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Survey widget

The Survey widget integrates with ArcGIS Survey123 and allows you to create a survey or use an existing survey in the widget. Use the Survey widget to collect feedback or general data from end users. When you include a survey in your app, you can collect data from users by asking questions. Depending on the question type, the answer to each question is stored as an attribute, geometry, or attachment for a feature in the underlying feature layer. If you connect the Survey widget to a map that contains a layer or layer view of the survey data, users can click a feature on the map to edit or view the data via the survey.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to collect general user feedback for a project.
  • You want to collect feedback from the community about a city park and store the survey results in a table related to the parks feature layer.
  • You want to collect ratings and suggestions from the public for hiking trails around the city.
  • You have a survey of tree hazards and want field workers to be able to select a feature on the map to display corresponding survey responses in the Survey widget so they can view the data or edit values to submit updates to the survey layer.

Usage notes

When you add a Survey widget to the page, you can create a survey using the integrated survey designer or by connecting to one of your existing surveys. Once you create a survey or select an existing survey, additional widget configuration settings allow you to change its appearance and send data from the app to the survey. For example, you can send data from a map in your app to the survey by connecting feature attributes or geometry in the feature layer to questions in the survey. All data collected by the survey in your app is stored in the survey’s underlying feature layer.

The survey content adjusts to fit the width of the widget, which you can resize on the canvas. You can configure the widget to ignore a survey’s theme if it doesn’t fit your app design.


The Survey widget includes the following settings:

  • Select the survey
    • Create new survey—Create a survey to populate the widget in your app. Provide a name, tags, and a summary and click Create. A new survey is created in your content and a survey designer window opens. For help designing the survey, see Create and publish a survey in the Survey123 help.
    • Select existing survey—If you’ve already created a survey, select it from the list. If you're an administrator, you can also select surveys created by members of your organization. To make changes to the survey, click Edit survey to open the survey designer. If the survey for this widget was created with Survey123 Connect, you cannot edit content for survey questions in the designer.
  • Appearance—Show additional layout elements from the survey to fit the context of your app. For example, you can include the survey header, description, and footer or turn on its theme to use the colors and background images from the survey. (By default, the widget displays the survey content without its theme so it doesn’t conflict with the theme of your app.)
  • Mode—Specify if users can submit new survey responses or edit or view existing records. To add new survey responses, you can optionally configure it to populate some survey questions with data from a feature selected on a map. To allow editing or viewing existing records, you must select the Map widget that contains the survey layer or layer view.

    Edit and view modes only support surveys created with Survey123 version 3.9 and later.

    • Submit a new record—Allow users to create new records by submitting survey responses.
      • Send data to this survey—Instead of users manually inputting an answer, a survey question can be completed using the geometry or an attribute of a feature in a map widget (such as the selected feature in a map). For example, when a user selects a park on the map, send the object ID of the selected park to a hidden Park ID question in the survey, so you can associate the user's comment with the specific feature in the park layer. Add multiple connections if you want to pass multiple attributes to the survey.
    • Edit an existing record—Allow users to edit existing data by selecting a feature on the map and modifying corresponding values in the survey, then submitting updates back to the feature.
    • View an existing record—Allow users to view existing data in read-only mode by selecting a feature in the map to display corresponding values in the survey.