June 2023 Cattaraugus County, NY -  Real Estate Sales Listings & Deed             
Muni Sale Date Grantor (Seller) Property Loc Map # PU / PC Tot AV Sale Price # Par
Rec Date Grantee (Buyer) Book/Page Front/Depth Acres Per Prop Split
OLE 4/21/2023 Thomas C. Smith 1705 State St W 94.063-5-31 210 / 210 45000 5500 1
41200 6/1/2023 Rode Joy Hideaway LLC  20230 / 8589 35 / 70 0 0 No
OLE 4/21/2023 Thomas C. Smith 1709 State St W 94.063-5-29 210 / 210 44000 3500 1
41200 6/1/2023 Rode Joy Hideaway LLC  20230 / 8591 35 / 135 0 0 No
OLE 5/31/2023 LOWRY GEORGE S. 413 Irving 94.073-2-2 210 / 210 57000 137000 1
41200 6/1/2023 STAKER ARTHUR 20230 / 8626 52.5 / 113 0 0 No
OLE 6/1/2023 CALLAHAN KAREN E. 524 King 94.067-1-37 210 / 210 64000 140000 1
41200 6/2/2023 SARKIS SEMIZYAN AND MARIN SEMIZYAN REVOCABLE T 20230 / 8639 50 / 237.25 0 0 No
OLE 6/2/2023 Smith Crystal 307 Eighth St S 94.072-5-29 210 / 210 37000 1 1
41200 6/2/2023 Baran Paul 20230 / 8649 38 / 128 0 0 No
OLE 5/25/2023 Pamela J. Zeigler a/k/a Pamela J. Grimes 802 Union St S 94.081-1-6 210 / 210 37500 1 1
41200 6/2/2023 Ensell Tiffanie 20230 / 8680 50 / 95.5 0 0 No
OLE 6/5/2023 Pownall Mary 235 Second St N 94.065-1-11 210 / 210 98000 1 1
41200 6/5/2023 Thropp Jeffrey M & Holly A 20230 / 8721 50 / 180 0 0 No
OLE 3/22/2023 Biggers Bonnie A. 1028 Kingston 94.059-2-8 210 / 210 78500 1 1
41200 6/6/2023 Biggers Bonnie A., Trustee 20230 / 8770 75 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 6/7/2023 Bohdanowycz Nicholas 1312 Buchanan 94.034-8-8.1 311 / 311 10000 15000 1
41200 6/7/2023 Kivari Family Revocable Trust  20230 / 8816 0 / 0 1.1 0 No
OLE 6/7/2023 LINDSAY RITA 1212-R River 94.041-4-9 210 / 210 70000 89900 1
41200 6/7/2023 POCKALNY, JR STEPHEN J. 20230 / 8817 100 / 150 0 0 No
OLE 6/7/2023 Rafi Amber 203 Fourth St N 94.064-4-20 210 / 210 100000 0 4
41200 6/7/2023 ABMZ, LLC  20230 / 8818 75 / 113 0 0 No
OLE 6/7/2023 Rafi Amber 211 Union St N 94.065-2-17 210 / 481 61750 0 4
41200 6/7/2023 ABMZ, LLC  20230 / 8818 20 / 119 0 0 No
OLE 6/7/2023 Rafi Amber 223R Union St N 94.065-2-12.1 210 / 438 8100 0 4
41200 6/7/2023 ABMZ, LLC  20230 / 8818 78 / 40 0 0 No
OLE 6/7/2023 Rafi Amber 217R Union St N 94.065-2-15.1 210 / 330 4600 0 4
41200 6/7/2023 ABMZ, LLC  20230 / 8818 29 / 54 0 0 No
OLE 5/22/2023 Lumpp Manfred 202 Sixteenth St S 94.063-5-40 210 / 210 49500 70000 1
41200 6/8/2023 Lazalde Shelli 20230 / 8857 70 / 145 0 0 No
OLE 3/9/2023 SASSONE IRENE M. 1126 River 94.041-4-12 210 / 210 78000 1 1
41200 6/8/2023 MICHAEL SASSONE, TRUSTEE SASSONE FAMILY TRUST 20230 / 8862 70 / 390 0 0 No
OLE 5/1/2023 Blue Leonard J. 117 Fourth St N 94.064-9-6 210 / 210 41000 1 1
41200 6/8/2023 Wienk Pamela S. 20230 / 8863 40 / 156 0 0 No
OLE 1/4/2023 Indus Real Estate II LLC 2727 State St W 94.062-2-37.2 400 / 421 94000 1 1
41200 6/9/2023 State Street Olean LLC  20230 / 8934 200 / 128 0 0 Yes
OLE 1/4/2023 Indus Real Estate II LLC 2727 State St W 94.062-2-37.2 400 / 421 94000 1 1
41200 6/9/2023 State Street Olean LLC  20230 / 8935 124.9 / 125 0 0 No
OLE 6/9/2023 Rhinehart Malcolm A. 702 Henley St W 94.064-13-53 210 / 210 84500 140000 1
41200 6/12/2023 Hildebrand Brenden D. 20230 / 8973 44 / 100 0 0 No
OLE 5/9/2023 Yatzkanic Jane E. 322 Third St N 94.057-5-5 200 / 230 58000 60000 1
41200 6/12/2023 Marsh Holdings, LLC  20230 / 8983 50 / 120 0 0 No
OLE 6/13/2023 Bohdanowycz Nicholas 1312 Buchanan 94.034-8-8.1 311 / 311 10000 0 1
41200 6/13/2023 Kivari Family Revocable Trust  20230 / 9051 0 / 0 1.1 0 No
OLE 6/13/2023 RING ROBERT 120 Clinton St N 94.065-5-33 210 / 210 61500 174900 1
41200 6/14/2023 HAPUKU RALPH JAMES TURAU 20230 / 9142 40 / 105 0 0 No
OLE 5/31/2023 Kayes Michael 1506 River 94.033-1-10 210 / 210 31500 0 1
41200 6/15/2023 Kayes Michael 20230 / 9209 60 / 142.63 0 0 No
OLE 3/29/2023 Fote Richard 521 Sixth St N 94.048-2-27 311 / 311 1200 1 1
41200 6/16/2023 Fote William P. 20230 / 9240 40 / 128 0 0 No
OLE 6/16/2023 Rode Joy Hideaway LLC 1709 State St W 94.063-5-29 210 / 210 44000 10000 1
41200 6/19/2023 Coleman Willie 20230 / 9348 35 / 135 0 0 No
OLE 6/16/2023 CHURAKOS SHAWN M. 119 Green St W 94.073-5-25 210 / 210 35300 32000 1
41200 6/20/2023 ANDERSON JOSHUA J. 20230 / 9368 33 / 112 0 0 No
OLE 6/16/2023 92 Astor LLC 321 First St N 94.057-5-29 411 / 410 95000 75000 1
41200 6/21/2023 Bozzo Sabrina 20230 / 9419 37 / 166 0 0 No
OLE 6/14/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS 701 Union St N 94.049-4-22 411 / 411 68000 1 1
41200 6/23/2023 Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corporatio 20230 / 9483 43 / 138 0 0 No
OLE 5/12/2023 Smith Thomas 108 Sixteenth St S 94.063-5-33 210 / 210 40000 19000 1
41200 6/23/2023 Pancio Shane 20230 / 9490 35 / 70 0 0 No
OLE 6/23/2023 ESTATE OF CONSTANCE E. SKROBAC 531 Queen 94.059-6-48 210 / 210 69000 68000 1
41200 6/23/2023 BAKER MARK E & ELIZABETH J 20230 / 9494 105 / 244 0 0 No
OLE 6/23/2023 Minges Wiley 1231 Seneca 94.067-5-23 210 / 210 65000 72500 1
41200 6/23/2023 Long Rebecca A. 20230 / 9496 130 / 178 0 0 No
OLE 6/16/2023 Cassandra J. Eckert, as Executrix of the Est 201 Fairview 94.034-4-71 210 / 210 17000 1 1
41200 6/26/2023 Eckert Cassandra J. 20230 / 9539 40 / 48 0 0 No
OLE 6/26/2023 M.R. CHAPUS FAMILY TRUST 1201 River 94.041-2-24 210 / 210 77500 120000 1
41200 6/27/2023 DIFFENDERFER MICHAEL 20230 / 9616 90 / 60 0 0 No
OLE 6/26/2023 ANICK MELINDA (AKA MELINDA 513 Fourth St N 94.048-1-33 210 / 210 25000 1 2
41200 6/28/2023 QUANINA LLC  20230 / 9694 48 / 230 0 0 No
OLE 6/26/2023 ANICK MELINDA (AKA MELINDA 507 Fourth St N 94.048-1-36 210 / 210 49500 1 2
41200 6/28/2023 QUANINA LLC  20230 / 9694 25 / 128 0 0 No
OLE 6/29/2023 Hooker Thomas B. 1815 Johnson 94.039-4-18 210 / 210 32000 90500 1
41200 6/29/2023 Kerper Keri L. 20230 / 9715 82.5 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 6/29/2023 KERPER KERI L. 1815 Johnson 94.039-4-18 210 / 210 32000 1 2
41200 6/29/2023 KERPER KERI L. 20230 / 9716 82.5 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 6/29/2023 KERPER KERI L. 1811 Johnson 94.039-4-19 210 / 210 45000 1 2
41200 6/29/2023 KERPER KERI L. 20230 / 9716 41.25 / 130 0 0 No
SAL 1/18/2023 Terhune Nancy 142 Washington 72.068-1-11 210 / 210 5965 0 1
41600 6/1/2023 Perkins Mark 20230 / 8630 95 / 247.5 0 0 No
SAL 5/31/2023 Jimerson David 152 Summit 82.023-2-67 210 / 210 6600 26000 1
41600 6/2/2023 Leonard Steven 20230 / 8678 50 / 120 0 0 No
SAL 6/8/2023 Envision Properties LLC 34 State 73.072-1-4 210 / 210 3500 72500 1
41600 6/9/2023 Frazier Maura M. 20230 / 8904 83 / 95 0 0 No
SAL 6/7/2023 Haines Barbara 30 Wilson 73.079-5-11 210 / 210 6600 28500 1
41600 6/9/2023 Crouse Brandon 20230 / 8927 36.3 / 139 0 0 No
SAL 4/6/2023 Nephew Marcelene 11 Summit 73.079-5-1 210 / 486 15120 288412 3
41600 6/20/2023 Seneca Nation of Indians Economic Development 20230 / 9366 118 / 70 0 0 No
SAL 4/6/2023 Nephew Marcelene 92 State 73.072-1-14 210 / 210 6000 288412 3
41600 6/20/2023 Seneca Nation of Indians Economic Development 20230 / 9366 55.5 / 151 0 0 No
SAL 4/6/2023 Nephew Marcelene 308 State 73.072-2-14 210 / 210 8500 288412 3
41600 6/20/2023 Seneca Nation of Indians Economic Development 20230 / 9366 48 / 113.8 0 0 No
SAL 5/19/2023 Tidd Joseph C. 311 State 73.064-1-4 210 / 210 9030 1 1
41600 6/22/2023 Tidd Joseph C. 20230 / 9450 60 / 275 0 0 No
SAL 6/27/2023 VanDyke Todd E. 262 Central 73.065-5-29 210 / 210 6120 70000 1
41600 6/28/2023 Bucholz Matthew J. 20230 / 9660 50 / 75 0 0 No
ALL 5/31/2023 Collins Andrea S. 61 First 93.035-3-15 210 / 210 87500 123500 1
42001 6/1/2023 Rall Michael 20230 / 8568 93.9 / 231 0 0 No
ALL 5/17/2023 Anderson Angela B. 787 Lippert Hollow 102.004-2-5.5 311 / 210 192500 500 1
42089 6/1/2023 Jaremko William M. 20230 / 8571 10 / 180.8 0.11 1 Yes
ALL 6/2/2023 HIRLIMAN F/K/A GLEASON KATIE M. 3391 Maple 93.044-1-5 210 / 210 117000 191150 1
42001 6/6/2023 MORRISON MARCIA 20230 / 8766 105 / 160 0 0 No
ALL 6/2/2023 Gould, Sr. William Ho-Sta-Geh 112.001-1-11.34 311 / 322 21700 35000 1
42089 6/7/2023 FTN RIDE LLC  20230 / 8790 0 / 0 13.08 0 No
ALL 1/30/2023 Schreiber George 3203 Smith Hollow 85.003-1-2 210 / 240 80000 1 2
42089 6/8/2023 George J. Schreiber III and Caroline R. Schreibe 20230 / 8853 0 / 0 76.98 0 No
ALL 1/30/2023 Schreiber George Smith Hollow 85.003-1-3.1 210 / 105 95500 1 2
42089 6/8/2023 George J. Schreiber III and Caroline R. Schreibe 20230 / 8853 0 / 0 191.58 0 No
ALL 6/9/2023 Paul Jason J. 3936 Branch 102.002-1-50.1 210 / 240 175000 345000 1
42089 6/9/2023 Harris Donald A. Jr. 20230 / 8895 0 / 0 36.35 0 No
ALL 6/9/2023 Carter Daniel 2383 Five Mile Rd 93.002-2-5 400 / 484 300000 725000 1
42089 6/9/2023 Kinley Investments LLC  20230 / 8940 0 / 0 9.36 0 No
ALL 6/9/2023 RASEY ROBERT G. Four Mile 102.002-1-42.3 311 / 312 85600 100000 1
42089 6/12/2023 HIXON HOLDINGS, LLC  20230 / 9011 0 / 0 107.6 30000 No
ALL 5/31/2023 Doran Richard 3853 Nine Mile 93.002-4-23 210 / 240 75500 0 1
42089 6/13/2023 Paar, Tyler M. Dispigno, Carianne A 20230 / 9049 125 / 56 0 0 Yes
ALL 6/12/2023 Lippert James 202 Second 93.035-2-32.1 210 / 210 98000 125000 1
42001 6/14/2023 Moran Thomas R. 20230 / 9111 0 / 0 2.12 0 No
ALL 6/13/2023 McIntosh, Jr. Donald J. 81 Sherwood 93.052-1-1 210 / 210 95000 150000 1
42001 6/14/2023 McFarland Brett 20230 / 9148 65 / 121 0 0 No
ALL 6/13/2023 WILLIAMS CODY A. 2751 Five Mile 84.004-2-30.3 210 / 210 108000 220000 1
42089 6/14/2023 TANNER CLAY A. 20230 / 9163 0 / 0 4.5 0 No
ALL 6/15/2023 Bucher Allan 73 First 93.035-3-17 210 / 210 60000 1 1
42001 6/16/2023 Bucher, Daniel P. Bucher, Allan F. 20230 / 9310 108 / 231 0 0 No
ALL 6/16/2023 ROUBA JOYCE F. Five Mile 84.002-1-22.5 311 / 314 15100 31000 1
42089 6/20/2023 FOYE SEAN W. T. 20230 / 9372 0 / 0 3.05 0 No
ALL 6/9/2023 Zampogna Michael 589 Ho-Sta-Geh 112.001-1-8.1 210 / 280 149500 239000 2
42089 6/21/2023 Matola Kenneth George 20230 / 9416 0 / 0 7.12 0 No
ALL 6/9/2023 Zampogna Michael Ho-Sta-Geh 112.001-1-9.1 210 / 314 4000 239000 2
42089 6/21/2023 Matola Kenneth George 20230 / 9416 0 / 0 2.47 0 No
ALL 6/16/2023 Fronczak David 867 Lippert Hollow 112.001-1-14 210 / 260 20000 37000 2
42089 6/22/2023 Lamb Brian C. 20230 / 9431 120 / 260 0 0 No
ALL 6/16/2023 Fronczak David Lippert Hollow 112.001-1-17 210 / 314 10800 37000 2
42089 6/22/2023 Lamb Brian C. 20230 / 9431 50 / 282 0 0 No
ALL 6/22/2023 Case Jame L. 10 Sunburst 84.004-2-18.24 210 / 210 153000 240000 1
42089 6/23/2023 Murphy Timothy F. 20230 / 9479 389.36 / 200 0.83 0 No
ALL 6/26/2023 Stady Donna G. 3170 Buffalo 94.001-1-35.3 210 / 210 84000 40118 1
42089 6/26/2023 Stady Ladd E. 20230 / 9541 0 / 0 5.7 0 No
ALL 6/30/2023 HENDRIX KATHLEEN E. 3168 Cranberry 94.053-1-7 210 / 210 70000 110000 1
42089 6/30/2023 ZAMPOGNA MICHAEL A. 20230 / 9760 0 / 0 1.62 0 No
ALL 6/26/2023 The Pumpkin Hollow Restort Tr 3945 Pumpkin Hollow 75.004-1-3 210 / 210 115000 1 2
42089 6/30/2023 Alleman Kristi D. 20230 / 9762 100 / 325 0 0 Yes
ALL 6/26/2023 The Pumpkin Hollow Restort Tr Pumpkin Hollow 75.004-1-1.3 210 / 314 2500 1 2
42089 6/30/2023 Alleman Kristi D. 20230 / 9762 0 / 0 2.45 0 No
ALL 5/25/2023 Butry Phillip NYS Route 16 112.001-1-11.21 311 / 314 16400 28000 1
42089 6/30/2023 Weinman Douglas A. 20230 / 9768 0 / 0 6.45 0 No
ASH 6/2/2023 STEBLEIN KARL J. 11540 Watson 11.001-1-17.1 210 / 312 48100 165000 1
42200 6/6/2023 YOUNG KENNETH 20230 / 8743 0 / 0 5.87 0 No
ASH 6/5/2023 Kearney Jason 9453 Route 240 29.007-3-4 210 / 210 105800 1 1
42200 6/9/2023 Kearney Jessica L. 20230 / 8941 192.5 / 179 0 0 No
ASH 5/25/2023 PFEFFER John A. 9207 Route 240 29.002-1-26.2 300 / 312 11900 1 1
42200 6/13/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS  20230 / 9037 210 / 0 0.51 0 No
ASH 6/16/2023 Troidl Brian Stady 29.001-1-5.1 200 / 271 71400 1 2
42200 6/16/2023 Troidl Brian A. 20230 / 9319 0 / 0 17.85 0 No
ASH 6/16/2023 Troidl Brian 9547 Stady 29.001-1-5.6 200 / 270 126000 1 2
42200 6/16/2023 Troidl Brian A. 20230 / 9319 0 / 0 37.75 0 No
ASH 8/28/2021 Hintz Lee 9255 Us Rte 219 28.002-1-41.1 210 / 240 63500 0 1
42200 6/19/2023 Hintz Timothy J. 20230 / 9344 0 / 0 24.85 0 No
ASH 5/31/2023 BASILIKO Nicholas B. 9209 Route 240 29.011-2-21 311 / 210 22400 1 1
42200 6/21/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS  20230 / 9413 259.5 / 131.4 0 0 No
CAR 6/14/2023 Stone Carla 584 Parkside 101.070-1-8.1 210 / 270 32100 3704 1
42400 6/23/2023 Stone Carla J. 20230 / 9478 50 / 265 0 0 No
CON 6/5/2023 Thompson Adam S. 140 Hall 70.050-2-24 210 / 210 41000 36000 1
42800 6/6/2023 Parkhurst Jennifer 20230 / 8739 66 / 132 0 0 No
CON 6/15/2023 Lange, Loretta M Individually & as su 11655 Youngs 52.003-1-20 210 / 210 42400 232700 1
42800 6/15/2023 Benson Bruce Ralph 20230 / 9208 0 / 0 9.8 0 No
DAY 5/26/2023 SPIRE ANTHONY J. 8535 Rte 62 25.003-1-13 210 / 210 88400 93500 1
43089 6/1/2023 WHITE LANE C. 20230 / 8633 0 / 0 2.01 0 No
DAY 5/26/2023 MILLER JANE E. 9117 Cottage-South Dayton 24.002-1-19 200 / 281 87100 78000 1
43089 6/8/2023 SPIRE ANTHONY J. 20230 / 8847 0 / 0 4.86 0 No
DAY 6/2/2023 Mogavero; Mogavero Russell T.; Rodney 9139 Rte 353 25.002-1-16 210 / 260 55400 9000 1
43089 6/13/2023 Mogavero Russell T. 20230 / 9052 0 / 0 15.71 0 No
DAY 5/17/2023 Carl L. Kerr Revocable Trust I 30 Maple 33.034-1-1 400 / 481 25800 0 1
43001 6/15/2023 Kerr Julie A. 20230 / 9230 67 / 151 0 0 No
DAY 6/8/2023 Wilbur David 11939 Markham-Wesley 25.001-2-23.2 210 / 210 98500 1 2
43089 6/20/2023 Wilbur David R. 20230 / 9388 221.3 / 212.7 0 0 No
DAY 6/8/2023 Wilbur David Markham-Wesley 25.001-2-23.3 210 / 322 19200 1 2
43089 6/20/2023 Wilbur David R. 20230 / 9388 0 / 0 12.45 0 No
DAY 6/21/2023 Carson Amme 9461 Rte 62 16.003-2-9.1 210 / 270 31800 0 1
43089 6/22/2023 Carson Robert 20230 / 9438 0 / 0 1.5 0 No
DAY 6/8/2023 Wilbur David 11939 Markham-Wesley 25.001-2-23.2 210 / 210 98500 1 2
43089 6/23/2023 Ippolito Curt 20230 / 9476 221.3 / 212.7 0 0 No
DAY 6/8/2023 Wilbur David Markham-Wesley 25.001-2-23.3 210 / 322 19200 1 2
43089 6/23/2023 Ippolito Curt 20230 / 9476 0 / 0 12.45 0 No
DAY 6/14/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS 217 Pine 33.033-5-46 400 / 421 47300 1 1
43001 6/23/2023 Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corporatio 20230 / 9488 53.67 / 150 0 0 No
EAS 5/1/2023 Church Mark 8383 Otto-E Otto 27.004-1-6 210 / 210 151200 1 3
43200 6/8/2023 Church, Mark & Annette Dickinson, Kimberly 20230 / 8841 0 / 0 1.4 0 No
EAS 5/1/2023 Church Mark Otto-E Otto 27.004-1-7 210 / 312 38800 1 3
43200 6/8/2023 Church, Mark & Annette Dickinson, Kimberly 20230 / 8841 0 / 0 5.39 0 No
EAS 5/18/2023 Carier Thomas Otto-E Otto 27.004-1-11.13 210 / 270 34100 1 1
43200 6/12/2023 Butler Margaret 20230 / 9007 90 / 367 0 0 Yes
EAS 5/18/2023 Kohler Elbert 8200 Otto-E Otto 27.004-1-11.8 210 / 117 94500 1 1
43200 6/12/2023 Carier Thomas P. 20230 / 9008 0 / 0 1.54 0 No
EAS 6/7/2023 Lombardi Jason A. Rainbow Ridge-Lot 12 (Row 37.002-1-54 311 / 314 38200 35000 1
43200 6/15/2023 Valens II Holdings LLC  20230 / 9218 0 / 0 5.3 0 Yes
EAS 6/28/2023 Cyna John P. 8164 Thompson 27.004-1-42.5 210 / 210 137800 305000 1
43200 6/30/2023 Cyna Nicholas J. 20230 / 9810 450 / 0 4.75 0 No
ELL 5/25/2023 Kneisel Jochen 6409 Northwood 46.082-3-15 210 / 210 278400 1 1
43689 6/1/2023 Kneisel Jochen 20230 / 8628 107.09 / 313.29 0 0 No
ELL 11/9/2022 The Dominesey Family Homestead Trust 30 Elizabeth 55.035-3-28 210 / 220 207500 325000 1
43601 6/2/2023 Miller Kathleen 20230 / 8670 66 / 200 0 0 No
ELL 5/30/2023 Gonsholt Ole 2 Holihilton 55.034-1-4.4 210 / 210 114000 1 1
43601 6/2/2023 Lepp Jason William 20230 / 8672 32.29 / 208.49 0 0 No
ELL 3/24/2023 ZABAWA THERESA A. 6847 Creek Ridge 47.003-1-18.31 311 / 314 26100 1 1
43689 6/2/2023 MORT MICHAEL SEAN 20230 / 8677 0 / 0 5.1 0 No
ELL 6/2/2023 Bluhm Thomas C 47 Sunset Rd-The Woods 55.041-1-68 210 / 210 230000 421000 1
43689 6/7/2023 Maleski Katherine K. 20230 / 8778 18.21 / 66.5 0 0 No
ELL 6/9/2023 Fillmore Creek Townhouses LLC 21, 27, 29 Fillmore 55.027-2-6.2 210 / 280 800000 477162 1
43601 6/12/2023 Hamilton John B. 20230 / 8962 29 / 80 0 0 Yes
ELL 6/1/2023 Hammerschmidt Jeffrey H. 6990 Crane 47.004-1-3.4 311 / 311 33300 65000 1
43689 6/12/2023 Northrup John D. II & 20230 / 8984 0 / 0 2.2 0 No
ELL 6/9/2023 Campbell Gerald 309/311 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/3090 210 / 210 129100 118000 1
43689 6/12/2023 Buyers Michael J. 20230 / 9001 0 / 0 0.01 0 Yes
ELL 6/9/2023 Roman Antonio R. 509/511-5 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/5095 210 / 210 60384 130000 1
43689 6/12/2023 Buyers Michael J. 20230 / 9004 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
ELL 6/7/2023 White Susan E. 6891 Poverty Hill 46.002-1-43.1 210 / 210 417500 0 1
43689 6/12/2023 SEW Real Estate EVL, LLC  20230 / 9006 0 / 0 4.25 0 No
ELL 6/12/2023 George Thomas 6537 Donlen 55.044-2-26 210 / 210 186000 415000 1
43689 6/14/2023 Blaszczak Sarah L. 20230 / 9117 120 / 125 0 0 No
ELL 6/13/2023 Tichband Peter A. 39 Jefferson 55.043-1-10 210 / 210 175600 372500 1
43601 6/15/2023 RLEM EVL LLC  20230 / 9136 66 / 199 0 0 No
ELL 6/16/2023 Roush Revocable Trust 5065 Bryant Hill 47.002-1-10.2 210 / 210 292500 392000 1
43689 6/19/2023 Cocoa Beach Condo Rentals LLC  20230 / 9337 0 / 0 8.13 0 Yes
ELL 12/6/2022 Stockton Estate of Stephen C. 98 Brookline Rd-The Woods 55.033-3-31 210 / 210 230000 1 1
43689 6/20/2023 Stockton Shannon L. 20230 / 9380 18.21 / 66.5 0 0 No
ELL 6/16/2023 Bebenroth Benjamin 39 Elizabeth 55.035-1-42 210 / 210 176400 0 1
43601 6/20/2023 Bebenroth Jacquelyn 20230 / 9386 40 / 374 0 0 No
ELL 6/30/2023 Panzarella Karen J. 209/211-5 Tamarack Club 55.002-2-17.20/2095 210 / 210 51264 110000 1
43689 6/30/2023 Hassanwalia Harinder Singh & Nee 20230 / 9825 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
FAR 5/30/2023 Schindlbeck Mark Kingsbury Hill 40.001-3-19.1 100 / 314 10100 52920 2
43800 6/1/2023 Pataye, Clinton Warren Pataye, Timothy M. 20230 / 8573 0 / 0 2.4 0 No
FAR 6/7/2023 JOHNSON DAVID, A. 944 Elton 23.014-1-16 210 / 210 50100 115000 1
43800 6/7/2023 RONAN JOHN, P. 20230 / 8806 0 / 0 0.73 0 No
FAR 6/8/2023 Mosher Charles Lee 8542 NYS Rte 98 31.004-1-20.2 210 / 210 40500 30000 1
43800 6/12/2023 Benzel Gary C. Jr 20230 / 8960 0 / 0 1.6 0 No
FAR 6/19/2023 YAVENER BARRY R Rogers 31.002-1-18.6 311 / 312 22900 1 1
43800 6/27/2023 BARRY R YAVENER TRUSTEE UNDER THE 20230 / 9624 0 / 0 3.9 0 No
FRA 5/30/2023 Schindlbeck Mark 7906 Kingsbury Hill 40.003-2-10.8 100 / 240 71000 52920 2
44089 6/1/2023 Pataye, Clinton Warren Pataye, Timothy M. 20230 / 8573 0 / 0 23.41 0 Yes
FRA 5/24/2023 SCIORTINO TIMOTHY D. 5 Maple 40.071-1-21 210 / 210 62600 250000 1
44001 6/5/2023 ZUPPELLI JOSEPH C. 20230 / 8697 86.63 / 231.5 0 0 No
FRA 6/2/2023 Schrimmel Danielle 6833 NYS Route 16 49.003-1-17.2 210 / 210 59400 65000 1
44089 6/5/2023 Snyder Benton A. 20230 / 8734 0 / 0 10.6 0 No
FRA 5/2/2023 Dudkowski Charlotte NYS Route 16 58.002-1-5 300 / 323 5000 1 2
44089 6/5/2023 Dudkowski Eric J. 20230 / 8735 0 / 0 2.69 0 No
FRA 6/6/2023 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY LAND BANK CORPORATIO 41 First 40.071-2-20 311 / 311 5100 3000 1
44001 6/7/2023 Snyder Victor 20230 / 8783 50.24 / 97.65 0 0 No
FRA 5/26/2023 Coyne Michael 1 Pine 40.063-4-5 400 / 330 5100 99900 2
44001 6/7/2023 Everhaux LLC  20230 / 8811 29.04 / 80 0 0 No
FRA 5/26/2023 Coyne Michael 5 Pine 40.063-4-7 400 / 421 14000 99900 2
44001 6/7/2023 Everhaux LLC  20230 / 8811 84.9 / 82 0 0 No
FRA 6/8/2023 Boudreau Mark Hilltop 57.002-1-63 210 / 314 6200 200000 2
44089 6/9/2023 Marple Michael 20230 / 8922 0 / 0 5.05 0 No
FRA 6/8/2023 Boudreau Mark 3539 Hilltop 57.002-1-64 210 / 260 29500 200000 2
44089 6/9/2023 Marple Michael 20230 / 8922 0 / 0 5.05 0 No
FRA 6/16/2023 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY LAND BANK CORPORATIO 16 Main 40.071-2-1 210 / 210 50600 200000 1
44001 6/16/2023 Latwinas Edward L. 20230 / 9254 107 / 162 0 0 No
FRA 6/9/2023 Holer Marie Bloehm 38.004-2-2 311 / 322 23700 630000 7
44089 6/20/2023 Farm East LLC  20230 / 9397 0 / 0 47.37 0 No
FRA 6/9/2023 Holer Marie Bloehm Rd (Off) 38.004-2-3 311 / 312 31200 630000 7
44089 6/20/2023 Farm East LLC  20230 / 9397 0 / 0 65.49 0 No
FRA 6/9/2023 Holer Marie Bloehm 38.004-2-4 311 / 322 28800 630000 7
44089 6/20/2023 Farm East LLC  20230 / 9397 0 / 0 72.12 0 No
FRA 6/9/2023 Holer Marie NYS Route 242 39.003-1-1 311 / 322 10200 630000 7
44089 6/20/2023 Farm East LLC  20230 / 9397 0 / 0 25.46 0 No
FRA 6/9/2023 Holer Marie NYS Route 242 39.003-1-2 311 / 312 29700 630000 7
44089 6/20/2023 Farm East LLC  20230 / 9397 0 / 0 58.95 0 No
FRA 6/9/2023 Holer Marie NYS Route 242 39.003-1-3 311 / 322 34300 630000 7
44089 6/20/2023 Farm East LLC  20230 / 9397 0 / 0 102 0 No
FRA 5/24/2023 Wells Kenneth 2415 Maple Ave 40.003-2-40 210 / 210 75000 10315 1
44089 6/23/2023 Estate of Kenneth J. Wells  20230 / 9477 120 / 248.55 0 0 No
FRA 5/24/2023 Wells Kenneth Abbotts (Co Rd 24) 40.003-2-43 311 / 311 3500 847 1
44089 6/23/2023 Estate of Kenneth J. Wells  20230 / 9482 120 / 256.75 0 0 No
FRA 6/14/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS 50 Pine 40.063-2-16 210 / 210 15500 1 1
44001 6/23/2023 Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corporatio 20230 / 9485 49.17 / 296.84 0 0 No
FRA 6/14/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS 16-18 Mill 40.070-2-10 210 / 210 24800 1 1
44001 6/23/2023 Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corporatio 20230 / 9486 76 / 203 0 0 No
FRA 6/7/2023 Albanese Frank 3441 Bryant Hill 39.004-2-18.1 210 / 270 75000 0 1
44089 6/30/2023 Albanese Nicholas 20230 / 9796 0 / 0 51.83 0 No
FRE 4/14/2023 Thomas Jarrod 11034 Rte 98 14.002-3-18.7 210 / 210 152500 1 1
44200 6/9/2023 Thomas Wendy 20230 / 8946 0 / 0 1.22 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Delevan-Elton 22.002-1-4 700 / 720 197600 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 57.6 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Co Rd 73 22.002-1-7 700 / 720 117000 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 46.25 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Delevan-Elton 22.002-1-3.1 700 / 720 84600 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 28 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Co Rd 73 13.004-1-18.1 700 / 322 42300 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 16.94 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Co Rd 73 13.004-1-18.3 700 / 720 86800 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 30 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Lime Lake-Elton 22.002-1-13.1 700 / 312 25200 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 1.85 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Lime Lake-Elton 22.002-1-29.1 700 / 720 221000 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 103.4 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Lime Lake-Elton 22.002-1-29.4 700 / 314 6200 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 0.85 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Delevan-Elton 22.002-1-31.1 700 / 720 56600 900000 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9758 0 / 0 12.35 400000 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Delevan-Elton 22.002-1-4 700 / 720 197600 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 57.6 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Co Rd 73 22.002-1-7 700 / 720 117000 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 46.25 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Delevan-Elton 22.002-1-3.1 700 / 720 84600 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 28 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Co Rd 73 13.004-1-18.1 700 / 322 42300 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 16.94 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Co Rd 73 13.004-1-18.3 700 / 720 86800 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 30 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Lime Lake-Elton 22.002-1-13.1 700 / 312 25200 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 1.85 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Lime Lake-Elton 22.002-1-29.1 700 / 720 221000 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 103.4 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Lime Lake-Elton 22.002-1-29.4 700 / 314 6200 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 200 / 185.2 0 0 No
FRE 6/29/2023 Lafarge North America Delevan-Elton 22.002-1-31.1 700 / 720 56600 1 9
44200 6/29/2023 GS Aggregates LLC  20230 / 9759 0 / 0 12.35 0 No
GRE 4/2/2023 Great Valley United Methodist Church 5063 Us Rte 219 65.013-1-11 600 / 620 76400 1 1
44400 6/2/2023 Great Valley Community Church, Inc. 20230 / 8675 244.3 / 109 0.61 0 No
GRE 6/7/2023 Pawlowski Joseph 4541 Us Rte 219 65.003-1-33 210 / 210 130900 1 2
44400 6/8/2023 Pawlowski Beatrice L. 20230 / 8844 0 / 0 4.7 0 No
GRE 6/7/2023 Pawlowski Joseph Us Rte 219 65.003-1-35.3 210 / 314 4600 1 2
44400 6/8/2023 Pawlowski Beatrice L. 20230 / 8844 0 / 0 2.1 0 No
GRE 5/8/2023 Krause Douglas Hardscrabble Rd (Off) 73.004-1-41.3 311 / 910 19900 30000 2
44400 6/9/2023 Perkins Mark 20230 / 8944 0 / 0 19.85 0 No
GRE 5/8/2023 Krause Douglas Halsaver 73.004-1-42.1 311 / 322 34000 30000 2
44400 6/9/2023 Perkins Mark 20230 / 8944 0 / 0 42.22 0 Yes
GRE 5/23/2023 Slocum Paul Halsaver 73.004-1-42.4 311 / 322 34600 12000 2
44400 6/9/2023 Perkins Mark 20230 / 8945 0 / 0 20.03 0 Yes
GRE 5/23/2023 Slocum Paul Halsaver 73.004-1-42.10 311 / 311 21100 12000 2
44400 6/9/2023 Perkins Mark 20230 / 8945 0 / 0 2.4 0 No
GRE 6/14/2023 Filipowicz Robert 5072 Raecher 65.004-1-6.2 210 / 210 109000 365000 1
44400 6/19/2023 Sturm Ellen B. 20230 / 9362 0 / 0 44.8 0 No
GRE 5/25/2023 French Gary D302 Snowpine Village 5915 56.003-1-33.2/14 411 / 411 96025 0 1
44400 6/23/2023 Gary E. French Living Trust  20230 / 9464 0 / 0 0.01 0 No
GRE 6/21/2023 Reger Mary C. 4902 Klawitter 65.003-1-43.4 210 / 210 69100 1 1
44400 6/26/2023 Eddy Tamara M. 20230 / 9565 150 / 125 0.43 0 No
GRE 6/30/2023 Doty David 3835 Kill Buck 73.074-1-32 210 / 210 36800 0 1
44400 6/30/2023 Doty David R. 20230 / 9764 205 / 125 0.59 0 No
HIN 5/31/2023 Piganelli Brenda 506 Nys Rte 446 68.004-2-11.2 210 / 270 19200 25000 1
44600 6/2/2023 Auman Michael P. 20230 / 8651 0 / 0 1.24 0 No
HIN 5/1/2023 Sanzo Beverage Co Inc 3165 Nys Rte 16 85.012-1-39.1 400 / 446 871200 1 1
44600 6/7/2023 Sanzo Beverage Company  20230 / 8820 0 / 0 6.46 0 No
HIN 5/22/2023 Sanzo Beverage Co Inc 3165 Nys Rte 16 85.012-1-39.1 400 / 446 871200 1500000 2
44600 6/7/2023 3165 Route 16 N LLC  20230 / 8823 0 / 0 6.46 0 No
HIN 5/22/2023 Sanzo Beverage Co Inc 3165 Nys Rte 16 85.012-1-39.1/3 400 / 446 1200000 1500000 2
44600 6/7/2023 3165 Route 16 N LLC  20230 / 8823 690 / 0 0 0 No
HIN 5/10/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS Underwood 77.001-1-39.2 300 / 322 16200 2923 1
44600 6/12/2023 Union Concrete and Construction Corp. 20230 / 8993 470 / 0 16.9 0 No
HIN 5/23/2023 Nowak, III Lee J. Sherlock Hollow 77.003-2-64.1 311 / 323 28300 76900 1
44600 6/14/2023 Golas Kerry 20230 / 9110 0 / 0 35.65 0 No
HIN 6/13/2023 Veihdeffer Albert 3493 Ford Miles 86.002-2-29.2 210 / 260 25000 1 1
44600 6/19/2023 Veihdeffer Albert 20230 / 9346 0 / 0 3.15 0 No
HIN 6/16/2023 DUTTON WAYNE 3815 Main 77.013-3-36 210 / 210 32500 1 1
44600 6/21/2023 DUTTON THOMAS W. 20230 / 9412 81.51 / 248.86 0 0 No
HIN 6/10/2023 McDonald, a/k/a Mc Donald Thomas A., Degroff 85.002-2-4.3 210 / 270 20000 1 1
44600 6/26/2023 McDonald Thomas M. 20230 / 9527 680 / 0 22.03 0 No
HIN 6/16/2023 Cassandra J. Eckert, as Executrix of the Est 3113 Union Valley 85.002-2-19 200 / 280 98500 1 1
44600 6/26/2023 Eckert Cassandra J. 20230 / 9538 260 / 0 1.1 0 No
HUM 5/9/2023 Allen Andrew N. Putnam 66.001-1-44 300 / 323 22800 15000 1
44800 6/1/2023 Buy Great Land, LLC  20230 / 8663 0 / 0 24.25 0 No
HUM 5/12/2023 Gracon, as Executor Cindy 5375 Cooper Hill 67.001-1-3.7 311 / 322 19600 1 1
44800 6/8/2023 Gracon; Krypel Cindy; Greg 20230 / 8868 0 / 0 18.3 0 No
HUM 6/9/2023 Dytschkowskyj Michael Five Mile 75.002-1-10.4 311 / 322 20500 25000 1
44800 6/12/2023 Cottone Annette 20230 / 9014 313.8 / 0 17.55 0 No
HUM 5/26/2023 Wozniak James 4618 Pumpkin Hollow Rd (Off) 75.001-1-11 210 / 260 228000 246000 1
44800 6/12/2023 Bugman Richard 20230 / 9017 0 / 0 15.08 0 Yes
HUM 6/16/2023 Flagg Derrick 3691 Bozard Hill 66.002-1-7.5 210 / 270 40000 33000 1
44800 6/19/2023 Burrell Austin 20230 / 9330 0 / 0 1.7 0 No
HUM 6/15/2023 Cobado Kent Five Mile 76.001-1-7 311 / 322 10000 68000 1
44800 6/22/2023 Gaskill Family Revocable Trust 20230 / 9436 0 / 0 40 0 No
HUM 6/28/2023 Cobado Kent 4544 Five Mile 76.001-1-6.1 311 / 280 240000 7500 1
44800 6/30/2023 Bouton Jeremy M. 20230 / 9773 0 / 0 6.79 0 Yes
HUM 6/28/2023 Bouton Jeremy 4544 Five Mile 76.001-1-6.1 311 / 280 240000 1 2
44800 6/30/2023 Bouton Jeremy M. 20230 / 9774 0 / 0 6.79 0 Yes
HUM 6/28/2023 Bouton Jeremy Off of Five Mile 76.001-1-6.5 311 / 322 9200 1 2
44800 6/30/2023 Bouton Jeremy M. 20230 / 9774 0 / 0 14.21 0 No
ISC 5/10/2023 Rebon Charles 5248 Burt Hill 68.002-2-6.6 300 / 323 46000 102500 1
45000 6/2/2023 Zajac Frank 20230 / 8695 0 / 0 80.14 0 No
ISC 5/2/2023 Dudkowski Charlotte Nys Rte 16 (Off) 58.004-1-2.2 300 / 314 5800 1 2
45000 6/5/2023 Dudkowski Eric J. 20230 / 8735 0 / 0 1.94 0 No
ISC 5/31/2023 Estate of Weishaar, Jack a/k/a Weishaar, Jack Yankee Rd (Off) 59.003-1-14 300 / 260 61500 40000 3
45000 6/28/2023 Weishaar Wayne D 20230 / 9689 0 / 0 4.94 0 No
ISC 5/31/2023 Estate of Weishaar, Jack a/k/a Weishaar, Jack Yankee 59.003-1-23 300 / 314 2400 40000 3
45000 6/28/2023 Weishaar Wayne D 20230 / 9689 125 / 108.2 0 0 No
ISC 5/31/2023 Estate of Weishaar, Jack a/k/a Weishaar, Jack Yankee Rd (Off) 59.003-1-13.2 300 / 314 5400 40000 3
45000 6/28/2023 Weishaar Wayne D 20230 / 9689 276.85 / 232.69 0 0 No
ISC 6/6/2023 Ostrum Timothy R. 5521 Union Valley 59.004-1-6.1 210 / 280 51600 1 1
45000 6/29/2023 Ostrum David A. 20230 / 9712 0 / 0 21.35 0 No
LEO 5/22/2023 Ebel John 6576 Riga 42.004-2-24 311 / 322 31600 30000 1
45200 6/5/2023 Miller Dan J. 20230 / 8691 0 / 0 29.4 0 No
LEO 5/19/2023 Mazauski Stephen J 11032 Eldredge 52.002-1-25 210 / 210 60000 0 1
45200 6/6/2023 S. J. Mazauski Family Trust I 20230 / 8742 0 / 0 8.04 0 No
LEO 6/15/2023 MILLER Henry E. Dredge 33.004-1-6 100 / 105 32500 80000 1
45200 6/26/2023 WENGERD Andy J. 20230 / 9571 2225 / 0 53.99 0 No
LIT 6/9/2023 Case Dave Bucktooth Run 63.003-1-20 300 / 322 26600 100000 1
45489 6/12/2023 Knose Gregory 20230 / 8998 0 / 0 54.55 0 No
LYN 5/24/2023 Hubbard Gary C. 1131 Abbott 59.001-1-22.3 210 / 260 85500 180000 1
45600 6/12/2023 Vecchio Frank J. 20230 / 8994 0 / 0 4.77 0 No
LYN 5/31/2023 Lembicz Michael N Slab City 50.003-2-12.1 300 / 322 42100 1 1
45600 6/12/2023 Lembicz Michael N. 20230 / 9019 0 / 0 32.6 0 No
LYN 5/31/2023 Lembicz Michael N 1081 Slab City 50.003-2-12.5 210 / 210 106000 1 1
45600 6/12/2023 Lembicz Michael N. 20230 / 9020 0 / 0 5.4 0 No
LYN 5/22/2023 Previty John 837 Palmer 41.004-1-18.2 311 / 314 13700 28250 1
45600 6/21/2023 Curtin Daniel 20230 / 9399 320 / 0 4.78 0 No
MAC 5/19/2023 AMELIA L. THOMSON indiv and as surviving spo 267 Broad Bay 21.068-2-17 210 / 210 229200 1 1
45800 6/1/2023 THOMSON WILLIAM J. 20230 / 8637 50 / 158 0 0 No
MAC 3/16/2023 Lingle Herbert 3427 Franklin 21.020-4-23 210 / 270 46000 8280 1
45800 6/2/2023 NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage 20230 / 8642 90 / 78 0 0 No
MAC 6/9/2023 King Paul 46 Sunset 21.060-1-4 210 / 271 20000 31000 1
45800 6/12/2023 Hesterly Alexander 20230 / 8958 285 / 200 0 0 No
MAC 6/14/2023 Schenk Erich 3604 Roszyk Hill 21.004-1-29 210 / 210 127900 127900 1
45800 6/14/2023 Blankenberg Bryan R. 20230 / 9152 122 / 130 0 0 No
MAC 6/14/2023 Maltby Kody M. 8752 NYS Rte 16 31.003-1-3.4 210 / 210 110800 150000 1
45800 6/15/2023 Huber Daniel Montgomery 20230 / 9216 0 / 0 1.55 0 No
MAC 6/7/2023 King Paul 8778-8784 Reynolds 31.003-1-4.5 200 / 271 60400 1 1
45800 6/20/2023 Herman Amber 20230 / 9371 0 / 0 2.7 0 No
MAC 6/9/2023 Holer Marie Sunset Hill 39.001-1-1.3 311 / 322 76600 630000 7
45800 6/20/2023 Farm East LLC  20230 / 9397 0 / 0 101.45 0 No
MAC 6/1/2023 Higgins Bernadette 3042 Breeze Rd S 22.013-3-9 210 / 210 96100 53743 1
45800 6/20/2023 Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSA 20230 / 9398 200 / 150 0 0 No
MAC 6/22/2023 Kaczorowski Amy 9785 Marble 22.003-1-6 210 / 210 175900 160000 1
45800 6/22/2023 Dzierzanowski Jeffrey J. 20230 / 9443 0 / 0 4.92 0 No
MAC 6/18/2023 Myers Ronald Pond 22.013-1-49 210 / 312 11800 0 2
45800 6/26/2023 Myers Ronald 20230 / 9513 112 / 75 0 0 No
MAC 6/18/2023 Myers Ronald 9921 Pond 22.013-1-50 210 / 210 69300 0 2
45800 6/26/2023 Myers Ronald 20230 / 9513 120 / 75 0 0 No
MAC 6/18/2023 Myers Ronald Pond 22.013-1-49 210 / 312 11800 0 2
45800 6/26/2023 Myers Ronald & Starr 20230 / 9514 112 / 75 0 0 No
MAC 6/18/2023 Myers Ronald 9921 Pond 22.013-1-50 210 / 210 69300 0 2
45800 6/26/2023 Myers Ronald & Starr 20230 / 9514 120 / 75 0 0 No
MAC 6/28/2023 SKELLEN RANDY R. 9603 Main 21.020-4-18 210 / 210 89800 190000 1
45800 6/28/2023 WICKETT JORDAN L. 20230 / 9686 82.5 / 173 0 0 No
MAC 6/29/2023 NewRez, LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage 3427 Franklin 21.020-4-23 210 / 270 46000 10000 1
45800 6/29/2023 Capital Region Preferred Properties LLC 20230 / 9739 90 / 78 0 0 No
MAC 6/30/2023 Slomba Nancy Riceville 21.003-1-6.2 311 / 322 37700 40000 1
45800 6/30/2023 Kasprzak, Lindsay Kasprzak, Nicholas 20230 / 9807 0 / 0 19.45 0 No
MAN 5/27/2023 Heeb Jeffrey A. 7324 Mountain Gate 46.003-1-8.7 210 / 210 258900 1 1
46000 6/2/2023 Heeb Gregory A. 20230 / 8648 0 / 0 3.65 0 No
MAN 6/1/2023 Mayer John A. 7944 Bailey Hill 37.003-1-11 210 / 210 400800 660000 1
46000 6/2/2023 Tierney John Gallagher 20230 / 8658 0 / 0 12.65 0 No
MAN 6/2/2023 Horton Shawn J. Jersey Hollow 45.001-2-4.4 210 / 270 88600 1 1
46000 6/2/2023 Horton Shawn J. 20230 / 8671 0 / 0 45.05 0 No
MAN 6/12/2023 Kevin James Properties, LLC 6315 Moranda 55.001-2-29.30 210 / 210 747500 890000 1
46000 6/20/2023 Pulli Anthony 20230 / 9375 0 / 0 1.5 0 No
NAP 5/5/2023 LeBarron Michael R. Jr. 10756 Chapple-Stoughton 61.002-2-8 300 / 314 18700 2500 1
46200 6/1/2023 Gerlach, Robert Gerlach, Julie 20230 / 8631 0 / 0 4.86 0 No
NAP 5/15/2023 Johnson Larry 10926 Pigeon Valley 61.002-2-1.4 210 / 270 110800 1 2
46200 6/5/2023 Raber John D. 20230 / 8717 0 / 0 2.3 0 No
NAP 5/15/2023 Johnson Larry 10924 Pigeon Valley 61.002-2-1.8 210 / 311 6800 1 2
46200 6/5/2023 Raber John D. 20230 / 8717 75 / 130 0 0 No
NAP 6/16/2023 Sanford Benjamin J. Manley Hill 62.003-1-36.1 311 / 322 64700 1000 1
46200 6/16/2023 Sanford Tamara 20230 / 9243 0 / 0 33.5 0 No
NAP 6/15/2023 AUGER, KIMBERLY f/k/a WALTERS, KIMBERLY 4621 Allegany 62.003-1-43.2 300 / 312 25000 1 1
46200 6/20/2023 WALTERS MARY KATHERINE 20230 / 9381 320 / 150 1.1 0 No
NAP 12/2/2022 Lonnie Van Dewark & Shawn Van Dewark, trustees 10488 Earl Seaton 71.001-3-9 210 / 210 116100 0 2
46200 6/26/2023 VanDerwark Shawn E. 20230 / 9566 115 / 125 0 0 Yes
NAP 12/2/2022 Lonnie Van Dewark & Shawn Van Dewark, trustees 4198 Tyler Whitmore 71.001-3-8.4 210 / 240 144000 0 2
46200 6/26/2023 VanDerwark Shawn E. 20230 / 9566 115 / 150 0 0 Yes
NAP 6/29/2023 Smith, Donna M. Individually 9591 Bucktooth Run 62.004-1-19.14 210 / 240 202000 1 1
46200 6/29/2023 Smith, Renee M Bauer, Michelle L 20230 / 9746 0 / 0 21.8 0 No
NEW 6/2/2023 Lima Paula 46 Leavenworth 35.073-1-12 210 / 210 35000 82500 1
46401 6/2/2023 Halte Joseph E. 20230 / 8656 38.6 / 310 0 0 No
NEW 5/15/2023 Schwartz David 9214 New Albion 54.001-1-24 210 / 240 59000 60000 1
46489 6/2/2023 Gross Max L. 20230 / 8674 0 / 0 56.73 0 No
NEW 6/5/2023 PARMENTER EARL L. 9157 New Albion 54.001-1-21 210 / 240 121500 0 1
46489 6/8/2023 PARMENTER DEBRA 20230 / 8865 0 / 0 27.27 0 No
NEW 6/29/2023 PACY ROSEANN 29 South 35.081-3-19 210 / 210 48000 129000 1
46401 6/30/2023 SMITH DAVID A. 20230 / 9797 66 / 132 0 0 No
NEW 6/29/2023 Erhart Roger 7394 Lovers Lane 44.002-3-22 210 / 270 48000 160000 1
46489 6/30/2023 Dake Russell Allen 20230 / 9804 193 / 209 0 0 No
NEW 6/29/2023 Waite Robert F. & Laurie J 136 Main 35.081-4-19 210 / 210 32200 78000 1
46401 6/30/2023 Tebo Leah L. 20230 / 9808 66 / 132 0 0 No
OLE 6/2/2023 Mac & Sandra Trust dated July 21, 2020 2087 Dugan 94.002-1-40.19 210 / 240 205700 265000 1
46600 6/5/2023 Dove Robert D. 20230 / 8703 759.4 / 0 34.75 0 No
OLE 5/30/2023 Lindstrom Stephen & Laurie 2410 Route 16 N 94.002-1-7.2 210 / 210 70000 1 1
46600 6/5/2023 Lindstrom (Life Tenants) Stephen & Laurie 20230 / 8728 0 / 0 5 0 No
OLE 6/2/2023 Scott Gordon Nys Rte 16 N 85.019-1-60.5 400 / 312 68000 250000 1
46600 6/7/2023 Big Dawg Properties of WNY LLC 20230 / 8792 0 / 0 3.55 0 No
OLE 6/12/2023 Waugh Shelly E. Barnside 94.002-1-45.7 210 / 210 140000 321022 1
46600 6/14/2023 Hendrix Kathleen 20230 / 9108 0 / 0 4.45 0 No
OLE 6/1/2023 Rybicki Raymond 1739 Windfall 94.002-1-58.2 411 / 484 36200 0 2
46600 6/14/2023 Rybicki Donalyn A. 20230 / 9141 0 / 0 1.58 0 No
OLE 6/1/2023 Rybicki Raymond 2245 Dugan 94.002-1-40.15 411 / 411 60500 0 2
46600 6/14/2023 Rybicki Donalyn A. 20230 / 9141 0 / 0 1.25 0 No
OLE 5/25/2023 Carlson Jimmie 1537 NYS Rte 417 94.020-1-51 210 / 210 141550 1 1
46600 6/14/2023 Carlson Jimmie 20230 / 9154 0 / 0 40.5 0 No
OLE 6/7/2023 Dunn, James, Estate of 1570 E River 103.002-2-36 210 / 210 45000 65000 1
46600 6/14/2023 Snover Teena M. 20230 / 9165 100 / 400 0 0 No
OLE 6/15/2023 Lorenz Jack 1796 Cherry 94.068-1-36 210 / 210 51800 80000 1
46600 6/16/2023 Burt Laura 20230 / 9245 84 / 130 0 0 No
OLE 6/23/2023 Merlin J. Mosher Estate Katie E. Ralston, Ex 2063 Hillcrest 94.002-2-38 210 / 210 98700 195000 1
46600 6/26/2023 Simon Alexander 20230 / 9557 100 / 185 0 0 No
OTT 5/30/2023 Leggett Joseph 10198/99 N Otto 18.001-1-21 210 / 280 297100 1 1
46800 6/2/2023 Yaksich 2023 Revocable Trust  20230 / 8683 0 / 0 175.7 0 No
OTT 5/1/2023 Church Mark Otto-E Otto 27.003-1-21.2 210 / 312 30200 1 3
46800 6/8/2023 Church, Mark & Annette Dickinson, Kimberly 20230 / 8841 0 / 0 4.1 0 No
OTT 6/9/2023 WIENK KRISTEN M. 9111 Otto-E Otto 36.009-1-24 400 / 450 50100 1 1
46800 6/12/2023 Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corporatio 20230 / 8964 52 / 75 0 0 No
OTT 6/14/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS 9119 Otto-E Otto 36.009-1-25 400 / 481 9400 1 1
46800 6/23/2023 Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corporatio 20230 / 9487 43 / 75 0 0 No
OTT 6/27/2023 Cybulski Timothy 9042 Otto-East Otto 36.001-1-45.1 210 / 240 134000 1 1
46800 6/30/2023 Cybulski Timothy D. 20230 / 9801 0 / 0 28.29 0 No
PER 6/9/2023 ESTATE OF JAMES F. SMITH a/k/a JAMES SMITH 10607 Maltbie 8.082-2-4 210 / 210 51400 132500 1
47000 6/13/2023 COMELLO JACOB 20230 / 9043 130 / 138 0 0 No
PER 6/14/2023 VARNEY LAVERN A. ESTATE OF 12331 Planck 7.002-1-44 210 / 323 16300 20000 1
47000 6/14/2023 STEUERNAGEL HENRY A. 20230 / 9116 0 / 0 10.9 0 No
PER 5/17/2023 Holewinski Christopher 10160 Point Peter 16.002-4-10 210 / 210 86000 185000 1
47289 6/7/2023 MacDonald Kyle 20230 / 8776 248 / 125 0 0 No
PER 5/25/2023 MCNAUGHTON JESSICA 63 Center 8.075-4-4 210 / 210 89500 1 1
47201 6/9/2023 MCNAUGHTON JESSICA A. 20230 / 8893 74.6 / 137 0 0 No
PER 6/14/2023 HARRINGTON, MARTHA A/K/A HARRINGTON, MARTHA C 135 Johnson 16.027-1-41 210 / 210 57400 161000 1
47201 6/14/2023 VREELAND CODY J. 20230 / 9160 41 / 421 0 0 No
PER 6/15/2023 Wegner Christopher R. 9644 Point Peter 17.003-1-16 210 / 270 36000 44000 1
47289 6/15/2023 Breedlove Austin D. 20230 / 9201 0 / 0 1.74 0 No
PER 6/23/2023 Chmiel Brandi D. 10235 Broadway 16.002-3-14 210 / 210 56000 1 1
47289 6/26/2023 Chmiel Brandi D. 20230 / 9569 150.6 / 0 1.35 0 No
PER 6/23/2023 Chmiel Frances & Brandi D 10235 Broadway 16.002-3-14 210 / 210 56000 98000 1
47289 6/26/2023 Chmiel, Jr. Dennis J. 20230 / 9570 150.6 / 0 1.35 0 No
PER 6/27/2023 KASPEREK, CHERYL A. f/k/a WOODS, CHERYL A. 141 Aldrich 8.075-2-40 210 / 210 46000 1 1
47201 6/30/2023 FLEMING SARAH A. 20230 / 9800 49 / 145.4 0 0 No
POR 5/16/2023 Greene Bruce 326 Pleasant Acres 113.008-1-38 210 / 210 143100 1 1
47489 6/14/2023 Grantier, Shelly A. Grantier, Terry V. 20230 / 9144 125 / 563 0 0 No
POR 6/6/2023 Carr Michael 1721 Happy Hollow 95.017-1-21 210 / 210 133000 1 1
47489 6/15/2023 Carr Family Rev. Trust 20230 / 9224 200 / 180 0 0 No
POR 6/16/2023 Hendryx Joshua G. 507 Whitehouse 104.074-2-10 210 / 210 72100 122000 1
47489 6/16/2023 Sisti Joshua M. 20230 / 9320 190 / 197 0 0 No
POR 6/28/2023 Fie Richard William 109 Brooklyn 104.058-1-32 210 / 210 47900 27500 1
47401 6/30/2023 Karnuth Sarah 20230 / 9766 56 / 170 0 0 No
RAN 6/1/2023 Willsie Thad C. & Peggy S. 197 Main 70.071-6-2 210 / 210 68700 84500 1
47600 6/6/2023 Syper Jonathan 20230 / 8752 61.38 / 195 0 0 No
RAN 6/8/2023 NAGLE TRAVIS 1 Torrence 70.070-1-34 210 / 210 94200 245000 3
47600 6/9/2023 Nagle Timothy 20230 / 8926 0 / 0 3.05 0 No
RAN 6/8/2023 NAGLE TRAVIS Torrence 70.078-1-5.7 210 / 220 68400 245000 3
47600 6/9/2023 Nagle Timothy 20230 / 8926 0 / 0 2.05 0 No
RAN 6/8/2023 NAGLE TRAVIS Messenger 70.078-1-6.1 210 / 312 48100 245000 3
47600 6/9/2023 Nagle Timothy 20230 / 8926 0 / 0 58.65 0 No
RAN 6/9/2023 Wadsworth - Wendy K. ESTATE 2970 Coldspring 79.002-1-15 210 / 210 49700 117000 1
47600 6/9/2023 Ghent Martha E. 20230 / 8937 245 / 220 1.23 0 No
RED 4/27/2023 Foreman Sheila A 2030 Bay State 90.001-1-38.1 311 / 312 14200 0 1
47800 6/23/2023 Foreman Derek 20230 / 9469 0 / 0 2.8 0 No
SAL 6/27/2023 Estate of Joseph A. Oliverio 26 Forest 72.004-1-27.2 210 / 210 40000 90000 1
48000 6/30/2023 Wilson Cindy L. 20230 / 9822 113 / 180 0 0 No
SOU 6/1/2023 Ventry Robert L. Gurnsey Hollow 105.002-1-13.3 210 / 270 20600 1 1
48200 6/1/2023 Ventry Robert L. 20230 / 8623 0 / 0 2.35 0 No
SOU 5/24/2023 Blodgett Michael Sawmill Run 97.003-1-3 210 / 210 24900 1382 1
48200 6/12/2023 Blodgett Michael J. 20230 / 8992 0 / 0 1.02 0 No
SOU 5/30/2023 Arndt Terry T Bone Run 96.002-1-33 210 / 910 32200 0 2
48200 6/16/2023 T&D Arndt Family Trust  20230 / 9284 0 / 0 40.88 0 No
SOU 5/30/2023 Arndt Terry T 12800 Bone Run 96.002-1-34.1 210 / 210 80700 0 2
48200 6/16/2023 T&D Arndt Family Trust  20230 / 9284 0 / 0 9 0 No
SOU 6/2/2023 Bartlebaugh Lyle D. Pierce Run 97.002-1-10.4 311 / 312 24900 1 1
48200 6/16/2023 Bartlebaugh Family Irrev. Trust dated 06/02/20 20230 / 9303 0 / 0 1.35 0 No
SOU 5/10/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS 842 Burch 97.003-1-14 210 / 240 42400 4022 1
48200 6/23/2023 Schneider Mark A. 20230 / 9481 250 / 183 0 0 No
YOR 4/10/2023 Giboo Ann Marie 10300 Pleasant Valley 21.001-1-17 210 / 311 3000 1 3
48489 6/2/2023 Giboo Ann Marie 20230 / 8653 200 / 183.7 0 0 No
YOR 4/10/2023 Giboo Ann Marie 10286 Pleasant Valley 21.001-1-18 210 / 210 17623 1 3
48489 6/2/2023 Giboo Ann Marie 20230 / 8653 208.7 / 183.7 0 0 No
YOR 4/10/2023 Giboo Ann Marie Pleasant Valley 21.001-1-15.5 210 / 310 1200 1 3
48489 6/2/2023 Giboo Ann Marie 20230 / 8653 0 / 0 3.15 0 No
YOR 6/2/2023 Perkins Janice 110 Main 13.045-1-24 210 / 210 14100 1 1
48401 6/5/2023 Perkins Janice M 20230 / 8700 0 / 0 3.33 0 No
YOR 6/5/2023 Wulff Robert-Barbara Old Olean 5.009-2-2 311 / 312 3600 1 1
48489 6/6/2023 Wulff Lynnette 20230 / 8769 0 / 0 1.9 0 No
YOR 5/22/2023 Schutze Robin 11624 Bolton 3.004-1-14.3 210 / 270 12324 150000 1
48489 6/8/2023 Baker David J. 20230 / 8866 0 / 0 4.8 0 No
YOR 6/9/2023 Diaz Mark 11 South 13.045-1-18.3 210 / 210 9585 1 1
48401 6/9/2023 Diaz Nicholas 20230 / 8929 190 / 157 0 0 No
YOR 6/14/2023 Tingue Gene C 3381 Neamon 12.004-2-21 311 / 312 2075 46500 1
48489 6/16/2023 Miller Gerald 20230 / 9322 0 / 0 5.06 0 No
YOR 6/5/2023 Hoffman John Cagwin 13.003-1-32.2 300 / 322 2200 1 1
48489 6/20/2023 Holyoak Mackenzie 20230 / 9378 41 / 159 0 0 Yes
YOR 6/20/2023 Shick Helen L. 15 Main 12.036-4-10 200 / 220 14560 120000 1
48401 6/21/2023 Previty Ronald A., Sr. 20230 / 9421 0 / 0 1.22 0 No
YOR 6/14/2023 COUNTY OF CATTARAUGUS 10768 McKinstry 12.004-1-5.7 210 / 210 14440 1 1
48489 6/23/2023 Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corporatio 20230 / 9484 0 / 0 1.85 0 No
YOR 5/19/2023 Eastland Gene 10645 Eastland 12.004-1-19.1 210 / 240 25988 1 1
48489 6/29/2023 Bossinger Jeffrey E. 20230 / 9754 0 / 0 11.37 0 Yes
Information on this website is provided as an informal convenience and is not meant to be relied upon without verification. Please be sure to verify the information with appropriate agencies before acting upon it.  It is possible that in the process of transferring the information to the website errors may occur.