 The Pumpkin Hollow Restort Tr Pumpkin Hollow 75.004-1-1.3 300 / 314 2500 1 2
42089 3/14/2023 Alleman Kristi D. 20230 / 4555 0 / 0 2.45 0 No
ALL 3/22/2023 Linderman Mark Edwin 16 St Marys 93.044-3-28 210 / 210 222000 320000 1
42001 3/22/2023 Ring Robert W. 20230 / 4966 85 / 163 0 0 No
ALL 3/24/2023 Ball Matthew 102 Main 93.043-4-12 400 / 482 105000 70000 1
42001 3/27/2023 Lopez Aquilina AliciaSilva 20230 / 5139 25 / 131 0 0 No
ASH 2/17/2023 DP Fuller Family Trust 11256 Beech Tree 11.001-1-25 210 / 240 357800 1 2
42200 3/1/2023 DF Fuller Family Trust  20230 / 3670 0 / 0 2.49 0 No
ASH 2/17/2023 DP Fuller Family Trust 11266 Beech Tree 11.001-1-26 210 / 210 152000 1 2
42200 3/1/2023 DF Fuller Family Trust  20230 / 3670 0 / 0 2.49 0 No
ASH 3/2/2023 Tharnish Carl 9115 Ahrens 28.002-1-37.2 210 / 270 37700 10000 1
42200 3/2/2023 Chmielowics Zachary 20230 / 3711 0 / 0 3.2 0 No
ASH 2/3/2023 Abt David Edward 8940 Simmons 29.001-2-16.2 210 / 240 309000 0 1
42200 3/3/2023 Abt Renee Lynn 20230 / 3808 0 / 0 22.15 0 No
ASH 2/22/2023 Czapla Jason Route 240 29.011-1-8.1 210 / 311 300 172678 2
42200 3/13/2023 Wilmington Savings Fund  20230 / 4299 72 / 60 0 0 No
ASH 2/22/2023 Czapla Jason 9343 Route 240 29.011-1-8.2 210 / 210 120800 172678 2
42200 3/13/2023 Wilmington Savings Fund  20230 / 4299 72 / 160 0 0 No
ASH 3/13/2023 Dahlman Estate of Ann 9636 Route 240 20.004-1-44 210 / 210 161300 1 1
42200 3/16/2023 Dahlman Gregory 20230 / 4656 0 / 0 2 0 No
ASH 3/13/2023 Dahlman Estate of Ann 9636 Route 240 20.004-1-44 210 / 210 161300 65750 1
42200 3/16/2023 Frank Amy & Dale L. 20230 / 4657 0 / 0 2 0 No
ASH 3/16/2023 Ahrens Daniel 5337 Depot 29.011-2-10 200 / 220 116600 160000 1
42200 3/16/2023 Walawender Robert J. 20230 / 4658 109 / 380 0 0 No
ASH 3/15/2023 Taylor Daniel 11318 Beech Tree 11.001-1-24.8 210 / 210 170200 245000 1
42200 3/17/2023 Hurley Bryan Ross 20230 / 4787 0 / 0 2.35 0 No
ASH 3/27/2023 William J Heim Revocable Trust 7071 Connoisarauley 19.001-2-21.9 100 / 220 128900 47160 3
42200 3/27/2023 Russell's RV Storage LLC  20230 / 5123 66.8 / 248 0 0 Yes
ASH 3/27/2023 William J Heim Revocable Trust 7051 Connoisaurauley 19.002-1-4.11 100 / 411 169300 47160 3
42200 3/27/2023 Russell's RV Storage LLC  20230 / 5123 0 / 0 1.31 0 Yes
ASH 3/27/2023 William J Heim Revocable Trust Connoisarauley 19.001-2-21.10 100 / 105 47700 47160 3
42200 3/27/2023 Russell's RV Storage LLC  20230 / 5123 0 / 0 5.91 0 Yes
ASH 3/10/2023 Cole Jason 10457 Route 240 11.003-2-8.2 210 / 210 89900 1 1
42200 3/27/2023 Stine Scott 20230 / 5157 0 / 0 2.1 0 No
ASH 3/22/2023 Kazmierczak George 9144 Route 240 29.002-1-20 210 / 210 190300 0 1
42200 3/27/2023 Kazmierczak George A. 20230 / 5189 155 / 200 0 0 No
ASH 3/15/2023 SMWRRA Trust Gooseneck 20.002-3-10.3 311 / 314 25800 1 1
42200 3/29/2023 Jones Diane 20230 / 5264 0 / 0 6.6 0 No
CAR 3/3/2023 Wheaton, Jr. Aubrey R. 1800 Chipmonk 92.004-1-3.3 210 / 270 27200 20000 1
42400 3/3/2023 Woodgie Louis S. & Kelly L. 20230 / 3959 0 / 0 1.35 0 No
CAR 3/17/2023 Ullman Henry 2440 Ten Mile 83.004-2-4.2 210 / 210 56500 0 1
42400 3/23/2023 Ullman Kevin H. 20230 / 5008 0 / 0 2.38 0 No
COL 3/6/2023 Bohall Marc 10207 Arrance 80.017-1-16 210 / 210 88400 0 1
42600 3/9/2023 Bohall John R. A. 20230 / 4171 0 / 0 6.07 0 No
COL 3/8/2023 Fisher Daniel 10232 Arrance 80.017-1-12 210 / 210 163900 0 1
42600 3/16/2023 Anderson Bradley J. 20230 / 4688 0 / 0 2.72 0 Yes
COL 2/28/2023 Daly Darin Rte 394 70.004-2-29.6 300 / 105 19000 0 1
42600 3/16/2023 DJKD Group Inc.  20230 / 4692 0 / 0 4.85 0 No
COL 3/16/2023 Daly Darin Rte 394 70.004-2-29.6 300 / 105 19000 19000 1
42600 3/16/2023 Cannonade Investment Group LLC 20230 / 4694 0 / 0 4.85 0 No
COL 3/16/2023 Daly Dennis Rte 394 70.004-2-29.7 300 / 314 16600 19000 1
42600 3/16/2023 Cannonade Investment Group LLC 20230 / 4696 0 / 0 4.85 0 No
COL 3/16/2023 Daly Dion Rte 394 70.004-2-29.8 311 / 314 15500 38000 2
42600 3/16/2023 Cannonade Investment Group LLC 20230 / 4697 0 / 0 4.85 0 No
COL 3/16/2023 Daly Dion Rte 394 70.004-2-29.9 311 / 314 45000 38000 2
42600 3/16/2023 Cannonade Investment Group LLC 20230 / 4697 0 / 0 4.85 0 No
COL 3/2/2023 Habermehl David 3427 Rte 394 79.002-2-2 210 / 210 85000 0 2
42600 3/31/2023 Anderson Wendell Craig 20230 / 5394 213 / 215 0 0 No
COL 3/2/2023 Habermehl David Coldspring 79.002-2-16.1 210 / 105 147600 0 2
42600 3/31/2023 Anderson Wendell Craig 20230 / 5394 0 / 0 69.05 0 No
CON 2/1/2022 Schulz Jeffrey 4354 Bush 69.002-1-3.2 210 / 210 57900 0 1
42800 3/1/2023 Schulz Jeffrey A. 20230 / 3657 200 / 165 0 0 No
CON 3/6/2023 Raber Jemima Keith 61.001-1-16.1 100 / 112 9200 1 1
42800 3/9/2023 Raber, John A. Raber, Lovina J. 20230 / 4152 0 / 0 36.88 0 No
CON 1/25/2022 Terry Robert Ralph 5194 Myers 61.001-1-18.7 210 / 270 22200 1 1
42800 3/15/2023 Terry Kimberly Marie 20230 / 4583 0 / 0 1.9 0 No
CON 3/15/2023 Terry Robert Ralph 5194 Myers 61.001-1-18.7 210 / 270 22200 1 1
42800 3/15/2023 Main Michael T. 20230 / 4592 0 / 0 1.9 0 No
CON 3/15/2023 Geberl Harold 4596 Brown 60.020-1-4 210 / 260 24500 8000 1
42800 3/17/2023 Kish Gregory A. 20230 / 4814 75 / 95 0 0 No
DAY 1/29/2023 Wesley United Methodist Church 8819 Rte 353 25.004-1-18 600 / 620 33200 0 1
43089 3/2/2023 Wesley Community Church, Inc  20230 / 3703 207 / 132 0 0 No
DAY 2/23/2023 Rowland Brinton 23 Main 33.033-1-2 210 / 210 28500 1 1
43001 3/10/2023 Easterly-Press Mathew 20230 / 4202 105 / 150 0 0 No
DAY 3/14/2023 Legacy Acres, LLC 8179 Mosher Hollow 34.002-1-20.1 100 / 112 198900 1 1
43089 3/14/2023 Dye Justin 20230 / 4463 0 / 0 2.94 0 Yes
DAY 3/8/2023 Pore David Dredge 33.042-1-5 311 / 323 36600 48000 1
43001 3/14/2023 Conrad Shaun 20230 / 4554 0 / 0 23.2 0 No
EAS 2/9/2023 Punturiero Fred Swamp 27.002-1-34.5 311 / 322 73800 65000 1
43200 3/9/2023 Heim Henry M. 20230 / 4148 0 / 0 55.2 0 No
EAS 3/7/2023 Nistor Alan J. Rolling Acres 18.002-2-22 300 / 314 8900 21500 3
43200 3/10/2023 APKE Investments, LLC  20230 / 4201 0 / 0 2.18 0 No
EAS 3/7/2023 Nistor Alan J. Deer 18.002-2-23 300 / 314 8200 21500 3
43200 3/10/2023 APKE Investments, LLC  20230 / 4201 0 / 0 2.14 0 No
EAS 3/7/2023 Nistor Alan J. Deer 18.002-2-24 300 / 312 11500 21500 3
43200 3/10/2023 APKE Investments, LLC  20230 / 4201 0 / 0 2.04 0 No
EAS 3/6/2023 Raber Andy 8357 Otto-E Otto 27.004-1-8 100 / 120 260800 260000 1
43200 3/13/2023 Hochstetler Mahlon B. 20230 / 4331 0 / 0 75.46 0 No
EAS 3/17/2023 Musall David Reed Hill 27.004-1-50 300 / 105 16100 19100 1
43200 3/20/2023 Anderson Julia 20230 / 4891 0 / 0 9.55 0 No
EAS 3/27/2023 Harvey Paul 8492 Reed Hill 27.004-1-49 210 / 210 185900 250000 1
43200 3/27/2023 Avery Linda M. 20230 / 5184 0 / 0 7.45 0 No
EAS 3/2/2023 Jovanovic Miroslov Plato 37.002-1-29.7 311 / 314 17600 35000 1
43200 3/28/2023 Bartolotta Frank 20230 / 5206 0 / 0 3.25 0 No
ELL 12/13/2022 Bodkin John & Maria 115 Holiview Rd-The Woods 55.033-3-64 210 / 210 230000 0 1
43689 3/3/2023 Bodkin, Andrew Bodkin, Ryan P 20230 / 3757 21 / 66 0 0 No
ELL 3/2/2023 Moriarty Matthew 7101 Simmons 47.002-1-18.10 311 / 314 32300 48000 1
43689 3/3/2023 Clarke Ryan J. & Shayna 20230 / 3957 0 / 0 2.04 0 Yes
ELL 2/23/2023 Whelan Lawrence 16 Alpine 55.052-2-8.26 210 / 210 230000 1 1
43689 3/7/2023 Whelan Lawrence 20230 / 4074 22.3 / 46 0 0 No
ELL 2/16/2023 Miller Mary Francine 13 Valley Village 55.051-1-14 210 / 210 310000 0 1
43689 3/9/2023 The Mary F. Miller Trust  20230 / 4150 30 / 171 0 0 No
ELL 1/20/2023 Randolph Reed William 27-29 E Washington 55.036-1-33 210 / 210 375600 0 1
43601 3/10/2023 Reed W. Randolph Revocable Trust I 20230 / 4215 0 / 0 1.7 0 No
ELL 2/6/2023 Weeks Thomas Us Rte 219 37.004-1-18.8 300 / 314 26200 10000 1
43689 3/10/2023 Heilemann Rudy L. 20230 / 4217 0 / 0 5.18 0 No
ELL 3/8/2023 Morcio Robert 121/123-5 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/1215 210 / 210 40320 1 1
43689 3/14/2023 Morcio, Robert D. Morcio, Debra S. 20230 / 4549 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 3/10/2023 Renaldo Stuart 6669 Upper 55.011-3-11 210 / 210 337000 760000 1
43689 3/15/2023 Glazer Aaron F. 20230 / 4562 125 / 170 0 0 No
ELL 1/30/2023 Hillview Mews LP Glen Burn 55.028-2-11.1 210 / 280 90000 445000 1
43689 3/16/2023 Polino Jr. Cosimo S. 20230 / 4671 20 / 60 0 0 Yes
ELL 3/16/2023 Holimont Inc Hill Top 55.011-2-17.1 311 / 323 2000 36000 1
43689 3/17/2023 Hurley III John Lee 20230 / 4790 44 / 242 0 0 No
ELL 3/23/2023 Heary Patricia 25 Wildflower Apts 55.052-2-11.20 210 / 210 110000 255000 1
43689 3/23/2023 Calcei Jesse M. 20230 / 5010 16 / 37 0 0 No
ELL 3/22/2023 Wagner III Edward 518 Deer Crossing- Fox Ridge 55.051-3-63 210 / 210 225000 401000 1
43689 3/23/2023 Martin Jesse H. 20230 / 5015 23 / 33 0 0 No
ELL 3/23/2023 Smith Joseph 68 Woods Rd-The Woods 55.033-3-7 210 / 210 240000 425000 1
43689 3/24/2023 Stoeckl, Andrew C. Stoeckl, Sara L 20230 / 5107 21 / 60 0 0 No
ELL 3/24/2023 Houck Theodore Meryvn 410/412-1 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/4101 210 / 210 50880 1 1
43689 3/24/2023 1E9, LLC  20230 / 5111 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 3/21/2023 Bishop Joint Rev. Trust Ronald W. & Linda F. 7328 Us Rte 219 N 46.002-1-14 210 / 210 88300 1 1
43689 3/27/2023 Nazareth Manoel E. 20230 / 5181 0 / 0 3.14 0 No
ELL 3/17/2023 Morris Israel 7880 Tough Row Hill 37.004-1-50 210 / 210 133200 405000 1
43689 3/28/2023 Lake Kevin 20230 / 5228 191 / 203 0 0 No
ELL 1/31/2023 Doro Mary 6215 Sunset 55.041-1-40 210 / 210 769000 1 1
43689 3/29/2023 Mary K. Doro Revocable Trust  20230 / 5282 83.49 / 195.57 0 0 No
ELL 3/30/2023 Kearns Nadia 1 Stone 55.034-4-22 210 / 210 265000 461850 1
43689 3/30/2023 The Durkin Trust  20230 / 5346 22.9 / 57.99 0 0 No
FAR 3/17/2023 Fox Robert 8136 NYS Rte. 16 40.001-3-4 210 / 210 47100 110000 1
43800 3/20/2023 Great Lakes Cheese Co. Inc  20230 / 4880 190 / 147 0 0 No
FAR 3/20/2023 McCluer Samuel 1216 Elton 23.003-1-3.2 210 / 210 85700 1 1
43800 3/27/2023 McCluer Nancy L. 20230 / 5149 0 / 0 20.25 0 No
FAR 3/28/2023 Howe Jeffery 414 Hardy Corners 41.002-1-5 210 / 240 105700 225000 1
43800 3/29/2023 Pelitera Peter C. 20230 / 5294 0 / 0 10.22 0 No
FAR 3/28/2023 Howe Jeffrey Hardy Corners 41.002-1-7 300 / 322 30000 0 1
43800 3/29/2023 Pelitera Peter C. 20230 / 5295 0 / 0 22.39 0 No
FAR 3/8/2023 Imbrogno Marco Hardy Crn. 41.002-1-3.17 300 / 260 34000 20000 1
43800 3/30/2023 Piejda Matthew J. 20230 / 5339 0 / 0 25 0 No
FAR 3/20/2023 Swartzentruber Enos P. 1644 Elton 22.004-1-6.5 300 / 112 225000 1 1
43800 3/30/2023 County of Cattaraugus  20230 / 5357 0 / 0 0.59 0 Yes
FRA 2/27/2023 Stockman Jacqueline 23 Third 40.071-4-10 210 / 210 44000 1 1
44001 3/1/2023 Carlson Dawn M. 20230 / 3659 66 / 178 0 0 No
FRA 3/1/2023 Gerringer Richard 51 S Main 40.078-1-14 210 / 220 25000 1 2
44001 3/1/2023 Top Notch Concepts LLC  20230 / 3671 80.5 / 220 0 0 No
FRA 12/19/2022 Swartz David 19 Cherry 40.063-5-34 210 / 210 40000 1 1
44001 3/7/2023 Swartz Mark 20230 / 4042 83 / 239 0 0 No
FRA 3/3/2023 N24 Properties, LLC 3 Maple 40.071-1-20 200 / 230 64700 130000 1
44001 3/7/2023 Runser Jr John E. 20230 / 4056 86.63 / 239 0 0 No
FRA 6/12/2022 Heywood Michael Cadiz 49.001-1-1.7 300 / 314 6000 5226 1
44089 3/9/2023 APXN Property LLC  20230 / 4145 0 / 0 5.95 0 No
FRA 3/13/2023 Quarles Erica M 31 Pine 40.063-4-18 311 / 312 32800 1 2
44001 3/13/2023 Potts David 20230 / 4313 105 / 132 0 0 No
FRA 3/13/2023 Quarles Erica M Chesnut (off) 40.063-4-19.1 311 / 311 100 1 2
44001 3/13/2023 Potts David 20230 / 4313 105 / 58 0 0 No
FRA 3/17/2023 Morrison Robert 20 Second 40.071-2-30 210 / 210 45900 143000 1
44001 3/20/2023 McFarland Jeffrey S. 20230 / 4861 58 / 140 0 0 No
FRA 3/10/2023 Bates-Baker Nancy 1117 Mt Pleasant 40.079-1-7.1 210 / 210 25200 57000 2
44001 3/21/2023 Runser Jr. John  20230 / 4930 0 / 0 2.24 1 No
FRA 3/10/2023 Bates-Baker Nancy Fourth Ave Ext (Off) 40.079-1-8.2 210 / 314 1300 57000 2
44001 3/21/2023 Runser Jr. John  20230 / 4930 0 / 0 2.19 1 No
FRA 3/22/2023 Jandrew Leo 2798 East Hill 49.001-1-31.2 210 / 240 102400 149900 1
44089 3/22/2023 Burget Theresa M. 20230 / 4956 0 / 0 35.1 0 No
FRA 3/9/2023 Schrimmel Danielle 6833 NYS Route 16 49.003-1-17.2 210 / 210 59400 1 1
44089 3/23/2023 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 20230 / 5003 0 / 0 14.25 0 No
FRA 3/22/2023 Evans Jason 19 Franklin 40.070-3-30 200 / 220 23600 58000 1
44001 3/23/2023 Freer Dale A. 20230 / 5061 65 / 270 0 0 No
FRA 3/21/2023 Breton Joyce 22 First 40.071-1-38 210 / 210 44100 1 1
44001 3/28/2023 Dallas Sally A. 20230 / 5218 47 / 161 0 0 No
FRE 3/6/2023 Burdick James H. 10368 Sandbank 23.001-1-6 210 / 210 63100 70000 1
44200 3/8/2023 Whitehead Nathan 20230 / 4113 153 / 260 0 0 No
FRE 3/2/2023 Miller Frank 10324 Ashcraft 22.002-2-2.2 210 / 240 184200 1 1
44200 3/9/2023 Lester Jeanine M. 20230 / 4143 0 / 0 52.12 0 No
FRE 1/31/2023 Wood Bridge Farm LLC 10630 Marble Springs 13.004-1-11.1 311 / 312 205900 29245 1
44200 3/13/2023 Wood Bridge Farm LLC  20230 / 4310 0 / 0 22.8 0 Yes
FRE 1/31/2023 Wood Bridge Farm LLC 10630 Marble Springs 13.004-1-11.1 311 / 312 205900 29245 1
44200 3/13/2023 Shannon James V. 20230 / 4312 0 / 0 22.9 0 Yes
FRE 2/23/2023 Ward Ronald J 701 Moore 14.004-1-2 210 / 210 86100 1 1
44200 3/14/2023 Golabek Kathleen A. 20230 / 4464 0 / 0 1.73 0 No
FRE 3/14/2023 Cass Daniel 1370 Eagle 14.005-1-43 210 / 210 72200 1 1
44200 3/14/2023 Cass Melissa A. 20230 / 4476 140 / 179 0.57 0 No
FRE 2/16/2023 Kensy Felicia 11870 North 6.004-1-5.2 210 / 240 133700 161000 1
44200 3/22/2023 Zimmer Darryl A. 20230 / 4951 0 / 0 10.3 0 No
FRE 1/31/2023 Cole Walter 1525 War-Moose 22.002-3-4.19 210 / 260 78000 1 1
44200 3/22/2023 Cole Walter J. 20230 / 4968 78 / 343 0 0 No
GRE 3/3/2023 Revetti Anthony Nys Rte 417 73.004-1-43.1 311 / 322 47600 39000 1
44400 3/7/2023 Perkins Mark A. 20230 / 4075 200 / 0 46 0 No
GRE 2/2/2023 Brown Bradley Sullivan Hollow Rd (Off) 74.003-1-30 210 / 910 15000 0 2
44400 3/10/2023 B&C Brown Family Trust I  20230 / 4216 0 / 0 10.95 0 No
GRE 2/2/2023 Brown Bradley 6126 Sullivan Hollow 74.003-1-31 210 / 210 209400 0 2
44400 3/10/2023 B&C Brown Family Trust I  20230 / 4216 0 / 0 10.75 0 No
GRE 3/14/2023 Frank Ellen A Sirianni Martin 65.001-2-5 300 / 120 52800 65270 1
44400 3/14/2023 Howard Jordan E. 20230 / 4486 0 / 0 64.83 0 Yes
GRE 3/10/2023 Frank Ellen A Sirianni Martin 65.001-2-5 300 / 120 52800 12260 1
44400 3/14/2023 Brennan Joseph T. 20230 / 4487 0 / 0 11.89 0 Yes
GRE 3/20/2023 Smith Diane 6178 Sullivan Hollow 74.003-1-38 210 / 210 176700 1 1
44400 3/24/2023 Smith Thomas L. 20230 / 5113 0 / 0 33.9 0 No
GRE 2/23/2023 Hall Caroline 6324 Mutton Hollow 64.002-1-11.1 210 / 240 90200 0 1
44400 3/28/2023 Hall Aaron M. 20230 / 5222 0 / 0 28.95 0 No
GRE 2/27/2023 Spaulding Joshua 5140 Beeles 74.002-1-16.9 210 / 210 88300 42137 1
44400 3/31/2023 Murphy Jennifer Anne 20230 / 5427 0 / 0 1.3 0 No
HIN 10/3/2018 Brown Stephen Underwood 77.001-1-39.2 300 / 322 16200 17000 1
44600 3/1/2023 Union Concrete & Const Corp  20230 / 3655 470 / 0 16.9 0 No
HIN 3/15/2023 Colvin Matthew Fay 76.004-1-8.6 300 / 314 41000 1 1
44600 3/15/2023 Mohr Charles W. 20230 / 4569 0 / 0 111.1 0 Yes
HIN 3/15/2023 Colvin Matthew Fay 76.004-1-8.6 300 / 314 41000 1 1
44600 3/15/2023 Colvin Matthew S. 20230 / 4576 0 / 0 30.61 0 Yes
HIN 3/18/2023 Snyder Lisa 3810 Main 77.013-2-20 210 / 210 48000 2000 1
44600 3/21/2023 McCormack Susan A. 20230 / 4914 13 / 76.5 0 0 Yes
HIN 3/22/2023 Cassiol Mary Meadow View 76.004-2-20.15 311 / 312 62800 1 1
44600 3/22/2023 Cassiol Derek J. 20230 / 4964 0 / 0 40.25 0 No
HIN 3/17/2023 GEARHEAD GARAGE, LLC 3502 Nys Rte 16 85.008-1-10.1 400 / 430 25000 60000 1
44600 3/22/2023 Miller Stephen 20230 / 4975 0 / 0 1.28 0 No
HIN 3/13/2023 Carter John 2048 Union Valley 85.002-2-17.1 210 / 270 70000 1 1
44600 3/24/2023 Carter Jordan M. 20230 / 5095 0 / 0 28.3 0 No
HIN 3/24/2023 Jeffery Adam 3788 Fay Hollow 76.004-1-9.8 311 / 314 8800 11000 1
44600 3/28/2023 Downey Andrea 20230 / 5242 0 / 0 1.9 0 No
HIN 3/29/2023 BDT Maple Rd., Inc. Fay 76.004-1-8.2 311 / 322 11600 1 1
44600 3/30/2023 PKL Properties of WNY LLC  20230 / 5328 0 / 0 11.27 0 No
HIN 3/29/2023 BDT Maple Rd, Inc 3851 Fay 76.004-1-8.5 311 / 312 10000 1 2
44600 3/30/2023 PKL Properties of WNY LLC  20230 / 5329 0 / 0 1.85 0 No
HIN 3/29/2023 BDT Maple Rd, Inc 3920 Fay Hollow 76.004-1-9.9 311 / 312 16000 1 2
44600 3/30/2023 PKL Properties of WNY LLC  20230 / 5329 0 / 0 2.75 0 No
HIN 3/29/2023 BDT Maple Road Inc. Fay 76.004-1-8.7 311 / 322 9000 1 1
44600 3/30/2023 PKL Properties of WNY LLC  20230 / 5330 0 / 0 2.4 0 No
HIN 3/30/2023 Oakley Jason 1111 Sherlock Hollow 77.003-2-40.1 210 / 210 109000 205000 1
44600 3/31/2023 Davidson Dana Kevin 20230 / 5405 121.2 / 278.3 0 0 No
HUM 3/6/2023 Jensen Dwayne 4373 Humphrey 66.003-1-23 210 / 210 115000 0 1
44800 3/6/2023 Pierce Angelia 20230 / 3980 0 / 0 1.87 0 No
HUM 2/22/2023 Fisher Richard 4014 Mt Echo 75.001-1-22.3 300 / 312 24900 0 1
44800 3/15/2023 Fisher John 20230 / 4577 0 / 0 4.75 0 No
HUM 3/6/2023 Newman David & Carrie a/k/a 5460 Howe Hill 65.002-2-2.7 210 / 260 82900 0 2
44800 3/28/2023 D&C Newman Family Trust I  20230 / 5199 0 / 0 3.75 0 No
HUM 3/6/2023 Newman David & Carrie a/k/a Howe Hill 65.002-2-2.9 210 / 314 10900 0 2
44800 3/28/2023 D&C Newman Family Trust I  20230 / 5199 0 / 0 2.9 0 No
HUM 3/29/2023 Deboy Linda Bozard Hill 66.001-1-34.2 311 / 311 8600 0 1
44800 3/29/2023 McCormick Richard 20230 / 5256 160.5 / 150.2 0 0 No
ISC 3/16/2023 Neff Joseph 1160 Yankee Hill 59.003-1-24 210 / 270 38000 26000 1
45000 3/17/2023 Neff Keith 20230 / 4770 0 / 0 2.86 0 No
ISC 3/23/2023 Keller Carol 5127 Five Mile 67.001-2-23 210 / 210 57500 0 1
45000 3/23/2023 Morton, Karen Mitchell, Jessica 20230 / 5055 0 / 0 2.84 0 Yes
ISC 3/23/2023 Keller Carol 5127 Five Mile 67.001-2-23 210 / 210 57500 0 1
45000 3/23/2023 Keller Gregory A & Eric J. 20230 / 5056 0 / 0 22.02 0 Yes
ISC 3/22/2023 Short Curtis D. 5998 Five Mile 58.003-2-4 210 / 210 35000 15000 1
45000 3/24/2023 Nazemetz Alexander P. 20230 / 5099 140 / 305 0 0 No
ISC 3/20/2023 Burkhardt Guenter Dutch Hill Rd (Off) 67.002-1-14 900 / 910 86000 1 1
45000 3/24/2023 The Burkhardt Family Trust  20230 / 5116 0 / 0 166.74 0 No
ISC 3/13/2023 Karn James O 805 Johnson Hollow 68.001-1-5.1 210 / 240 154000 300000 1
45000 3/27/2023 Raber Crist 20230 / 5137 0 / 0 53.95 0 No
LEO 2/14/2023 Riley Michael 12201 Slew 43.003-1-1.5 311 / 210 150800 0 1
45200 3/15/2023 Riley Michael O. 20230 / 4579 0 / 0 30.66 0 Yes
LEO 2/14/2023 Riley Michael 12201 Slew 43.003-1-1.5 210 / 210 150800 0 1
45200 3/15/2023 Oakes Dylan D. 20230 / 4580 0 / 0 15.33 0 Yes
LEO 2/22/2023 Raber Crist 6156 Rte 62 51.002-2-9.1 210 / 112 118100 160000 1
45200 3/24/2023 Miller Johnny E. 20230 / 5110 0 / 0 62.5 0 No
LIT 3/1/2023 Bowen James 419 Rock City 54.072-4-12 210 / 210 51000 1 1
45401 3/8/2023 Bowen James F. 20230 / 4116 71 / 148 0 0 No
LIT 3/13/2023 Titus Jerry A 5224 NYS Route 353 63.002-2-6.3 210 / 210 89000 200000 1
45489 3/13/2023 Wait David 20230 / 4359 0 / 0 2.2 0 No
LIT 3/13/2023 Starks David 205 Sixth 54.064-1-15 210 / 210 43000 145000 1
45401 3/14/2023 Thomas Joseph 20230 / 4480 60 / 198 0 0 No
LIT 3/10/2023 Rusiniak Robert 5121 NYS Route 353 63.002-1-8.2 400 / 421 30000 1 1
45489 3/24/2023 Rusiniak Leah 20230 / 5119 0 / 0 1.35 0 No
LIT 3/28/2023 Whipple Scott 111 Seventh 54.071-3-17 210 / 210 31400 78000 1
45401 3/29/2023 DiPaola Ian 20230 / 5284 43.4 / 90 0 0 No
LYN 3/1/2023 Radomski Thomas A 99 Lyndon Center 50.002-1-31 210 / 240 170000 1 1
45600 3/1/2023 Halsaver Wanda A. 20230 / 3660 0 / 0 2.9 0 Yes
LYN 2/24/2023 Levine Mark Rawson 50.004-1-31 311 / 314 12400 1 1
45600 3/3/2023 Levine Mark Andrew 20230 / 3793 0 / 0 3.92 0 No
LYN 2/2/2023 Thompson Carol 7746 North Center 41.004-1-17.1 210 / 210 75000 1 1
45600 3/3/2023 Thompson James Lydell 20230 / 3956 0 / 0 5 0 No
LYN 3/7/2023 Radomski Thomas A 99 Lyndon Center 50.002-1-31 210 / 240 170000 1 1
45600 3/7/2023 Radomski Aaron 20230 / 4046 0 / 0 29.88 0 Yes
LYN 3/1/2023 Nutt Zachary 6560 Rawson 50.004-1-38.2 210 / 210 75000 1 1
45600 3/14/2023 Cross Country Rentals LLC  20230 / 4514 0 / 0 2.85 0 No
LYN 3/12/2023 Radomski Thomas A 99 Lyndon Center 50.002-1-31 210 / 240 170000 1 1
45600 3/15/2023 Radomski Todd 20230 / 4596 0 / 0 34.73 0 Yes
LYN 3/3/2023 Magavern Jeffrey 1051 1074 Clark 41.003-1-6 300 / 322 131400 42500 1
45600 3/15/2023 Mazza Katherine M. 20230 / 4597 0 / 0 121.86 0 No
LYN 3/29/2023 Eron David Grove & Clark 41.003-1-1.10 300 / 314 10400 8000 1
45600 3/31/2023 27 Clyde Ave, Inc  20230 / 5412 0 / 0 2.6 0 No
MAC 3/2/2023 Whitenight's Property Holdings LLC 9531 Marble 22.003-1-9.3 210 / 270 55900 40000 1
45800 3/8/2023 Pinnavaia Michael 20230 / 4123 0 / 0 4.75 0 No
MAC 3/14/2023 Burgdorf James 45 Sunset 21.060-1-8 210 / 271 14700 0 1
45800 3/14/2023 Burgdorf Brandiann 20230 / 4483 169 / 100 0 0 No
MAC 3/6/2023 3197 Elton Road LLC 3197 Elton 22.053-1-56 400 / 423 158600 630000 1
45800 3/14/2023 Lime Lake Enterprises, LLC  20230 / 4520 131 / 102 0 30000 No
MAN 3/2/2023 Burke Patrick Hencoop Hollow 55.001-2-35.1 311 / 314 53500 235000 3
46000 3/3/2023 Hidden Gem Family Resorts  20230 / 3887 0 / 0 2 0 No
MAN 3/2/2023 Burke Patrick Hencoop Hollow 55.001-2-35.3 311 / 314 27800 235000 3
46000 3/3/2023 Hidden Gem Family Resorts  20230 / 3887 230 / 220 0 0 No
MAN 3/2/2023 Burke Patrick Hencoop Hollow 55.001-2-35.4 311 / 314 23500 235000 3
46000 3/3/2023 Hidden Gem Family Resorts  20230 / 3887 160 / 295 0 0 No
MAN 2/24/2023 Hill Revocable Trust I Thomas 7658 Wilson 36.003-2-10.4 100 / 280 528100 0 1
46000 3/8/2023 Thomas S. & Cathy A. Hill Joint Revocable Trus 20230 / 4106 0 / 0 58.2 0 Yes
MAN 2/24/2023 Hill Revocable Trust I Thomas 7658 Wilson 36.003-2-10.4 100 / 280 528100 0 1
46000 3/8/2023 Thomas S.& Cathy A Hill Joint Revocable Trust 20230 / 4107 0 / 0 51.25 0 Yes
MAN 1/25/2023 Skiver William 7681 Maples 37.003-1-56 210 / 210 103500 0 2
46000 3/10/2023 Skiver William 20230 / 4214 175 / 140 0 0 No
MAN 1/25/2023 Skiver William Maples 37.003-1-51.1 210 / 314 3000 0 2
46000 3/10/2023 Skiver William 20230 / 4214 0 / 0 1.85 0 No
MAN 3/10/2023 Van De Wall Laura 7292 Windsor 55.001-1-9 210 / 210 336800 510000 1
46000 3/13/2023 Air D&C LLC  20230 / 4388 0 / 0 1.62 0 No
MAN 3/13/2023 Hildred Barry 7435 Windsor 55.001-1-3.10 210 / 210 322000 643000 1
46000 3/14/2023 Stay in Cocoa Beach Rentals LP 20230 / 4473 0 / 0 1.75 0 No
MAN 3/13/2023 Holland Ryan Windsor 55.001-1-3.1 311 / 311 19200 46000 1
46000 3/14/2023 Stay in Cocoa Beach Rentals LP 20230 / 4478 0 / 0 1.73 0 No
MAN 3/15/2023 Singer Herbert Dublin 54.002-1-11.24 311 / 314 18900 50000 1
46000 3/17/2023 Kudrin Mark A. 20230 / 4782 0 / 0 2.81 0 No
MAN 3/16/2023 Hart-Friedl Bonita Jersey Hollow 36.003-2-10.3 311 / 311 63000 1 1
46000 3/21/2023 County of Cattaraugus  20230 / 4910 0 / 0 24.7 0 Yes
MAN 3/14/2023 Rohwer Alice 7654-7664 Jersey Hollow 36.003-2-13 311 / 270 149600 1 1
46000 3/22/2023 County of Cattaraugus  20230 / 4958 0 / 0 12.21 0 Yes
MAN 3/24/2023 Shepherd Stephen 6301 Dublin Hills 54.002-1-24.17 210 / 210 216500 330000 1
46000 3/27/2023 Roberts Sean Raymond 20230 / 5141 0 / 0 6.35 0 No
MAN 3/28/2023 Campbell William Woodard 55.001-1-6.3 311 / 311 59000 75000 1
46000 3/28/2023 Dahlman Nathan W. 20230 / 5223 0 / 0 6.75 0 No
MAN 3/27/2023 Pelosi Frank 6353 Hencoop Hollow 55.001-2-10 210 / 210 259600 1 1
46000 3/28/2023 Chateau St. Jane LLC  20230 / 5237 116 / 240 0 0 No
MAN 12/30/2022 Martin Timothy 6524 Watson 55.001-1-4.16 210 / 210 454300 1 1
46000 3/29/2023 Garcia Catherine 20230 / 5265 0 / 0 3.27 0 No
NAP 3/9/2023 Bedell Terry 9680 Bucktooth Run 62.004-1-19.6 210 / 270 36400 40000 1
46200 3/15/2023 Grainer Nicholas 20230 / 4561 0 / 0 1.5 0 No
NAP 3/8/2023 Wright Cathleen 10248 Pigeon Valley 62.001-1-8.2 210 / 270 42000 35000 1
46200 3/16/2023 Wright Jr. Ray 20230 / 4687 0 / 0 1.7 0 No
NAP 3/23/2023 Brooks Stephen T. 9661 Bucktooth Run 62.004-1-49.11 210 / 210 114300 75000 1
46200 3/24/2023 Brown Sharon M. 20230 / 5091 0 / 0 2.45 0 No
NAP 1/27/2023 Neal Barbara Y Enchanted Lake 62.038-2-24 311 / 314 500 800 1
46200 3/29/2023 Shackelford Christopher 20230 / 5257 75 / 150 0 0 No
NAP 2/17/2023 Downing Beth Enchanted Lake 62.038-2-9 311 / 314 900 2000 2
46200 3/29/2023 Shackelford Christopher 20230 / 5280 75 / 168.62 0 0 No
NAP 2/17/2023 Downing Beth Enchanted Lake 62.038-2-10 311 / 314 900 2000 2
46200 3/29/2023 Shackelford Christopher 20230 / 5280 61.39 / 197.58 0 0 No
NEW 1/13/2023 McIntyre Beth 22 Franklin 35.082-2-15 210 / 210 57800 145000 1
46401 3/2/2023 Potalivo Jason 20230 / 3714 122 / 165 0 0 No
NEW 3/7/2023 Dorn Patrick 10709 Leon 53.001-1-1.3 210 / 270 46600 95000 1
46489 3/8/2023 Agnew, III James R. 20230 / 4111 0 / 0 32.37 0 No
NEW 3/9/2023 Wachter Family Trust Leon 53.001-1-27 311 / 260 20600 125000 1
46489 3/10/2023 LRVL14 LLC  20230 / 4251 0 / 0 26.02 0 No
NEW 3/7/2023 Wright Ray 9226 New Albion 53.002-2-19 210 / 270 17400 75000 1
46489 3/13/2023 Bargy Tra William 20230 / 4306 209 / 184 0 0 No
NEW 2/14/2023 Krotz Robert 273 Main 44.033-2-21 210 / 210 54600 1 1
46401 3/13/2023 Krotz Robert G. 20230 / 4311 0 / 0 1.5 0 No
NEW 3/15/2023 Moritz Brent 23 Waverly 35.081-3-16 200 / 230 25000 0 1
46401 3/15/2023 Moritz Brent 20230 / 4565 66 / 132 0 0 No
OLE 2/28/2023 Hyde David 2730 Mccann Hollow 103.001-2-13.1 311 / 311 6700 6400 1
46600 3/1/2023 Backus Charles 20230 / 3667 0 / 0 0.95 0 No
OLE 5/23/2022 Mikolajczyk Scott Lundys 94.001-2-51 300 / 314 3000 0 1
46600 3/15/2023 Mikolajczyk Scott F. 20230 / 4559 328 / 137 0 0 No
OLE 3/14/2023 Rumsey Fred L 2975 W River 94.003-4-1.1 210 / 240 53290 185000 1
46600 3/15/2023 Jackson Ebraaheema 20230 / 4586 0 / 0 32.6 0 No
OLE 2/21/2023 McGraw Daniel 2082 Dugan 94.002-1-54 210 / 210 52100 1 1
46600 3/17/2023 McGraw Jr. Daniel E. 20230 / 4748 150 / 249 0 0 No
OLE 3/13/2023 Johnson Melissa 1985 Montana 85.019-1-42 210 / 210 39000 1 1
46600 3/17/2023 Johnson Melissa L. 20230 / 4837 66 / 260 0 0 No
OLE 3/9/2023 Olson Rodney Windfall 94.002-2-21.1 311 / 311 77600 1 1
46600 3/29/2023 Grecke, LLC  20230 / 5248 0 / 0 94.78 0 No
OLE 3/24/2023 Anderson Dale Cherry 94.004-1-8.3 311 / 314 9400 17500 1
46600 3/29/2023 Cannonade Investment Group LLC 20230 / 5323 0 / 0 4.24 0 No
PER 3/1/2023 Newton John 11877 Main 16.022-2-12 210 / 210 69000 165000 1
47000 3/2/2023 Geiger Shane S. 20230 / 3719 110 / 242 0 0 No
PER 3/9/2023 Reid James A Maltbie 16.002-2-23.2 300 / 322 17500 1 1
47000 3/28/2023 Reid Dana M. 20230 / 5205 0 / 0 23.6 0 Yes
PER 1/19/2023 Miller Michelle 42 Commercial 8.084-2-19.1 400 / 418 150000 0 1
47201 3/2/2023 Miller Cathy L. 20230 / 3701 215 / 85 0 0 No
PER 3/1/2023 Messerly Chad 29 Memorial 8.075-1-35 210 / 210 75800 170000 1
47201 3/2/2023 Newton Kim 20230 / 3705 70 / 151 0 0 No
PER 2/9/2023 Allen Merrill 10051 Route 62 16.002-3-30 300 / 314 7800 30000 1
47289 3/27/2023 Keller Erik W. 20230 / 5188 0 / 0 8.8 0 No
PER 3/24/2021 Soroky Scott 66 Hill 16.027-2-21 210 / 210 65000 18956 1
47201 3/30/2023 Soroky Jana 20230 / 5331 0 / 0 2 0 No
POR 2/22/2023 Nelson Wanda 379 Butternut Brook 113.002-2-31 210 / 270 27100 1 1
47489 3/1/2023 Nelson Robert L. 20230 / 3663 110 / 175 0 0 No
POR 3/2/2023 Kemp Frederick 390 Butternut Brook 113.002-2-12.2 210 / 270 20600 100 1
47489 3/3/2023 Krist John N. 20230 / 3961 0 / 0 1.05 0 No
POR 3/14/2023 Stephen Garret Prosser 113.002-4-4.1 311 / 120 109700 1000 1
47489 3/23/2023 Pickett Jr. Kenneth L. 20230 / 4993 97.9 / 50 0 0 Yes
POR 3/2/2023 Perkins Joshua 1044 Lillibridge 104.002-1-35 311 / 314 16200 1 1
47489 3/23/2023 Perkins Joshua D. 20230 / 5013 0 / 0 12.1 0 No
POR 3/30/2023 Wilcox Brian 988 Windfall 86.003-2-5 210 / 210 130000 170000 1
47489 3/30/2023 Fitzpatrick Skyler McRay 20230 / 5351 0 / 0 6.55 0 No
RAN 3/3/2023 Smith Bonnie 103 Conewango 70.056-1-6 210 / 210 68000 120000 1
47600 3/3/2023 Bless Keith 20230 / 3967 0 / 0 6.55 0 No
RAN 3/7/2023 Estate of Scott A. Brown 2306 Phillips Brook 88.001-1-32.1 210 / 270 30400 21000 1
47600 3/8/2023 Brown Suzanne 20230 / 4103 690 / 0 12.02 0 No
RAN 3/7/2023 Brown Suzanne 2306 Phillips Brook 88.001-1-32.1 210 / 270 30400 21000 1
47600 3/8/2023 Gerling Christian J. 20230 / 4104 690 / 0 12.02 0 No
RAN 6/10/2022 Burnside Nancy 10 Coldspring 70.071-6-13 210 / 210 59000 1 1
47600 3/10/2023 Hadden Ashley N. 20230 / 4203 115 / 320 0 0 No
RAN 3/10/2023 Fischer Jason D. Larkin 70.079-1-28.10 300 / 311 4000 16325 1
47600 3/14/2023 Newark Jeremy 20230 / 4474 0 / 0 1.88 0 No
RAN 3/2/2023 Metallic Ladder Mfg Co Washington 70.071-3-18 700 / 311 2500 1 2
47600 3/15/2023 Metallic Ladder Properties, LLC 20230 / 4598 172 / 82.5 0 0 No
RAN 3/2/2023 Metallic Ladder Mfg Co 41 Washington 70.071-6-14 700 / 710 398700 1 2
47600 3/15/2023 Metallic Ladder Properties, LLC 20230 / 4598 0 / 0 4.2 0 No
RAN 8/26/2022 Randolph Property Partners LLC Bank 70.072-1-9 400 / 482 125000 1 1
47600 3/22/2023 Randolph Property Partners LLC 20230 / 4969 60 / 75 0 0 No
RAN 2/23/2023 Myers Mary 375 Main 70.065-1-2.1 210 / 210 66000 0 1
47600 3/28/2023 Myers, David Myers, Bruce 20230 / 5209 0 / 0 1.25 0 No
RAN 3/14/2023 See George 57 Jamestown 70.071-5-16 210 / 210 88400 0 1
47600 3/28/2023 See George 20230 / 5210 84 / 217 0 0 No
RAN 12/5/2022 Gillen Bruce R. Pine Hill 79.001-1-36.5 300 / 105 4750 0 1
47600 3/30/2023 Gillen Jason A. 20230 / 5333 0 / 0 12.75 0 No
RAN 12/5/2022 Gillen Bruce R 3077 Pine Hill 79.001-1-36.3 210 / 210 87500 0 1
47600 3/30/2023 Gillen Jason A. 20230 / 5334 0 / 0 2 0 No
RAN 3/31/2023 DiLallo Vincent 2522 Pine Hill 79.003-1-17.1 210 / 240 156200 1 1
47600 3/31/2023 First Restatement of the Vincent DiLallo  20230 / 5413 0 / 0 1.96 0 Yes
RAN 3/31/2023 DiLallo Vincent Pine Hill 79.003-1-16.1 311 / 312 16600 1 2
47600 3/31/2023 First Restatement of the Vincent DiLallo 20230 / 5414 0 / 0 26 0 No
RAN 3/31/2023 DiLallo Vincent 2522 Pine Hill 79.003-1-17.1 311 / 240 156200 1 2
47600 3/31/2023 First Restatement of the Vincent DiLallo 20230 / 5414 0 / 0 19.59 0 No
SAL 3/13/2023 Bek Lawrence 3207 State Park 82.001-1-21.2 210 / 210 75100 90000 1
48000 3/22/2023 Bek Justin 20230 / 4950 0 / 0 4.8 0 No
SOU 3/10/2023 Rusiniak Leah Perimeter 106.001-1-24 210 / 270 12700 1 1
48200 3/24/2023 Rusiniak David 20230 / 5118 0 / 0 1.05 0 No
SOU 3/10/2023 Rusiniak James 11508 Luce 106.001-1-30.1 900 / 910 53800 26000 1
48200 3/24/2023 Rusiniak James 20230 / 5120 0 / 0 77 0 No
YOR 2/28/2023 Sisson John 11346 Vangilder 12.001-2-39.1 210 / 117 52000 420000 1
48489 3/8/2023 Brown Donald 20230 / 4124 0 / 0 13.75 0 No
YOR 2/9/2023 Polino Robert 3968 Woodard 12.003-1-14 210 / 210 30950 1 1
48489 3/14/2023 Polino Robert C. 20230 / 4557 0 / 0 18.23 0 No
YOR 2/14/2023 Rumfola Mark L 4100 Gooseneck 12.003-2-9 210 / 210 44020 325000 1
48489 3/21/2023 Rumfola Mark M. 20230 / 4916 0 / 0 96.4 0 No
YOR 10/9/2020 Wisniewski Paul 3450 Neamon 12.004-2-18 210 / 314 1550 64900 3
48489 3/24/2023 McCarthy Peter 20230 / 5103 0 / 0 5.17 0 No
YOR 10/9/2020 Wisniewski Paul Neamon 12.004-2-19 210 / 314 1450 64900 3
48489 3/24/2023 McCarthy Peter 20230 / 5103 0 / 0 4.87 0 No
YOR 10/9/2020 Wisniewski Paul 3450 Neamon 12.004-2-20 210 / 260 9590 64900 3
48489 3/24/2023 McCarthy Peter 20230 / 5103 0 / 0 5.87 0 No
Information on this website is provided as an informal convenience and is not meant to be relied upon without verification. Please be sure to verify the information with appropriate agencies before acting upon it.  It is possible that in the process of transferring the information to the website errors may occur.