December 2023 Cattaraugus County, NY -  Real Estate Sales Listings & Deed             
Muni Sale Date Grantor (Seller) Property Loc Map # PU / PC Tot AV Sale Price # Par
Rec Date Grantee (Buyer) Book/Page Front/Depth Acres Per Prop Split
OLE 12/1/2023 Scheppner Christopher Thomas 418 Fourth 94.050-3-66 210 / 210 42000 85000 1
41200 12/4/2023 Witte Matthew F. 20231 / 7089 50 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 12/1/2023 Ash Robert L. 629 Prospect 94.050-6-40 210 / 210 82900 100000 1
41200 12/5/2023 Miles Karen K. 20231 / 7110 98 / 143 0 0 No
OLE 6/16/2023 McCall Sonya 118 Henley St W 94.065-8-35 210 / 210 94500 0 1
41200 12/5/2023 McCall Sonya 20231 / 7133 85.4 / 165 0 0 No
OLE 11/28/2023 Archbishop Walsh High School 117 Twenty-First St N 94.063-1-12 600 / 330 5000 200000 6
41200 12/5/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7136 35 / 202 0 0 No
OLE 11/28/2023 Archbishop Walsh High School 208 Twenty-Fourth St N 94.063-1-4.1 600 / 612 130000 200000 6
41200 12/5/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7136 0 / 0 8.1 0 No
OLE 11/28/2023 Archbishop Walsh High School 160 Twenty-Fourth St N 94.063-1-4.2 600 / 330 15000 200000 6
41200 12/5/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7136 210 / 131.9 0 0 No
OLE 11/28/2023 Archbishop Walsh High School 164-R Twenty-Fourth St N 94.063-1-4.3 600 / 330 100 200000 6
41200 12/5/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7136 15 / 28.12 0 0 No
OLE 11/28/2023 Archbishop Walsh High School 206 Twenty-Fourth St N 94.063-1-4.4 600 / 620 10000 200000 6
41200 12/5/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7136 69 / 136.2 0 0 No
OLE 11/28/2023 Archbishop Walsh High School 2230 State St W 94.063-1-27.1 600 / 330 70000 200000 6
41200 12/5/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7136 0 / 0 2.1 0 No
OLE 11/30/2023 Five Star Bank 129 Union St N 94.253-1-14.1 400 / 461 575000 416000 1
41200 12/6/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7200 52 / 340 0 0 Yes
OLE 11/30/2023 Five Star Bank 129 Union St N 94.253-1-14.1 400 / 461 575000 104000 1
41200 12/6/2023 Olean 2020 LLC  20231 / 7201 103 / 132 0 0 Yes
OLE 12/5/2023 Anderson Jess 611 Sullivan St W 94.064-4-6.1 200 / 220 32800 80000 1
41200 12/6/2023 Lochl An Key, LLC  20231 / 7220 50 / 75.7 0 0 No
OLE 11/30/2023 Numeracki Shawn 152 Riverside Dr W 94.073-8-9 210 / 210 65900 155000 1
41200 12/7/2023 Barber Patricia 20231 / 7329 115 / 234 0 0 No
OLE 12/6/2023 Sprague Mary L. 119 Twenty-Sixth St S 94.062-2-46 210 / 210 92500 187000 1
41200 12/8/2023 Qiu Yan Ming 20231 / 7519 100 / 131 0 0 No
OLE 8/3/2022 ROGER A. KLEIN, TRUSTEE KLEIN FAMILY REVOCAB 1608 Gemini 94.034-7-27 210 / 210 195000 0 1
41200 12/8/2023 KLEIN ROGER A. 20231 / 7531 118 / 138 0 0 No
OLE 12/7/2023 EADE RICHARD,as Executor 604 Sullivan St W 94.056-8-39 210 / 210 82500 150000 1
41200 12/11/2023 DOMBROWSKI JAMES 20231 / 7562 50 / 120 0 0 No
OLE 11/27/2023 Langenhan Barbara J. 106 Woodview 94.050-3-23.49 210 / 210 260000 0 1
41200 12/13/2023 Langenhan Barbara J. 20231 / 7705 0 / 0 0.35 0 No
OLE 12/12/2023 Youkers Thomas A. 904 Washington 94.064-3-41 210 / 210 64700 95500 1
41200 12/14/2023 Allwood Robert 20231 / 7811 50 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 11/16/2023 ST. BONAVENTURE UNIVERSIT 2810 State St W 94.062-2-34.1 400 / 330 195000 1 1
41200 12/15/2023 OLEAN 2020, LLC  20231 / 7976 0 / 0 1.26 0 No
OLE 12/13/2023 Camp nka Altiere Anne M. 1304 State St E 94.075-5-7 210 / 210 54500 55000 1
41200 12/18/2023 Funden Michael 20231 / 8048 50 / 150 0 0 No
OLE 11/15/2023 Carucci Joseph 112 Green St E 94.073-6-5 210 / 210 55000 0 1
41200 12/18/2023 Sibilio Tonia S. 20231 / 8095 50 / 100 0 0 No
OLE 12/15/2023 Ruocco Paul G. 415 Union St S 94.073-6-43 210 / 210 54500 121900 1
41200 12/18/2023 Bronson Paula M. 20231 / 8097 50 / 120 0 0 No
OLE 12/12/2023 Sweitzer Patrick R. 507 Gulf 94.067-1-25 210 / 210 138200 330000 1
41200 12/18/2023 Brooks Derek Paul 20231 / 8100 148.2 / 184 0 0 No
OLE 12/18/2023 Phipps Charity Ann 918 Kingston 94.059-1-28 210 / 210 86600 0 1
41200 12/19/2023 Phipps Charity Ann 20231 / 8113 100 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 12/18/2023 Ensell Tiffanie 802 Union St S 94.081-1-6 210 / 210 37500 47500 1
41200 12/19/2023 Firkelstein Enterprises, LLC 20231 / 8122 50 / 95.5 0 0 No
OLE 12/19/2023 FIRKELSTEIN ENTERPRISES, LLC 802 Union St S 94.081-1-6 210 / 210 37500 0 1
41200 12/19/2023 LONG REBECCA A 20231 / 8125 50 / 95.5 0 0 No
OLE 10/30/2023 Moricca Donna 101 Madison 94.042-1-37 210 / 210 109700 1 1
41200 12/20/2023 Donna M. Morrica Irrevocable Trust 20231 / 8169 185 / 68 0 0 No
OLE 12/19/2023 Mary R. Thal Estate of 1127 State St W 94.064-11-1 400 / 483 41300 35000 1
41200 12/20/2023 O'Shea Holdings, LLC  20231 / 8181 50 / 103 0 0 No
OLE 11/22/2023 Gayton Kyle 637 Seneca 94.058-6-64 210 / 210 17000 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 No Limit Construction Solution  20231 / 8182 30 / 80 0 0 No
OLE 11/22/2023 Gayton Kyle 633 Seneca 94.058-6-65 210 / 311 700 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 No Limit Construction Solution  20231 / 8182 36 / 90 0 0 No
OLE 11/22/2023 Gayton Kyle 629 Seneca 94.058-6-66 210 / 210 42000 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 No Limit Construction Solution  20231 / 8182 62 / 80 0 0 No
OLE 11/22/2023 Gayton Kyle 625 Seneca 94.058-6-67 210 / 311 4000 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 No Limit Construction Solution  20231 / 8182 50 / 80 0 0 No
OLE 12/7/2023 Quinn Mary F. 116 Pine St E 94.041-1-3 200 / 230 10000 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 Mary F. Quinn Family Revocable Trust 20231 / 8183 28 / 90 0 0 No
OLE 12/7/2023 Quinn Mary F. 118 Pine St E 94.041-1-4 200 / 210 9000 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 Mary F. Quinn Family Revocable Trust 20231 / 8183 21.5 / 90 0 0 No
OLE 12/7/2023 Quinn Mary F. 805 Reed 94.056-6-7 200 / 220 26500 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 Mary F. Quinn Family Revocable Trust 20231 / 8183 43 / 74 0 0 No
OLE 12/7/2023 Quinn Mary F. 517 Eighth St N 94.048-1-51 200 / 220 18000 1 4
41200 12/20/2023 Mary F. Quinn Family Revocable Trust 20231 / 8183 50 / 128 0 0 No
OLE 12/15/2023 Shane Rees as Executor of the Estate of Neil T 314 Twelfth St N 94.056-3-52 210 / 210 56500 1 1
41200 12/21/2023 Rees Shane 20231 / 8222 74.5 / 129 0 0 No
OLE 12/21/2023 6A LLC 1306-14 Highland 94.034-8-18 311 / 312 160000 325000 1
41200 12/21/2023 JONES III ROBERT LEE 20231 / 8228 193 / 150 0 0 No
OLE 11/21/2023 Leanarda Snider, Executri of the Estate of 315 Green St W 94.073-5-10 210 / 210 40000 1 1
41200 12/21/2023 Snider Leanarda 20231 / 8238 42 / 140 0 0 No
OLE 12/13/2023 Bothwell Marlene 433 Edgewood 94.039-2-10 311 / 311 1500 1 1
41200 12/21/2023 Brushingham Shawn 20231 / 8259 100 / 166 0 0 No
OLE 12/21/2023 Estate of Florence J. Bailey 123 Twentieth St N 94.063-2-33 210 / 210 63000 100000 1
41200 12/22/2023 Calabrese Angela 20231 / 8321 51 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 12/20/2023 F.J. MAHAR SERVICE STORES Mahar Enterprises 1306-12 State St W 94.064-5-28 400 / 438 34350 755000 2
41200 12/22/2023 1322 WEST STATE STREET OL OLEAN LLC 20231 / 8374 84.66 / 100 0 0 No
OLE 12/20/2023 F.J. MAHAR SERVICE STORES Mahar Enterprises 1322 State St W 94.064-5-30 400 / 454 420200 755000 2
41200 12/22/2023 1322 WEST STATE STREET OL OLEAN LLC 20231 / 8374 145 / 193 0 0 No
OLE 12/22/2023 Anna M. Simmons Estate Betty Brown, Admin. 401 Cherry 94.067-4-22 210 / 210 75000 98000 1
41200 12/26/2023 Hurst Tanner 20231 / 8410 84.33 / 156 0 0 No
OLE 12/20/2023 Whiteman James 371 Fountain 94.039-3-13 210 / 210 88500 1 3
41200 12/27/2023 James and Barbara Whiteman Revocable Trust 20231 / 8462 100 / 175 0 0 No
OLE 12/20/2023 Whiteman James 308-56 Homer 94.039-3-23 210 / 311 20000 1 3
41200 12/27/2023 James and Barbara Whiteman Revocable Trust 20231 / 8462 0 / 0 1.77 0 No
OLE 11/14/2023 Henning Mary L. 115 Fourth St S 94.065-11-41.2 210 / 210 56000 1 1
41200 12/27/2023 Henning Christopher S. 20231 / 8466 40 / 170 0 0 No
SAL 11/30/2023 Vecchiarella Carmen A. Fern 73.069-1-24 311 / 311 260 30000 2
41600 12/6/2023 Salamanca City Central School District 20231 / 7179 32 / 98.75 0 0 No
SAL 11/30/2023 Vecchiarella Carmen A. Fern 73.069-1-25 311 / 311 235 30000 2
41600 12/6/2023 Salamanca City Central School District 20231 / 7179 34 / 98.75 0 0 No
SAL 12/5/2023 River Street Rentals LLC 16-22 River 73.071-1-25 400 / 480 9995 22000 1
41600 12/7/2023 Palmer-Baker Hunter 20231 / 7287 51.49 / 190 0 0 No
SAL 10/26/2023 Schmick Robert 73 Central 73.073-4-3 210 / 210 8630 80000 1
41600 12/7/2023 Watt Sydney R. 20231 / 7369 100 / 218 0 0 No
SAL 12/5/2023 Ferguson William River 73.071-1-27 311 / 330 4930 3000 1
41600 12/12/2023 Palmer-Baker Hunter 20231 / 7642 58 / 170 0 0 No
SAL 12/12/2023 Jimerson Philip and Heidi Orchard 73.073-9-4 311 / 311 220 1800 1
41600 12/15/2023 Skoken William 20231 / 7969 50 / 130 0 0 No
SAL 12/12/2023 Follman Robert C. 20 Orchard 73.073-9-29 210 / 210 6800 20000 1
41600 12/18/2023 Palmer-Baker Hunter 20231 / 8038 50 / 105 0 0 No
SAL 12/18/2023 Martinez Nayda 32-34 Clinton 73.079-6-5 200 / 482 9000 70000 1
41600 12/20/2023 Telaak Michael 20231 / 8155 39 / 67 0 0 No
SAL 11/17/2023 PNC Bank, National Association 204 State 73.072-1-20 210 / 210 9520 29000 1
41600 12/28/2023 Vasi Amanda 20231 / 8593 350 / 182 0 0 No
SAL 12/29/2023 City of Salamanca by Parkway 82.024-2-8 311 / 311 75 4000 1
41600 12/29/2023 Palmer Melinda 20231 / 8729 66 / 142 0 0 No
SAL 12/29/2023 City of Salamanca a municipal corporat 269 Highland 73.057-1-4 311 / 210 2550 7200 4
41600 12/29/2023 Haynoski Timothy 20231 / 8730 90 / 150 0 0 No
SAL 12/29/2023 City of Salamanca a municipal corporat Highland 73.057-1-5 311 / 311 220 7200 4
41600 12/29/2023 Haynoski Timothy 20231 / 8730 40 / 150 0 0 No
SAL 12/29/2023 City of Salamanca a municipal corporat Clifton 73.057-1-16 311 / 311 490 7200 4
41600 12/29/2023 Haynoski Timothy 20231 / 8730 0 / 0 4.9 0 No
SAL 12/29/2023 City of Salamanca a municipal corporat Clifton 73.057-1-15.1 311 / 311 300 7200 4
41600 12/29/2023 Haynoski Timothy 20231 / 8730 0 / 0 1.56 0 No
SAL 12/29/2023 City of Salamanca by Center 73.053-1-2 311 / 311 550 1000 1
41600 12/29/2023 Palmer Melinda 20231 / 8731 370 / 22 0 0 No
SAL 12/29/2023 City of Salamanca by 40 Conrath 73.073-4-17 210 / 210 5575 8500 1
41600 12/29/2023 Palmer Melinda 20231 / 8732 345 / 110 0 0 No
SAL 12/22/2023 Pierce Tonietta 63-65 Washington 72.068-3-39 200 / 220 6300 10000 1
41600 12/29/2023 Palmer-Baker Hunter 20231 / 8735 52 / 186 0 0 No
ALL 11/30/2023 Papasergi Cheryl 36 Second 93.043-3-19 210 / 220 45000 1 1
42001 12/4/2023 Papasergi Dominic 20231 / 7008 50 / 150 0 0 No
ALL 11/30/2023 Papasergi Dominic 36 Second 93.043-3-19 210 / 220 45000 158000 1
42001 12/4/2023 Dodd Geoffrey O. 20231 / 7009 50 / 150 0 0 No
ALL 11/30/2023 PENN-YORK RESOURCES INC. Chipmonk 101.002-2-21.1 900 / 910 55660 108000 1
42089 12/5/2023 Equity Trust Company Custodian FBO 20231 / 7170 0 / 0 80.45 0 No
ALL 12/7/2023 Paisley Door Properties, LLC 3204 State 94.061-1-34 210 / 210 75000 735000 5
42089 12/8/2023 Northeast Property Ventures LLC 20231 / 7533 142 / 163.8 0 0 No
ALL 12/7/2023 Paisley Door Properties, LLC 3208 NYS Route 417 94.061-1-35 210 / 210 99000 735000 5
42089 12/8/2023 Northeast Property Ventures LLC 20231 / 7533 70 / 250 0 0 No
ALL 12/7/2023 Paisley Door Properties, LLC 3210 State 94.061-1-36 210 / 210 60000 735000 5
42089 12/8/2023 Northeast Property Ventures LLC 20231 / 7533 50 / 200 0 0 No
ALL 12/7/2023 Paisley Door Properties, LLC 3214 State 94.061-1-37 210 / 210 75000 735000 5
42089 12/8/2023 Northeast Property Ventures LLC 20231 / 7533 50 / 200 0 0 No
ALL 12/7/2023 Paisley Door Properties, LLC 3218 State 94.061-1-38 210 / 210 125000 735000 5
42089 12/8/2023 Northeast Property Ventures LLC 20231 / 7533 100 / 200 0 0 No
ALL 12/8/2023 Morgan Barbara J. 3605 Cherry Valley 75.004-1-23.9 210 / 270 25000 30000 1
42089 12/11/2023 Smith Patrick 20231 / 7598 0 / 0 0.75 0 No
ALL 12/11/2023 Gangemi John L. 757 Lippert Hollow 102.004-2-8.2 210 / 210 95000 142000 1
42089 12/12/2023 Harrison Leah J. 20231 / 7637 175 / 225 0 0 No
ALL 12/7/2023 Rees Paul A. 1927 Upper Birch Run 93.001-1-56.2 210 / 210 165000 299000 1
42089 12/12/2023 Mason Erik D. 20231 / 7656 0 / 0 4.05 0 No
ALL 12/13/2023 T.H.E. Hill, LLC 3527 Carey Hollow 93.004-2-18 210 / 210 65000 1 1
42089 12/13/2023 Peck Matthew G. 20231 / 7759 0 / 0 1.35 0 No
ALL 12/12/2023 Donavon Sean P. 2811 Five Mile 84.004-2-3 210 / 314 2500 280000 3
42089 12/14/2023 Austin Eric W. 20231 / 7834 0 / 0 1.74 0 No
ALL 12/12/2023 Donavon Sean P. Five Mile 84.004-2-4 210 / 314 2100 280000 3
42089 12/14/2023 Austin Eric W. 20231 / 7834 88 / 85 0 0 No
ALL 12/12/2023 Donavon Sean P. 2887 Five Mile 84.004-2-5 210 / 210 110000 280000 3
42089 12/14/2023 Austin Eric W. 20231 / 7834 0 / 0 1.4 0 No
ALL 12/14/2023 Boldt Michael Five Mile 75.004-1-64.9 311 / 314 19000 35000 1
42089 12/15/2023 Resch Jacob P. 20231 / 7981 0 / 0 7.2 0 No
ALL 11/9/2023 Kucharski Richard 2293 Valley View 94.001-1-11.32 210 / 210 160000 1 1
42089 12/18/2023 Richard Kucharski and Louise A. Kucharski, 20231 / 8088 0 / 0 1.25 0 No
ALL 12/11/2023 Clark Marie 3757 Karl 75.004-1-34 210 / 210 135000 0 2
42089 12/19/2023 Deibler Brenda 20231 / 8144 0 / 0 1.46 0 No
ALL 12/11/2023 Clark Marie 3757 Karl 75.004-1-32.5 210 / 240 45000 0 2
42089 12/19/2023 Deibler Brenda 20231 / 8144 0 / 0 37.1 0 No
ALL 12/18/2023 WENZ JACK C. 3393 Cherry Valley 75.004-1-23.4 210 / 210 75500 1 1
42089 12/22/2023 WENZ LESLIE A. 20231 / 8274 0 / 0 2.4 0 No
ALL 12/13/2023 Kinley Corporation 2383 Five Mile Rd 93.002-2-5 400 / 484 300000 1 2
42089 12/22/2023 Kinley Contractors, LLC  20231 / 8348 0 / 0 9.36 0 No
ALL 12/13/2023 Kinley Corporation 3295 Maple 93.044-4-63 400 / 449 215000 1 2
42089 12/22/2023 Kinley Contractors, LLC  20231 / 8348 0 / 0 1.85 0 No
ALL 12/14/2023 Shively Dale D. 1471 Four Mile 93.004-2-38.4 210 / 210 125000 1 1
42089 12/22/2023 Larson Karen A. 20231 / 8368 0 / 0 1.35 0 No
ALL 12/21/2023 Fortuna, Lynda S. Estate of 6 First 93.043-2-28.1 210 / 210 40000 42000 1
42001 12/26/2023 Flannery Gail 20231 / 8395 73.98 / 154 0 0 No
ASH 11/17/2023 Phillips Ray E. & Doris M. 8976 Gentner 29.004-1-9 210 / 210 139800 1 1
42200 12/1/2023 Thiel David A. & Jody Lynn 20231 / 6809 0 / 0 7.45 0 No
ASH 11/16/2023 Mirand Amy L. Route 219 19.004-1-26.3 311 / 312 45800 27500 1
42200 12/19/2023 Deer Darwin D. 20231 / 8150 0 / 0 5 0 No
CAR 12/4/2023 Burkett Robert 1825 Chipmonk 92.004-1-3.8 210 / 210 43300 1 1
42400 12/11/2023 Burkett Robert 20231 / 7607 0 / 0 1.28 0 No
CAR 12/8/2023 Burkett Robert 1825 Chipmonk 92.004-1-3.8 210 / 210 43300 235000 1
42400 12/11/2023 Spears Zachary M. 20231 / 7608 0 / 0 1.28 0 No
CAR 12/11/2023 Pinkerton Maben Caroline 5326 Nichols Run 110.002-1-18.2 311 / 270 20100 7500 1
42400 12/13/2023 Kornacki Michael 20231 / 7778 0 / 0 7.26 0 Yes
CAR 12/12/2023 Estate of Daniel Boeties Shanahan Sr. 988 Loney Hollow 101.002-1-16.3 210 / 210 147000 1 1
42400 12/21/2023 Shanahan Barbara E. 20231 / 8236 0 / 0 14.7 0 No
CAR 12/21/2023 MOONEY ESTATE, BY: PATRICK E. 5868 Church 101.071-2-44 210 / 210 51500 127500 1
42400 12/22/2023 HINMAN JOSEPH 20231 / 8353 63 / 150 0 0 No
COL 12/1/2023 Peterson Ian 2468 Service 89.001-1-6.2 210 / 210 77600 42000 1
42600 12/11/2023 John Brianne L. 20231 / 7567 189 / 74 0 0 No
COL 12/14/2023 Estate of Colleen Luce 10812 Lebanon 70.004-2-23 210 / 210 99500 136000 1
42600 12/14/2023 Medina RayeAnn 20231 / 7832 150 / 185 0 0 No
COL 12/20/2023 Jones Margret J 10568 Lower Gulf 80.003-1-29.1 210 / 270 18300 25000 1
42600 12/20/2023 Dellahoy Scott E. 20231 / 8178 100 / 79 0 0 No
CON 12/1/2023 MILLER JOSEPH C. 5821 Us Rte 62 51.004-2-30.4 210 / 240 33100 75000 1
42800 12/5/2023 HERSHBERGER JOHN R. 20231 / 7131 0 / 0 9.83 0 No
CON 11/29/2023 Wilcox Reah 4567 Elm Creek 61.004-1-16.1 210 / 240 58420 0 1
42800 12/12/2023 Carpenter Mark 20231 / 7640 0 / 0 1.05 0 Yes
CON 11/29/2023 Wilcox Reah 4567 Elm Creek 61.004-1-16.1 210 / 240 58420 0 1
42800 12/12/2023 Carpenter Nicholas 20231 / 7641 228 / 155 0 0 Yes
CON 12/11/2023 Gebhard Paul 5164 Co Rd 7 61.002-1-8 210 / 112 247400 1 2
42800 12/13/2023 Gebhard Sr Robert A. 20231 / 7780 0 / 0 208.85 0 No
CON 12/18/2023 Gebhard Paul B Co Rd 7 61.002-1-7 100 / 105 15000 1 2
42800 12/19/2023 Gebhard Sr Robert A 20231 / 8146 0 / 0 31.63 0 No
CON 12/18/2023 Gebhard Paul R. Pope Rd & Elm Creek 61.002-1-11.2 100 / 120 40670 1 1
42800 12/20/2023 Gebhard, Sr., Robert A., Pagett, Penny J. 20231 / 8188 0 / 0 114.7 0 No
CON 11/1/2023 East Randolph United 122 Church 70.050-3-30 600 / 620 352000 0 3
42800 12/21/2023 East Randolph Methodist Church 20231 / 8250 0 / 0 2.75 0 No
DAY 11/7/2023 Heilman Eugene C 214 Maple 33.033-3-4 210 / 210 25600 0 1
43001 12/12/2023 E. C. Heilman Family Trust I 20231 / 7651 100 / 150 0 0 No
DAY 12/8/2023 LSOP RENTAL PREMIER ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC 11713 Town Line 16.003-1-14 210 / 270 37700 1 1
43089 12/15/2023 LESNIAK ROSLYN A. 20231 / 7967 0 / 0 1.6 0 No
DAY 12/15/2023 Baskin Bennie 127 Cherry 33.033-3-8 210 / 210 60400 68000 1
43001 12/15/2023 Cullen Keri A. 20231 / 7971 90 / 150 0 0 No
DAY 5/13/2023 Frederickson Roy 9540 Rte 62 16.018-4-18 200 / 220 24700 0 2
43089 12/18/2023 Seward Kimberly 20231 / 8037 142 / 345 0 0 No
DAY 5/13/2023 Frederickson Roy 9544 Rte 62 16.018-4-19 200 / 210 38500 0 2
43089 12/18/2023 Seward Kimberly 20231 / 8037 0 / 0 1.51 0 No
DAY 12/15/2023 Meier Paul 8637 Cottage-South Dayton 24.004-1-34 210 / 281 179900 290000 1
43089 12/21/2023 Williams Chase Anthony 20231 / 8233 0 / 0 2.11 0 Yes
EAS 12/7/2023 WEISHAAR, individually & KAREN 8038 Utley 18.002-1-16.3 311 / 312 181800 235000 1
43200 12/8/2023 Sheehan Jerome 20231 / 7516 0 / 0 76 0 No
EAS 12/7/2023 Kendrick Michael 8070 Otto-E Otto 27.002-1-32.2 210 / 240 177300 264000 1
43200 12/11/2023 Reitz Leatta 20231 / 7553 449.28 / 0 11.8 0 No
EAS 12/18/2023 McCasey William P. Crumb Hill 37.001-1-7.2 311 / 322 55000 1 1
43200 12/20/2023 McCasey William P. 20231 / 8151 863.94 / 0 22.1 0 No
EAS 12/21/2023 Rajczak Robert Deer 18.002-2-35.1 311 / 314 9600 0 1
43200 12/21/2023 Rajczak William 20231 / 8223 0 / 0 2.2 0 No
EAS 12/7/2023 GARY J. WOODS ESTATE 7888 Ulinger 36.002-1-10 210 / 240 375200 1 1
43200 12/26/2023 WOODS ZACHARY J 20231 / 8425 0 / 0 93.16 0 No
EAS 12/16/2023 WOODS, PAUL; WOODS, ZACAHARY J 7888 Ulinger 36.002-1-10 210 / 240 375200 1 1
43200 12/26/2023 7888 ULINGER ROAD LLC  20231 / 8426 0 / 0 93.16 0 No
EAS 12/7/2023 MILL VALLEY, LLC Rainbow Ridge 37.002-1-51 210 / 210 417300 0 1
43200 12/28/2023 HOLLAND MICHEL J. 20231 / 8597 0 / 0 6.1 0 No
ELL 11/29/2023 Roman Antonio 101/103-2 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/1012 210 / 210 61152 127500 1
43689 12/1/2023 Rechberger Edward H., IV 20231 / 6843 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 11/30/2023 GLOWCZYNSKI Slawomir A. 43 Martha 55.035-4-6.2 210 / 210 160900 1 1
43601 12/4/2023 OWEN JAKUB DEVELOPMENT, INC. 20231 / 6930 72 / 132 0 0 No
ELL 12/1/2023 TONER JEFFREY C. 38 W Washington 55.035-2-10 210 / 210 143200 235000 1
43601 12/5/2023 GALBO ANTHONY T. 20231 / 7107 57.8 / 242 0 0 No
ELL 12/1/2023 Lee Christopher J. 4 Greer Hill 55.043-1-2.39 210 / 210 841200 1900000 1
43601 12/5/2023 ECDV Revocable Trust  20231 / 7172 145 / 110 0 0 No
ELL 12/5/2023 George Robyn A. 38 Jefferson 55.043-1-19 210 / 210 164900 140000 1
43601 12/11/2023 Abriatis Thomas D. 20231 / 7559 105.7 / 157 0 0 No
ELL 10/17/2023 Roehlke Thomas L. 538/540-4 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/5384 210 / 210 52224 1 1
43689 12/11/2023 Roehlke, Thomas L. Roehlke, Katherine H 20231 / 7602 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 12/1/2023 Klein Sherwood 5090 Bryant Hill 47.002-1-10.1 210 / 240 289500 1000 1
43689 12/12/2023 Fisher Carol A. 20231 / 7639 100 / 200 0 0 Yes
ELL 12/13/2023 Tekavec, James A. a/k/a James Alan (Estate o Brennan 38.003-1-19.1 900 / 910 242936 1 1
43689 12/13/2023 Tekavec Janet M. 20231 / 7769 0 / 0 371.69 0 No
ELL 12/11/2023 Iacovitti August 531 Deer Crossing- Fox Ridge 55.051-3-1.4 210 / 210 275000 457500 1
43689 12/13/2023 Hapeman Scott R. 20231 / 7771 23.8 / 33.4 0 0 No
ELL 12/13/2023 Tekavec, James A. a/k/a James Alan (Estate o 6089 Us Rte 219 S 55.002-2-9 400 / 425 440000 1300000 1
43689 12/13/2023 Route Two Nineteen LLC  20231 / 7781 0 / 0 1.2 0 No
ELL 12/18/2023 Estate of Casimer Czerwinski 5162 Canada Hill 29.004-2-5.1 200 / 220 72000 80000 1
43689 12/18/2023 Conner, Scott Conner, Vicky 20231 / 8042 250 / 118 0 0 No
ELL 12/18/2023 Czerwinski James W. 5156 Canada Hill 29.004-2-5.2 210 / 210 69000 80000 1
43689 12/18/2023 Miess, Deborah C 20231 / 8043 0 / 0 1.1 0 No
ELL 12/15/2023 McCARTHY WILLIAM E. 429-4 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/4294 210 / 210 27072 54000 1
43689 12/21/2023 RC JORDAN EV PROPERTIES,  20231 / 8224 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 11/19/2023 Wilson Jesse 6346 Nys Rte 242 46.004-1-51.6 210 / 210 292800 1 1
43689 12/21/2023 JDW NY HOLDINGS LLC 20231 / 8244 26.35 / 62.9 0 0 No
ELL 12/14/2023 Lochhead Scott 39 Greer Hill 55.043-1-2.12 210 / 210 500000 875000 1
43601 12/21/2023 Reich Eric S. 20231 / 8258 100 / 125 0 0 No
ELL 12/16/2023 Raab, JR. Michael A. 7853 Fancy Tract 38.004-1-6.2 210 / 210 75700 0 1
43689 12/28/2023 Raab, Jr. Michael A.& Berniece 20231 / 8624 0 / 0 3.35 0 No
ELL 12/28/2023 Walter Christopher 8101 Route 240 38.002-1-19.1 300 / 323 14400 99000 1
43689 12/29/2023 Previty John 20231 / 8690 0 / 0 23.98 0 No
FAR 12/7/2023 Estate of Robert E. Lynch 522 Bush Hill 32.002-1-10 210 / 270 13500 10000 1
43800 12/7/2023 Zuech Eric 20231 / 7478 0 / 0 1.94 0 No
FRA 10/10/2023 Venturin John Phillips 48.001-1-3.5 311 / 322 10200 1 1
44089 12/5/2023 Venturin Timothy Jon 20231 / 7100 0 / 0 13.05 0 No
FRA 12/7/2023 Leederman Land Holding 7141 Co Rd 18 (Cadiz Rd) 49.001-1-45.5 210 / 210 83000 1 1
44089 12/11/2023 Leederman Joseph D. 20231 / 7564 0 / 0 5 0 No
FRA 12/14/2023 Howard Ralph R 6692 NYS Route 16 49.003-1-16.1 210 / 240 166300 150000 1
44089 12/15/2023 Howard Douglas O. 20231 / 7962 0 / 0 10.1 0 Yes
FRA 11/10/2023 DERNBACH RICHARD F Trowbridge 49.004-1-1.5 311 / 322 13400 1 1
44089 12/15/2023 DERNBACH JASON R. 20231 / 7974 0 / 0 24.3 0 No
FRA 12/19/2023 BARR MICHAEL P. 17 Washburn 40.063-4-40 210 / 210 38000 102000 1
44001 12/19/2023 LAUB MARIE 20231 / 8145 46 / 98 0 0 No
FRA 12/15/2023 Good Rachel 6104 Clare Valley 56.002-2-6.1 210 / 240 26900 100000 1
44089 12/20/2023 Parise Properties LLC  20231 / 8174 0 / 0 70 0 Yes
FRA 12/21/2023 BREIDENSTEIN CHELSEA H. 7147 NYS Route 16 49.001-1-46 210 / 210 43000 140000 1
44089 12/21/2023 BAKER JAMES A. 20231 / 8240 0 / 0 1.38 0 No
FRA 12/14/2023 Griffiths Gerald D. 22 Park 40.062-4-15 400 / 481 65000 32000 1
44001 12/21/2023 Everett Larry 20231 / 8249 52.1 / 144 0 0 No
FRA 12/19/2023 Gawel Edward C. 2002 Co Rd 24 49.002-1-6.4 210 / 270 38500 1 1
44089 12/26/2023 Gawel Brendan E. 20231 / 8387 0 / 0 19.2 0 No
FRA 12/22/2023 Berry Kathy K. 53 Pine 40.063-5-2 210 / 210 46000 59000 1
44001 12/28/2023 Berry Wendy Sue 20231 / 8609 45.54 / 180.18 0 1 No
FRE 11/30/2023 Diaz Mark 10507 Galen Hill 14.003-1-15 210 / 210 48900 1 1
44200 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6778 231 / 140 0 0 No
FRE 11/30/2023 Diaz Mark 10157 Sandbank 23.001-1-14.7 210 / 270 75000 1 1
44200 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6786 0 / 0 1 0 No
FRE 8/1/2023 Tingue Dale 2556 Stone Quarry 13.004-1-26.1 311 / 280 206100 0 1
44200 12/5/2023 Tingue Brett 20231 / 7096 0 / 0 7.95 0 Yes
FRE 12/7/2023 deceased Scotch 6.004-1-23 311 / 312 16800 34000 1
44200 12/7/2023 RICE WILLIAM J. 20231 / 7472 0 / 0 1.24 0 No
FRE 11/27/2023 Ziegler Thomas J. Bixby Hill 5.004-1-1 100 / 105 75400 21020 1
44200 12/20/2023 Ziegler David W. 20231 / 8163 0 / 0 50.62 0 No
FRE 11/27/2023 Ziegler David W. Bixby Hill 5.004-1-1 100 / 105 75400 1 1
44200 12/20/2023 Riverside Sunrise Investments LLC 20231 / 8164 0 / 0 50.62 0 No
FRE 11/27/2023 Riverside Sunrise Investments LLC Bixby Hill 5.004-1-1 100 / 105 75400 1 1
44200 12/20/2023 Ziegfield Holdings LLC  20231 / 8165 0 / 0 50.62 0 No
FRE 11/27/2023 Ziegler Thomas J. Bixby Hill 5.004-1-1 100 / 105 75400 1 1
44200 12/20/2023 Ziegfield Holdings LLC  20231 / 8166 0 / 0 50.62 0 No
FRE 11/27/2023 Swanson Kathleen A. Bixby Hill 5.004-1-1 100 / 105 75400 1 1
44200 12/20/2023 Ziegfield Holdings LLC  20231 / 8167 0 / 0 50.62 0 No
FRE 11/27/2023 Gunn Donna M. Bixby Hill 5.004-1-1 100 / 105 75400 1 1
44200 12/20/2023 Ziegfield Holdings LLC  20231 / 8168 0 / 0 50.62 0 No
FRE 12/20/2023 Green Shirley, Executrix 11733 North 6.004-1-42 210 / 210 65100 1 1
44200 12/29/2023 Green Shirley 20231 / 8637 0 / 0 5.38 0 No
FRE 12/22/2023 MURAWSKI ROBIN J. 625 Freedom 14.002-3-12.1 210 / 210 183500 189000 1
44200 12/29/2023 SENSENIG BARRY 20231 / 8681 0 / 0 1.74 0 No
FRE 12/20/2023 Buria Nathan Joel 10023 Blue 22.002-3-9.1 210 / 210 108600 110000 1
44200 12/29/2023 Walton Kim 20231 / 8733 0 / 0 2.9 0 No
GRE 11/27/2023 Grabowski Stephen Sullivan Hollow Ext (Off) 74.003-1-19 311 / 320 30900 0 1
44400 12/6/2023 Reed Kevin 20231 / 7196 0 / 0 51.62 0 No
GRE 12/7/2023 Wattengel Priscilla 5757 Bonn Way East 56.004-2-18 311 / 311 31700 45000 1
44400 12/8/2023 Reid Martin A. 20231 / 7527 114 / 200.4 0.52 0 No
GRE 10/31/2023 Kenyon Merle 4985 Us Rte 219 65.013-2-18.2 210 / 210 43100 1 1
44400 12/11/2023 Town of Great Valley  20231 / 7578 130 / 70 0.21 0 No
GRE 12/12/2023 Moore Michael 4889 Klawitter 65.003-1-44 210 / 210 88200 0 1
44400 12/12/2023 Moore Deborah A. 20231 / 7629 264 / 140 0.85 0 No
GRE 9/12/2023 Haines Cory 5653 Humphrey 65.003-2-20 210 / 210 82600 0 1
44400 12/18/2023 Haines Cory 20231 / 8044 150 / 150 0.52 0 No
GRE 12/4/2023 PARKER BETTY 6248 Mutton Hollow 65.001-1-28.1 210 / 270 85500 1 1
44400 12/19/2023 PARKER SHANE 20231 / 8116 0 / 0 43.2 0 No
GRE 12/19/2023 Morton Alan, Administrator 6073 Mutton Hollow 65.013-2-6 210 / 210 65500 0 1
44400 12/21/2023 Morton Alan J. 20231 / 8243 85 / 170 0.33 0 No
GRE 12/20/2023 Eddy Marlene 4843 Us Rte 219 65.003-1-42.1 210 / 210 171200 250000 1
44400 12/22/2023 Curtis Nicole L. 20231 / 8350 0 / 0 1.12 0 Yes
GRE 12/18/2023 Schena Sue Ellen Schultz Snow Brook Rd (Off) 74.002-1-14 311 / 320 46800 1 2
44400 12/22/2023 Schena Family Revocable Trust  20231 / 8369 0 / 0 41.75 0 No
GRE 12/18/2023 Schena Sue Ellen Schultz Snow Brook 74.002-1-13.1 311 / 312 35200 1 2
44400 12/22/2023 Schena Family Revocable Trust  20231 / 8369 0 / 0 7.65 0 No
GRE 12/18/2023 Schena Christopher 5025 Snow Brook 74.002-1-13.4 210 / 210 190600 1 1
44400 12/22/2023 Schena Family Revocable Trust 20231 / 8370 0 / 0 4.25 0 No
HIN 11/30/2023 Ballard (FKA Vossler) Chelsea A. 2962 Smith Hollow 85.001-2-17 210 / 210 65500 160000 1
44600 12/4/2023 Bradley Ryan W. 20231 / 6987 310 / 0 3.87 0 No
HIN 11/15/2023 Folland Mark T. 1064 Nys Rte 446 77.001-1-23.8 210 / 210 129000 1 1
44600 12/6/2023 Mark T. Folland and Shell A. Folland, Trustees 20231 / 7191 0 / 0 6.15 0 No
HIN 12/14/2023 Guarino Gregory J. 3324 Nys Rte 16 85.008-1-22 210 / 210 60000 1 1
44600 12/18/2023 Guarino, Gregory J. Guarino, Sue A. 20231 / 8025 159 / 205 0 0 No
HIN 12/12/2023 Alderman Terry D. 3081 Nys Rte 16 85.012-1-31 210 / 210 67000 145750 1
44600 12/18/2023 Templar Kyle 20231 / 8102 145 / 0 1.43 0 No
HIN 12/7/2023 Elderkin Rexford 1115 Oak 76.004-2-11.12 210 / 210 89000 1 1
44600 12/19/2023 R&B Elderkin Family Revocable Trust 20231 / 8119 0 / 0 1.65 0 No
HIN 12/14/2023 Guarino Gregory J 3318 Reynolds 86.001-1-30.1 300 / 260 39000 9700 1
44600 12/20/2023 Cramer Brett J. 20231 / 8157 0 / 0 4.8 0 Yes
HIN 12/1/2023 Sakala Dale Masten 86.001-1-18.2 311 / 311 10200 1 1
44600 12/26/2023 Mahar-Sakala Susan 20231 / 8429 0 / 0 3.55 0 No
HIN 12/20/2023 Whiteman James Morgan Hollow 76.003-2-12.2 210 / 312 17700 1 3
44600 12/27/2023 James and Barbara Whiteman Revocable Trust 20231 / 8462 0 / 0 21.2 0 No
HUM 8/16/2023 Triple Pine Hunting Club Inc. 4974 Snow Brook 75.001-1-32 210 / 260 37000 10000 1
44800 12/5/2023 May Robert A 20231 / 7113 0 / 0 7.31 0 No
HUM 12/20/2023 Childs Daniel 3172 Cooper Hill 67.001-1-14.2 210 / 210 211600 0 1
44800 12/20/2023 Childs Daniel M. 20231 / 8170 0 / 0 5.5 0 Yes
HUM 12/5/2023 Rouseland Investments, LL Humphrey 66.001-1-40.1 311 / 311 53500 165000 3
44800 12/21/2023 Scott Bryon K. 20231 / 8247 0 / 0 41.5 0 No
HUM 12/5/2023 Rouseland Investments, LL 4204 Humphrey 66.001-1-40.2 311 / 314 10500 165000 3
44800 12/21/2023 Scott Bryon K. 20231 / 8247 0 / 0 2.65 0 No
HUM 12/5/2023 Rouseland Investments, LL Humphrey 66.001-1-40.3 311 / 322 2500 165000 3
44800 12/21/2023 Scott Bryon K. 20231 / 8247 0 / 0 10 0 No
LEO 1/14/1981 Connelly Edith Alderbottom 43.003-1-9 300 / 323 7700 800 1
45200 12/7/2023 Snyder David 20231 / 7447 0 / 0 5 0 No
LIT 11/16/2023 Vella, Esq., as Referee Emily 107 Thompson 54.072-5-6 210 / 210 44900 736000 1
45401 12/12/2023 PennyMac Services Inc.  20231 / 7617 89.18 / 153.12 0 0 No
LIT 10/23/2023 The estate of Shirlann Johnson 8948 NYS Route 242 54.003-1-28 210 / 210 42300 0 1
45489 12/12/2023 Johnson Ronald 20231 / 7653 95 / 200 0 0 No
LIT 12/12/2023 Perez-Soares Jose 410 Fair Oak 54.071-4-17 210 / 210 64000 210000 1
45401 12/13/2023 Schnaufer Timothy 20231 / 7693 63.19 / 0 2.45 0 No
LIT 12/1/2023 Callaghan Patrick J. 8951 NYS Route 242 63.001-1-32.3 210 / 240 129000 1 1
45489 12/18/2023 Callaghan Patrick J. 20231 / 8068 0 / 0 138.9 0 No
LIT 11/29/2023 Whitmore Denny 4886 Bucktooth Run 63.003-1-5.1 210 / 240 144000 0 1
45489 12/18/2023 Whitmore McKenzie 20231 / 8104 0 / 0 1.9 0 Yes
LIT 11/13/2023 LESTER DEVELOPMENT VII, 115 Fourth 54.072-6-14 411 / 411 41500 300000 1
45401 12/18/2023 CASE KRISTIN 20231 / 8108 94.96 / 192.14 0 0 No
LIT 12/15/2023 Winship Chad R. aka Chad 400 Rock City 54.072-3-24 210 / 210 57000 1 1
45401 12/20/2023 Winship Chad R.  20231 / 8159 81.18 / 322 0 0 No
LIT 12/4/2023 Martin Aaron 101 Eighth 54.071-2-10 210 / 210 31900 122311 1
45401 12/20/2023 Croft Caitlin H. 20231 / 8172 54 / 101 0 0 No
LIT 11/1/2023 Little Valley United 109 Court 54.064-1-12 600 / 620 354500 0 1
45401 12/21/2023 Little Valley Bridge of Hope  20231 / 8225 206 / 192.2 0 0 No
LIT 12/18/2023 Aldrich Michelle M, Administ 5422 Whig 64.001-1-9.1 210 / 240 79000 0 1
45489 12/21/2023 Aldrich Michelle M. 20231 / 8242 0 / 0 64.85 0 No
LIT 12/26/2023 Adams Danial 116 Tenth 54.063-1-2 210 / 210 48000 125000 1
45401 12/26/2023 Cattaraugus County Agricultural Society 20231 / 8434 66 / 330 0 0 No
LYN 10/10/2023 Reiss Kenneth Abbott 59.001-1-13.5 210 / 260 61900 20000 1
45600 12/5/2023 Ward Russell A. 20231 / 7099 0 / 0 10.41 0 Yes
LYN 11/27/2023 Lijewski Bernadine T. 6636 Rawson 50.004-1-32.1 210 / 210 115000 1 1
45600 12/7/2023 Lijewski Janice B. 20231 / 7282 0 / 0 6.6 0 No
LYN 6/15/2023 Walton Diane J., Executor 7426 Livingston 49.002-2-8.1 210 / 260 65000 10 1
45600 12/22/2023 Walton Diane J. life tenant 20231 / 8383 0 / 0 24.44 0 No
MAC 11/30/2023 Diaz Mark 3611 NYS Rte 242 30.002-3-7.20 210 / 210 71000 1 1
45800 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6777 157 / 237 0 0 No
MAC 11/30/2023 Diaz Mark 3645 NYS Rte 242 30.002-3-7.14 210 / 210 91900 1 1
45800 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6780 0 / 0 8.8 0 No
MAC 11/30/2023 Silsby Krystal 3620 Roszyk Hill 21.004-1-31 210 / 270 19200 5000 1
45800 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6783 165 / 310 0 0 No
MAC 11/30/2023 Diaz Mark 3242 Zoulko 21.060-1-24 210 / 210 58500 1 1
45800 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6784 115 / 140.25 0 0 No
MAC 12/1/2023 Diaz Mark 9672-9674 9676-9678 Maple 21.020-4-50 210 / 220 132800 1 1
45800 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6785 120 / 50 0 0 No
MAC 11/30/2023 Kessler William 3229 Franklin 21.020-2-34 210 / 270 48900 1500 1
45800 12/1/2023 Kessler William 20231 / 6787 102 / 175 0 0 No
MAC 11/8/2023 Brochey Van 9200 Brown 31.001-1-20 300 / 322 56800 33000 1
45800 12/4/2023 Brochey, Brett Brochey, Mary 20231 / 6936 0 / 0 50.6 0 No
MAC 11/17/2023 Lang Patricia M. 81 Potter 22.069-1-43 210 / 210 377600 1 1
45800 12/5/2023 Lang Eric 20231 / 7101 45 / 78.5 0 0 No
MAC 11/22/2023 Brochey Van 9200 Brown 31.001-1-20 300 / 322 56800 1 1
45800 12/5/2023 Brochey, Brett Brochey, Mary 20231 / 7111 0 / 0 50.6 0 No
MAC 12/7/2023 Payne Hal 9528 Main 30.002-2-13 210 / 210 97200 185000 1
45800 12/8/2023 George Krystal 20231 / 7498 155 / 150 0 0 Yes
MAC 11/17/2023 Payne Hal 9528 Main 30.002-2-13 311 / 210 97200 0 1
45800 12/11/2023 Payne Hal 20231 / 7599 100 / 414 0 0 Yes
MAC 11/22/2023 Kieffer Paul J Long Point 21.076-2-8 210 / 311 6400 425000 2
45800 12/12/2023 Bigham Dennis 20231 / 7643 50 / 119.2 0 0 No
MAC 11/22/2023 Kieffer Paul J 201 Long Point 21.076-2-46 210 / 210 200300 425000 2
45800 12/12/2023 Bigham Dennis 20231 / 7643 40 / 86 0 0 No
MAC 12/12/2023 Rutherford Randy 9677 Main 21.020-4-5 210 / 210 71000 1 1
45800 12/12/2023 Barber-Rutherford Lisa 20231 / 7647 94.86 / 131.6 0 0 No
MAC 11/24/2023 SPITTLER MATTHEW L. 3802 Roszyk Hill 21.004-1-41.1 210 / 210 128100 1 1
45800 12/13/2023 SPITTLER NICHOLAS J. 20231 / 7761 0 / 0 2.84 0 No
MAC 12/16/2023 Sherwood Joseph 3816 Roszyk Hill 21.004-1-41.6 210 / 210 93100 1 1
45800 12/18/2023 Sherwood Joseph and Patricia 20231 / 8064 0 / 0 1.6 0 No
MAC 12/18/2023 Goodrich Laverne W. 9874 Lake 22.003-1-16 210 / 210 117400 60000 1
45800 12/19/2023 Moore Leroy 20231 / 8133 120 / 255 0 0 No
MAC 10/31/2023 Boehmer Donald 9601 Maple 21.020-5-18 210 / 210 182000 0 1
45800 12/20/2023 D&S Boehmer Family Trust I 20231 / 8189 109 / 272 0 0 No
MAC 12/18/2023 MINGLE BRANDEN 3855 Gulf Hill 30.003-1-11.9 311 / 312 21100 1 1
45800 12/21/2023 MINGLE JOHN L. III 20231 / 8237 0 / 0 5.2 0 No
MAC 11/28/2023 Kieffer Paul J 213 Broad Bay 21.068-2-66 210 / 210 360500 1 1
45800 12/21/2023 Williams, Krista Boxler, Rebecca 20231 / 8253 23.8 / 112 0 0 No
MAC 12/21/2023 Pyramid General Contractors LLC 9718 Main 21.020-3-48 400 / 486 120300 1 1
45800 12/21/2023 Constantine Joe 20231 / 8261 98 / 148.5 0 0 No
MAC 12/14/2023 Stutzman Roy 210 Long Point 21.068-2-69 210 / 210 193100 1 1
45800 12/26/2023 Stutzman Roy W. 20231 / 8420 40 / 122 0 0 No
MAC 12/21/2023 Patterson Paul E. 4629 Riceville 21.003-1-3.3 210 / 240 177000 1 1
45800 12/26/2023 Patterson Paul E. & Patricia L 20231 / 8433 0 / 0 16.1 0 No
MAC 12/29/2023 MELDRIM HARMON 308 Lakeview 21.068-1-61 210 / 210 198400 271575 1
45800 12/29/2023 TERWILLIGER BRADLEY 20231 / 8688 100 / 42 0 0 No
MAN 11/11/2023 LINSALATA Frank N. 6425 Hencoop Hollow 55.001-2-5.1 210 / 210 708200 10 1
46000 12/7/2023 LINSALATA, Trustee Frank 20231 / 7332 0 / 0 36.84 0 No
MAN 11/22/2023 Denning Joanne R. Bailey Hill 37.003-1-10 311 / 314 16300 0 1
46000 12/12/2023 E&S Bowen Family Trust I  20231 / 7654 0 / 0 6.17 0 No
MAN 11/22/2023 E&S Bowen Family Trust I Bailey Hill 37.003-1-10 311 / 314 16300 0 1
46000 12/12/2023 Bowen Ryan M. 20231 / 7655 0 / 0 6.17 0 No
MAN 12/14/2023 McGovern John P. 7307 California Hill 45.002-1-6 210 / 260 184000 245000 1
46000 12/28/2023 Moore Brandon P. 20231 / 8612 0 / 0 54.1 0 No
NAP 12/1/2023 Nicastro Norman 9583 Sawmill Run 71.002-1-25 311 / 312 21500 74900 3
46200 12/7/2023 Earsing Amanda 20231 / 7382 0 / 0 1.68 0 No
NAP 12/1/2023 Nicastro Norman 9565 Sawmill Run 71.002-1-26.3 311 / 312 25800 74900 3
46200 12/7/2023 Earsing Amanda 20231 / 7382 0 / 0 1.25 0 No
NAP 12/1/2023 Nicastro Norman 9564 Sawmill Run 71.002-1-26.4 311 / 312 43500 74900 3
46200 12/7/2023 Earsing Amanda 20231 / 7382 0 / 0 5.45 0 No
NAP 12/11/2023 Gebhard Paul R Hoxie Hill 62.003-1-65.1 100 / 105 111300 1 1
46200 12/13/2023 Pagett, Penny J Gebhard Sr, Robert A 20231 / 7779 0 / 0 64.55 0 No
NAP 12/11/2023 Gebhard Paul Chapple-Stoughton 61.002-2-25 210 / 105 113800 1 2
46200 12/13/2023 Gebhard Sr Robert A. 20231 / 7780 0 / 0 101.98 0 No
NAP 12/11/2023 Gebhard Paul R Windmill 62.001-1-17.2 100 / 105 67100 1 1
46200 12/15/2023 Gebhard, Patricia A. Gebhard Sr, Robert A 20231 / 7878 0 / 0 40.41 0 No
NAP 12/18/2023 Gebhard Paul B 10925 Pigeon Valley 61.002-2-1.2 100 / 120 142100 1 2
46200 12/19/2023 Gebhard Sr Robert A 20231 / 8146 0 / 0 78.99 0 No
NAP 12/19/2023 Gebhard Paul R. Windmill 62.001-1-17.2 100 / 105 67100 1 1
46200 12/19/2023 Gebhard, Sr., Robert A., Pagett, Penny J. 20231 / 8149 0 / 0 40.41 0 No
NEW 12/5/2023 Shultz Rebecca 70 Leavenworth 35.073-1-16 210 / 210 74100 1 1
46401 12/5/2023 Snyder Fawn 20231 / 7132 0 / 0 7.1 0 No
NEW 12/1/2023 Sawyer Robert 17 Scott 44.026-1-13 210 / 210 77200 70000 1
46401 12/6/2023 Langworthy Kevin 20231 / 7174 110 / 202 0 0 No
NEW 12/7/2023 Widrig Nathaniel G. 7972 Otto 35.004-2-2 210 / 210 136900 1 1
46489 12/8/2023 Widrig Nathaniel G. 20231 / 7528 0 / 0 2.08 0 No
NEW 11/19/2023 Tripodi Andrew New Albion 53.002-2-16.3 300 / 314 13300 1 1
46489 12/21/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS  20231 / 8252 0 / 0 0.05 0 Yes
NEW 11/6/2023 PCM Real Estate, LLC 9429 New Albion 53.002-2-33 210 / 210 77900 70000 1
46489 12/22/2023 Perkins Elijah 20231 / 8381 75 / 75 0 0 No
OLE 8/15/2023 West River Energy, LLC 2820 Mcduffy 103.003-2-70 311 / 311 14200 1 1
46600 12/6/2023 Christian Kellner Trust I Christian F. Kellner 20231 / 7194 0 / 0 22.07 0 No
OLE 8/4/2023 SCHOONOVER FAY E. AND DIANE E. Nys Rte 16 S 103.003-2-39 311 / 314 9600 26669 2
46600 12/7/2023 JOHNSTON JAMES M. 20231 / 7310 0 / 0 12.1 0 No
OLE 8/4/2023 SCHOONOVER FAY E. AND DIANE E. Nys Rte 16 S 103.003-2-41.1 311 / 323 13600 26669 2
46600 12/7/2023 JOHNSTON JAMES M. 20231 / 7310 0 / 0 20.55 0 No
OLE 12/14/2023 Dickerson Ronda 2739 W River 94.003-4-20 210 / 210 64800 77000 1
46600 12/15/2023 Gilcrease Marshall L. 20231 / 7918 105 / 345 0 0 No
OLE 12/13/2023 Lang Mark J. 959 Ward 103.003-2-34 210 / 210 43500 0 1
46600 12/19/2023 Lang Mark J. 20231 / 8111 0 / 0 4 0 No
OLE 10/24/2023 Dwornitski Sandra Valley View 85.004-1-2.26 300 / 321 10700 0 1
46600 12/19/2023 Wetzler Joseph 20231 / 8131 0 / 0 18.23 0 No
OLE 11/2/2023 Estate of Bart T. DeRosa 2933 Nys Rte 16 N (Off) 85.004-2-1 311 / 260 100600 1 1
46600 12/19/2023 DeRosa Bart C. 20231 / 8143 0 / 0 142.89 0 No
OLE 12/21/2023 SUMMERS LINDA J. 1524 Happy Hollow 94.016-1-32 210 / 210 43600 76500 1
46600 12/22/2023 MARTELLO DALTON J. 20231 / 8366 93 / 250 0 0 No
PER 12/1/2023 Arrigo Frances 10437 Peck Hill 16.021-3-14 210 / 210 85300 1 1
47000 12/1/2023 Nicholas E. Arrigo Revocable Living Trust 20231 / 6748 100 / 168.5 0 0 No
PER 12/8/2023 Sternisha Michael 10924 North 8.003-1-5 210 / 210 119400 1 1
47000 12/11/2023 Sternisha Michael J. 20231 / 7596 0 / 0 9.58 0 No
PER 12/15/2023 Cross Kenneth Mackinaw 7.002-1-42.4 100 / 105 40000 0 1
47000 12/18/2023 Cross Michalene A. 20231 / 8096 0 / 0 20 0 No
PER 12/18/2023 Irish Tara 11566 County Line 1.004-1-40.2 200 / 281 169400 15000 1
47000 12/20/2023 Irish Dirk L. 20231 / 8162 0 / 0 3.75 0 Yes
PER 12/1/2023 Farley David 243 Jamestown 16.027-1-22 210 / 210 100600 105000 1
47201 12/4/2023 Scheffer Sky 20231 / 7040 66 / 297 0 0 No
PER 11/14/2023 Gemmill Josephine M. 9429 Broadway 25.002-2-10.1 210 / 240 162400 1 1
47289 12/6/2023 Josephine M. Gemmill, Tru of the Eli 20231 / 7187 0 / 0 27.91 0 No
PER 11/15/2023 Parker Hope 11 Torrance 8.084-3-18 210 / 210 87500 160000 1
47201 12/8/2023 Reid Devin J. 20231 / 7525 100 / 82 0 0 No
PER 12/7/2023 Howe Ann Marie 10 Crestwood 16.036-1-23 210 / 210 151000 500 1
47201 12/8/2023 Mayers Richard T. 20231 / 7530 17 / 120 0 0 Yes
PER 12/8/2023 ESTATE OF FRANK P. DELLA POSTA 93 Main 8.075-3-15 400 / 483 119000 135000 1
47201 12/11/2023 DANAHY REAL ESTATE LLC  20231 / 7585 106 / 125.7 0 0 No
PER 12/15/2023 Yasurek Michael P. 138 Aldrich 8.075-1-12 210 / 210 130000 1 1
47201 12/15/2023 Yasurek, Jennifer L., Yasurek, Nicole M. 20231 / 7970 50 / 163 0 0 No
PER 12/15/2023 ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE C. JEMIOLO 45 Johnson 8.083-5-41 210 / 210 67400 50000 1
47201 12/18/2023 JEMIOLO, JOHN C. JEMIOLO, CHARLES J. 20231 / 8055 86.73 / 290 0 0 No
PER 12/15/2023 Williams Chase 22 Chapel 8.083-2-36 210 / 210 90800 197000 1
47201 12/20/2023 Halliwell Brandon 20231 / 8152 64 / 177 0 0 No
PER 11/14/2023 MCDOUGALL, BY REFEREE ANDREW J. 180 Jamestown 16.027-2-3 210 / 210 129900 88500 1
47201 12/27/2023 GOODE CHRISTIAN 20231 / 8479 0 / 0 1.44 0 No
PER 12/22/2023 CONKLIN, JR. ALBERT G. 10168 Point Peter 16.002-4-9 210 / 210 183700 260000 1
47289 12/27/2023 STAMER NICHOLAS 20231 / 8526 0 / 0 2.1 0 No
PER 12/28/2023 Studley Robert 8427 Broadway 34.002-2-7.2 210 / 210 211700 1 1
47289 12/28/2023 Studley Justan D. 20231 / 8614 0 / 0 5.17 0 No
PER 12/28/2023 MITCHELL KEITH 63 Aldrich 8.083-1-1 210 / 210 82700 40000 1
47201 12/29/2023 ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC LSOP RENTALS PREMIER 20231 / 8687 46 / 128.4 0 0 No
PER 12/28/2023 MITCHELL KEITH 90 Chapel 8.083-4-25 210 / 210 103100 40000 1
47201 12/29/2023 ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC LSOP RENTALS PREMIER 20231 / 8692 250 / 90 0 0 No
POR 11/27/2023 POLLOCK RONALD A. Portville Ceres 104.082-1-2.2 311 / 311 8000 40000 2
47489 12/4/2023 ARMSTRONG, JR. EDGAR WARREN 20231 / 7087 0 / 0 0.52 0 No
POR 11/27/2023 POLLOCK RONALD A. Portville Ceres 104.082-1-2.4 311 / 438 34700 40000 2
47489 12/4/2023 ARMSTRONG, JR. EDGAR WARREN 20231 / 7087 0 / 0 1.63 0 No
POR 11/13/2023 Lloyd C. Bennett, Trustee of the Bennett Famil 2973 Windfall 86.003-1-1 210 / 210 89800 1 2
47489 12/6/2023 Bennett Lloyd C. 20231 / 7218 0 / 0 63.78 0 No
POR 11/13/2023 Lloyd C. Bennett, Trustee of the Bennett Famil Windfall 86.003-1-25.4 210 / 322 23200 1 2
47489 12/6/2023 Bennett Lloyd C. 20231 / 7218 0 / 0 45.45 0 No
POR 11/21/2023 Reiss Estate Dona M. Wolf Run 86.004-2-22 500 / 170 52000 0 1
47489 12/12/2023 REISS KENNETH G. 20231 / 7658 0 / 0 47.78 0 Yes
POR 12/11/2023 Beard Robert G. 329 Prosser 113.008-1-8 210 / 210 71800 100000 1
47489 12/14/2023 Schafer Anton H. 20231 / 7828 75 / 130 0 0 No
POR 12/7/2023 Coleman Myrna E. 334 Pleasant Acres 113.008-1-36 210 / 210 138200 1 1
47489 12/18/2023 Myrna E. Coleman, Trustee of the Marshall 20231 / 8094 125 / 280 0 0 No
POR 12/22/2023 Enchanted Valley Rentals, LLC 64 Brooklyn 104.058-4-7 210 / 210 43700 96990 1
47401 12/26/2023 Karroach Jason T. 20231 / 8402 65.3 / 315 0 0 No
POR 12/21/2023 449 Broad Street, Inc. 996 Portville Olean 104.010-1-29 400 / 464 142800 30000 1
47489 12/26/2023 ESE Property Development LLC 20231 / 8413 0 / 0 4.89 0 No
POR 12/21/2023 Duffney Diane E. 114 Portville Ceres 113.002-2-25 210 / 210 51500 40700 1
47489 12/26/2023 Wright Teresa M. 20231 / 8416 99 / 220 0 0 No
POR 12/27/2023 White Holdings LLC Prosser 113.002-4-4.1 311 / 120 109700 17000 1
47489 12/28/2023 Allison April 20231 / 8620 0 / 0 4.85 0 Yes
RAN 12/6/2023 TEETER CHARLES E. 27 Washington 70.063-4-21 210 / 210 63000 1 1
47600 12/11/2023 TEETER CHARLES E. 20231 / 7574 65 / 169 0 0 No
RAN 12/11/2023 Miinte Alexander 51 Messenger 70.079-1-32 210 / 210 75000 159000 1
47600 12/12/2023 O'Neill Kiel E. 20231 / 7619 70 / 369 0 0 No
RAN 12/12/2023 Ligammari Douglas Anthony 81 Jamestown 70.063-4-2 210 / 210 72000 175000 1
47600 12/13/2023 McKeever Alyssa S. 20231 / 7765 105 / 100 0 0 No
RAN 12/14/2023 Cali Mark D. 214 Spring 70.066-1-5 210 / 210 58100 131500 1
47600 12/14/2023 Marsh Wolfgang F. 20231 / 7837 0 / 0 1.46 0 No
RAN 1/31/2014 Jackson Gene E. 91 Jamestown 70.063-3-13 400 / 431 114300 120000 1
47600 12/14/2023 Powell Joseph D 20231 / 7840 206 / 228 0 0 No
RAN 12/15/2023 Gumhalter Shannon 8 Larkin 70.071-2-25 210 / 210 78000 167000 1
47600 12/18/2023 Mosley Mary 20231 / 8032 121 / 162 0 0 No
RAN 11/1/2023 East Randolph United 122 Church 70.058-3-1 600 / 330 10000 0 3
47600 12/21/2023 East Randolph Methodist Church 20231 / 8250 280 / 106 0 0 No
RAN 11/1/2023 East Randolph United Cemetery St. 70.058-1-21.2 600 / 210 146100 0 3
47600 12/21/2023 East Randolph Methodist Church 20231 / 8250 30 / 260 0.52 0 No
SAL 12/11/2023 Oakes Randy S. 4147 Center St 72.004-1-8 210 / 210 155700 250000 1
48000 12/11/2023 Schaefer Mikaela 20231 / 7612 0 / 0 12.39 0 No
SOU 12/8/2023 WALSTON DEBORAH G. 11791 Bone Run 97.001-1-16.1 311 / 322 17200 30000 1
48200 12/8/2023 SCHULTZ DAVID 20231 / 7524 0 / 0 37.8 0 No
SOU 12/18/2023 Lawrence Bradley Braley Hill 97.002-2-33 300 / 314 4500 0 1
48200 12/18/2023 Lawrence Andrew 20231 / 8066 0 / 0 1.63 0 No
SOU 12/11/2023 Wellsville Timber Corp. Sawmill Run 96.004-1-35 900 / 910 31600 150000 1
48200 12/19/2023 Timber Valley Ranch, LLC  20231 / 8118 0 / 0 52.25 0 No
YOR 11/30/2023 Diaz Kathy 31 Main 12.044-2-4 210 / 210 24300 1 1
48401 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6779 124 / 286 0 0 No
YOR 11/30/2023 Diaz Mark 10239 McKinstry 21.002-1-12.3 210 / 210 10800 1 1
48489 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6781 208.7 / 183 0 0 No
YOR 12/1/2023 Diaz Mark 10681 NYS Rte 16 12.004-3-15 210 / 210 4800 1 1
48489 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6782 230 / 135 0 0 No
YOR 11/30/2023 Diaz Mark 27 Main 12.044-2-3 210 / 210 13540 1 1
48401 12/1/2023 Diaz Landholdings LLC  20231 / 6788 72 / 215 0 0 No
YOR 11/29/2023 Glenda J. Sprague as Executrix of the Estate of Main 13.045-1-18.1 300 / 322 4300 1 1
48401 12/11/2023 Sprague Family Holdings LLC 20231 / 7543 0 / 0 16.42 0 No
YOR 12/7/2023 Hedges Joanne, surviving sp 43 Grove 12.036-4-12 210 / 210 8937 102500 1
48401 12/12/2023 Mosier Tessandra M. 20231 / 7660 127.3 / 276 0 0 No
YOR 12/11/2023 Lillenstein Mark A. (Estate of) 11713 NYS Rte 16 4.004-5-6.7 400 / 615 41510 1 1
48489 12/15/2023 Lillenstein Heinke P. as Trustee 20231 / 7908 0 / 0 1.45 0 No
YOR 12/15/2023 Reiner Tracey 61 Delevan 13.045-1-9 210 / 210 14423 0 1
48401 12/15/2023 Hunt Richard D. 20231 / 7975 9 / 341 0 0 Yes
YOR 12/16/2023 Sherwood Joseph 66 Mill 12.044-3-2 210 / 210 12940 1 1
48401 12/18/2023 Sherwood Brian 20231 / 8065 0 / 0 1.3 0 No
YOR 12/14/2023 Sprague Family Holdings Main 13.045-1-18.1 311 / 322 4300 36000 1
48401 12/21/2023 Giboo Anthony 20231 / 8230 0 / 0 16.42 0 No
YOR 12/19/2023 Myers Kaitlin A. 3637 Block 12.002-1-33.7 210 / 210 14435 125000 1
48489 12/21/2023 Eastman Andrew N. 20231 / 8231 0 / 0 6.35 0 No
Information on this website is provided as an informal convenience and is not meant to be relied upon without verification. Please be sure to verify the information with appropriate agencies before acting upon it.  It is possible that in the process of transferring the information to the website errors may occur.